Tuesday, June 13, 2017

RIP!! Ramesh Narayan!!


I am sad and shocked to hear from Anand who called from Oman last night about passing away of  Shri. "RAMESH NARAYAN" at Bangalore last week. Stunning was my first reaction.

Ramesh has been our family friend over the last 37 years from our Karaikudi days. He landed for schooling during 1979 and was Anand's classmate during his school and college days. The 6 years, 1979-1985, that I had interacted ( I moved to Bombay 1985) Ramesh didnt manage to utter a single word in Tamil and got on with life with English conversations (No one knew Hindi then) A jovial, happy go lucky guy was he back then. 

Ramesh leaves behind his family, besides his Mother and an Elder brother and an Elder sister who are very well known to me from those days. Ofcourse, as with time, you tend to drift away, and 30 years is a long time to let people adrift. Lalitha last met him in 2008 or so during our house construction time here at Malleswaram. 

May his Soul rest in peace,God bless his soul and pray for the family to bear this sudden irrepairable loss. 

13/6/17 0840am. 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Change meetings? Beware! Luggage Audit, நாரதர் வேலை! Romp at Airplane seat !!

1) Weekend sale tents at ORION MALL! Good to see this. Gives folks good opportunity to eat some different kind of snacks as well as swing good discounts at sale. I stay away from such events as crowd (seeing more than 10 people is an irritant /allergy to me)!

2) ahahahahhahahh!! Radhu renewed Economist subscription for my access. Economist, HBR, WSJ every person must read to keep themselves up to speed on current affairs! If you ask me one regret(!!) is never to have had access to these until 15 years back when I was in to my 30s!!! I would add "THE HINDU" to that list from local perspective. Rest of anything Indian is just pure JUNK! 

One thing I was very lucky in my corporate career 27 years except for the last shitty job of 5 months was to engage in awesome meetings, on agenda, focus and ending on time. I can't recollect meetings ran over time, purposeless rants or rescheduled without very valid reasons (boy that 5 months hahahah awful is an understatement)  I wrote a blog on my HSE site on Meeting without eating is nothing but cheating! I am glad WSJ's Sue Shellenbarger touches on this in her column on repeated changing of meeting schedule. Infact in my 5 years consulting, so far this is only one aspect irks me and blows my top !! 

As a Global traveller who was always fussy about checked baggage!(I can say with pride, I never checked bags,except 2006-2008 one bag policy by British Airways & I blacklisted Emirates,as Buggers forced me check baggage at Geneva! (UK Visa expired and was in renewal) never travelled again and of course stupid #Indigo staff at B-C City airports make nuisance of themselves, saying policy) this topic of Luggage Audit resonates a lot. I could have been even a better traveller,if I had known this!! 

hahahhahhahah! Wonder how many women have all the Saree's! If not,let them start pestering their husbands to get all!! hahahh!!! சாவுங்கடா!! நாட்டுல ஒரு புருஷனும் நிம்மதியாக இருக்க கூடாது! நம்மால ஆனா நாரதர் வேலை! hahhahah! I sent this to Lalitha, she laughs and lists 2-3 names of ladies in her circle, who would start the hunt!! அடிப்பாவி பொம்பளைகளா !!!
சில்க் புடவை இந்தியா முழுவதும் 

I received Whatsapp video yesterday of Couple at Ryan Air flight Manchester to Ibiza engaged in Romp and fellow passenger videograph it! I wonder where passenger behaviour going? Off late passenger behaviour across the world going bersek crossing all limits of civility, common sense! The dress down is also pathetic to say the least!! hmmm! I hope Nude walk to airplane seat does not happen, at least not when I am alive! Who cares What the F*** happens to world after I am gone!! As my late grandfather famous phrase "நாசமா போங்கடா" is what I would also wish! 
Take it easy and take care, god bless
11/6/17 0845am. 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Museum of Failure, Exoplanet 4500C Day temp, 6day war! Hiding in plain Sight!!!!

1) Lalitha and I were just stunned,A student who was scoring GPA 6 in math,approached Lalitha for coaching sessions and she took up the challenge to turn around.(usually she never takes for coaching below 8!!) The student travelled 90 min one way everyday without missing sessions in shitty Bangalore traffic. Indeed the student scored GPA a perfect 10th in CBSE exam. We were stunned  when the parents came home with the Silver portrait of Goddess Saraswathi (the knowledge wisdom custodian) as a parting memento.

2) hhhahhahahh!!HAHAHHAH! Lalitha and I coming back from our morning walk, were discussing about UK Politics, Corbyn and May etc. Lalitha was not aware that Theresa is forming minority coalition Govt with support of DUP which is northern Ireland party. When I mentioned that, her first reaction was "I hope there are No INDIAN MP (10#) buggers in that party,who would set bad example loot,plunder or our Indian folks go and corrupt their mind" as is case in every F*** (My insert ahhhahah) Indian coalitions !! While I have very poor opinion of anything Indian as a process and systems and especially very filthy and unprintable views on politicians. It was music to my ears  to hear Lalitha too having similar views!! hahahahhah!!! 

