1) Weekend sale tents at ORION MALL! Good to see this. Gives folks good opportunity to eat some different kind of snacks as well as swing good discounts at sale. I stay away from such events as crowd (seeing more than 10 people is an irritant /allergy to me)!
2) ahahahahhahahh!! Radhu renewed Economist subscription for my access. Economist, HBR, WSJ every person must read to keep themselves up to speed on current affairs! If you ask me one regret(!!) is never to have had access to these until 15 years back when I was in to my 30s!!! I would add "THE HINDU" to that list from local perspective. Rest of anything Indian is just pure JUNK!
One thing I was very lucky in my corporate career 27 years except for the last shitty job of 5 months was to engage in awesome meetings, on agenda, focus and ending on time. I can't recollect meetings ran over time, purposeless rants or rescheduled without very valid reasons (boy that 5 months hahahah awful is an understatement) I wrote a blog on my HSE site on Meeting without eating is nothing but cheating! I am glad WSJ's Sue Shellenbarger touches on this in her column on repeated changing of meeting schedule. Infact in my 5 years consulting, so far this is only one aspect irks me and blows my top !!
As a Global traveller who was always fussy about checked baggage!(I can say with pride, I never checked bags,except 2006-2008 one bag policy by British Airways & I blacklisted Emirates,as Buggers forced me check baggage at Geneva! (UK Visa expired and was in renewal) never travelled again and of course stupid #Indigo staff at B-C City airports make nuisance of themselves, saying policy) this topic of Luggage Audit resonates a lot. I could have been even a better traveller,if I had known this!!
hahahhahhahah! Wonder how many women have all the Saree's! If not,let them start pestering their husbands to get all!! hahahh!!! சாவுங்கடா!! நாட்டுல ஒரு புருஷனும் நிம்மதியாக இருக்க கூடாது! நம்மால ஆனா நாரதர் வேலை! hahhahah! I sent this to Lalitha, she laughs and lists 2-3 names of ladies in her circle, who would start the hunt!! அடிப்பாவி பொம்பளைகளா !!!
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சில்க் புடவை இந்தியா முழுவதும் |
I received Whatsapp video yesterday of Couple at Ryan Air flight Manchester to Ibiza engaged in Romp and fellow passenger videograph it! I wonder where passenger behaviour going? Off late passenger behaviour across the world going bersek crossing all limits of civility, common sense! The dress down is also pathetic to say the least!! hmmm! I hope Nude walk to airplane seat does not happen, at least not when I am alive! Who cares What the F*** happens to world after I am gone!! As my late grandfather famous phrase "நாசமா போங்கடா" is what I would also wish!
Take it easy and take care, god bless
11/6/17 0845am.
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