I am of the firm view that you learn much more from failure than things go well and won't know if it is due to fluke or your effort. The planning for potential failure before hand helps you to steer things when enemy is at the doorstep. So I am very happy to find that  museum of failure inaugurated at Stockholm this week. I must thank my managers even 25 years back who allowed to experiment the " F**** Try a lot and FAIL FAST" which helped to work with intelligent risk taking a trait which is getting extinct...... 

Exoplanet with a day side temperature of 4500 C found on Jupiter arena !! hahahahahhahhahhahahahhahahh!!! 
டேய் பொம்பளை கோபம் வந்தா, சூடு லச்சம் டிகிரி டா! நம்ம பொசிங்கிடுவோம் !!! இது என்ன பிஸ்கோத்து !!!! (This is nothing compared to an ANGRY WOMAN!)

This week marks 50th anniversary of Israeli 6 day war, which Israelis just decimated their Arab neighbours like swatting mosquito! While I was too young to remember the event, the legacy was still spoken around as I beginning to get to know things around. Israel was even then in awe and they sealed the Arab's fate in 1973 Yom Kippur, which I distinctly remember! 2 Women leader (Meir, Mrs Gandhi) fought 2 war and won massive win within 2 years of each other!!! Astonishing. Also Thatcher in 81 Falklands annihlated Argentina! Boy those were times!! 

While I don't remember 67 war, I distinctly remember the event the next year, where and when I heard it who told me ( I was then 4 year kid), That was the assassination of Robert F Kennedy this week 1968!! Shows how popular Kennedy's were half world away!! Interesting that Sirhan Bishara Sirhan (who was 23 then) is still denied parole even after 50 years and wont get a hearing until 2021!!!

 I recollect a joke, a guy was passing thro daily on a bike,international border and suspicious custom authorities checked and found nothing.They had inkling that guy is doing mischievous /illegal and cant figure out. So the officers when retired from service,asked him to be upfront, he admitted, I was daily smuggling a new BIKE and sold for profit across border. ahhahah! I am reminded of that!! READ THIS! I will keep you in suspense!! ehhehehehehhehehehhehehehehhehehehh!!!! 

I see list of 100 Rich Sportsmen fee, winning, endorsements etc, released this week. Not a single women! hmmmmm!! Also only one Cricketer at #89!!! Lot of catch up to do!!!

Take it easy, take care, stay safe.

PS: NBA Final Game #4, is NBA fixed always for 7 game climax!!! Wonder!! 

Friday, June 09, 2017

Shocker from UK Theresa May (NOT)!!


Never take voters for granted! That is a big message from UK elections! Talk of swing of 140 seats majority beating Thatcher and Blair have been dashed in UK! It now appears even a simple majority may elude. The body language of Theresa May in her victory speech was that of a loser and voice breaking and her statements incoherent! Theresa joins Hillary Clinton in spectacularly letting slip a golden opportunity to establish their own authority! 

So how did things go so wrong??
1) She took voters for granted thinking BREXIT is the only issue, issues on education, welfare, Housing were forgotten and never even brought to forefront.
2) As my UK friends told me, too much austerity, cutting police force by 20,000, health care spending etc, more so when UK was at his wealthiest time, My friends said that they cant remember ever UK doing so well and wealthy like present in the last 30 years.
3) Theresa May like MODI was a stupid Micro manager, never open and keeps her cabinet, Bureaucrats guessing. Her team like MODI is one of the most stupid. Many are now facing the route!!
4) People wanted course correction on BREXIT, They may want a softer Brexit which she never understood. 
5) If Thatcher lost ground due to Poll Tax in 90, Theresa's waterloo was Dementia Tax! Madness! Shows she is more stupid than Dumb Idiot Modi! 

This election also shows, Youth would swing elections and by god they did. They have voted massively coming out with vengeance in Support of Labor/Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn is personally a nice man, good guy, but poor leadership skills. The general opinion is that he would make a horrible Prime Minister!! But He said the right things on Health care, housing, education loan write off, free schooling, Mid day meal etc which resonated with voters. Some times being nice is a good way and you may finish ahead. See my tweets of NOV 2016. 

The election results also clearly indicate that any mid term /early elections are disaster as happened in 70s, no wonder Thatcher never attempted despite pressure to do so!! hahahah! I recollect Even Hajpayee got royally screwed!! 

Theresa May being the leader of Largest party may yet form a coallition and govern! But the authority is undermined or nothing exist! She is an emperor with no cothes! PERIOD! 

So this election shows people want governance, welfare, health care. Would stupid Modi and his brainless bastardoric goons focus to deliver employment, quality education, Health, Infrastructure, wealth creation or worry how to make cow Dung as food to be had or How much Circumcision length does the Muslim dick has!! 

I only hope free thinking folks with the youth power like France, can bring change to this country and drive out extreme Hindu radicals and saffron scoundrels of BJP etc etc who divide people in the name of religion much against the Indian values of inclusiveness, accommodating. But then we are Indians and 90% folks are stupid buggers only interested in 5Cs that ruin this country for last 35 years viz Cricket, Cinema, Card, Charaayam (Alcohol) and C**T (Actress) so no hope!! 

Take it easy, take care
9/6/17 0830am 

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Parmacharya! 123 Today!!


Today வைகாசி அனுஷம் Birth star of Kanchi Paramacharya. He was born 1894 and departed in 1994. I count myself very very lucky to have seen him plenty of times between 1968 and 1991. My last darshan of him was 26th January 1991 exactly week after my marriage to seek his blessings with Lalitha. My son family name is after his pre Sanyas name "SWAMINATHAN". He was the last living sage to whom I bowed my head and prostrated. I once travelled 100s of Kilometre to Karnool,AP, to have his darshan during 1983. I have long since moved from so called sages and keep Light years away from them,ever since his departure. I would be visiting Sankar Mutt here in Malleswaram for the event organised this morning. 

In the days of Saffron Scoundrels, Crook buggers, Bastordic Ass holes who are plundering, looting, leading people to deceit in the name of stupid God and Hindu Religion (supported openly by a pathetic Hindu fanatic central government which has only clay between ears/ legs (possibly a fanatic Hindu land similar to muslim Pakistan in say 50 years!!) and brainless Hindu Indians mindlessly following such goons, I cant even imagine such a sage existed who was ordinary and did no miracles and promised nothing and still people thronged to get his blessings in 1000s. I cant even recollect, in my visits, I asked for anything, other than worldly peace and prosperity! 

It is worth mentioning,( I have posted before) this portrait completes 35 years at our home at Karaikudi today. Interesting that this was painted by a Muslim, Framed to hang at home by a Muslim and brought home in Cycle Rixa by a Muslim. All 3 gentlemen didn't take a Rupee for the service rendered. Mr Basha the guy who painted him has never seen him in person. (Islam prohibits Idol connect so I even wonder how he thought about him)

In fact this portrait is the only reason, I am unable to wind down Karaikudi house and move parents from the god forsaken place/state which I quit for good 30 years back. Mom insists that her last breath should be at this place. I have now given up all attempts to relocate them.... (Hhahah Dad has different views, he loathes that place like me, but then, when a Husband prevailed hehehheh)

I am looking for an audio cassette which was released for his Centenary in 1994 sung by SP Balasubramanyam. The Songs were mesmerising. As with Audio cassette the tape got worn out (This was before mp3 era)! I am looking for digital version and all my efforts are futile. I have posted many requests over past 10 years, so far no success. If any one has it and can share I would be much obliged.

I leave with some of pictures of Paramacharya which I find fascinating. I collected years back!!! 

Take it easy, take care, stay safe, god bless

8/6/17 9am. 

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

21 years Karnataka Thank you! Qatar Isolated! Who is safe now in India & Future!! அடப்பாவி டேய்

1) Lalitha has been flooded with box of sweets from her students who all topped and aced in math exam. With, for me sweets no go, and kids (!!) coming back home around 2300 Hrs from work each day the sweets go begging with no takers!! Irony!! I was joking to Lalitha, Sunday it would be nice if a box of Donuts come instead of Boxes of sweets, 2 hrs later, there it was a parent with a box of DOENUTS !!! hahahahh!!!! (another matter that too is a no no but a different thing to look at!) 

2) I always consider the the icon, LIKE, FAV in face book, Twitter or equivalent is the most stupid thing created. While I Bookmark web pages to read later in a browser, clicking FAV is the most stupid thing human being can do! Thankfully I have done 0 in my 10 years in Face book, Twitter ( Another matter Radhu puts knife in my neck and say click on her posts!!hahahah)  I also cant fathom people going gaaaga on that and getting it counted as is this follower stupidity! Any response to a post is only by comments thro language or move on!Nothing else is better and wont count! Your followers # is nothing! I was always clear that social media is a myth and illusion and wont take you anywhere! Why? I posted my thoughts on TSV Hari passing away. There has not been a single comment in my blog post, FB, Twitter or hardly any mention from people who followed him! I wonder how many from this stupid Social Media even attended his last journey! Not a dozen would be my best guess!

Today I (we) complete 21 years of moving from Ankleshwar, GUJ and settling in Karnataka. (Bangalore 96- Mangalore 97- Bangalore 2000). The state has been very generous to us and gave everything we wanted. Superb, High class education to both children which they duly grabbed, great people to associate, friends, peace, security and harmony! (Yes as a TAMIL it is tough sail during Cauvery madness (every state has its own stupid buggers and lousy assholes) riots but that day I am હું ગુજરાતી છું, તમે શું બોલો છો! હું કન્નડ સમજતો નથી !!! સુપર કામ કરે છે ! Like 999 decisions out of 1000 I have taken so far in my life, I had never even looked back to wonder Did I do the right thing! (Leaving god TN 85,Giving up smoking at moment thought 1989, etc etc etc) this was also a awesome decision when I had to put my career interests of working for a great company (#SANDOZ) in Gujarat vs moving to unknown place and shaking things for better quality of life for all!! I guess my grandfather's death 1995,and me not able to make it to his last journey (I was his most favourite Grand Son)might have triggered the thought, what the F*** thing I am doing here in Gujarat .........
L top New Computer 1999 with internet at home (Dedicated phone!! ahha) Mangalore Took me to different level,  Right Kids 99, 2000, Son, Top notch shcool NPS Rajajinagar!
I have been posting for ages, echoing in a sense on same lines of Osama Bin Laden, Trump that Iran and its allies in Hezbollah, Islamic brotherhood pose a greater threat to world's peace and security! I firmly believe that ISIS is brain child of Qatar funding besides their generous support to any anti Arab Sunni Muslim coalition! In a sense, Obama ouster has brought a new spring in the Middle east politics and it is good that Qatar played much beyond its weight to find themselves isolated! While USA has its station with 10,000 troops there, I expect some realignment change in global politics by this shrewd move by SA, Egypt, UAE etc!

Sources of ISIS Wealth creation!

I leave you with images that says better what I feel so much shit has hit the fan in 3 years !! hahahh!!

What it takes to be a safe woman in INDIA 2017 in MODI's rule!!

I always  say truth is stranger than fiction!! hahahahh!!
younger brother at last minute ties knot with the bride, they have been having affair!! hahahahhhahah!!!! 
Take it easy, take care, stay safe, God bless!

6/6/17 0915am.

Monday, June 05, 2017

May his soul rest in peace, TSV HARI!!!


I am shocked and saddened beyond words to read the passing away of Veteran Journalist and my good friend TSV Hari, a couple of days back at Bombay due to cardiac arrest.

I enjoyed his writing in both Tamil and English. He covered politics, Analysis of events, Fiction, besides general philosophy linked to life!! His writing in Tuglaq under Pseudonym "VENKAT" I recollect from the days I read Tamil magazine in 80s!! Hari, like me, brutally blunt and Candid!  
My memorable peice of his writing was his interaction with Fredick Forsyth in UK. Forsyth is a legendary author with Day of Jackal, Fist of God etc. 

Hari's personal side /life is also very complex as I could infer from his writing linked to his personal side. Some learning for men, I guess that some men are very lucky with family and not all get it! Count your blessings!  

He will be dearly missed. May his soul rest in peace.

5/6/2017 1120am 

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Move over Robert Bruce, ISIS School Kid soon?, Theresa May Gamble? DIA?? Did u Know?

1) Amazing performance by Lalitha's students in 10th CBSE exams (Results declared Sat) with 3 students getting GPA 10 in math and another scoring 9. All of the students whom she coached in IGCSE, ICSE, CBSE, have their highest marks in Maths and none has managed to score more than they scored in Math. Lalitha's coaching performance becoming routine like Clive Lloyd of 70s!! Nothing but best a foregone conclusion! hahahahahahhahahh!!!!! Sharpening the saw crucial to sustain!  The only down side for me is Sweets from students piling up, I am like நீ அருகில் இருந்தும், தொட பயன்தேனே  !! என் எஸ் கிருஷ்ணன் !!!!

2) After 22 years in Bangalore, Lalitha and I went for our evening walk at SANKY TANK, Saturday evening for the first time.The sunset was beautiful. The tiles are not very conducive for walking! I prefer Brigade! Sanky Tank 1 Km from home. 

I finished Andy Andrews' Book "Traveler's GIFT" in one sitting of about 3 Hours, Friday, An awesome book to recharge yourself when you feel a bit let down and feel things don't go your way! There is always a way to react and it is all in your mind. Interesting fact was that book was rejected by 51 yes 51 publishers before it was accepted and rest is history with printed in many languages and a must read for folks to recalibrate !! But I cant help but ponder, the inspirations, recalibration, etc happens only with reference to western way only, Anything in Indian context exist?Even if so, then in a more open/secular context without the religious overtones!! 


The buck stops here.” (Truman)


I will seek wisdom. (King Solomon)


I am a person of action. (Joshua Chamberlain)


I have a decided heart.” (Columbus)

“THE FIFTH DECISION FOR SUCCESS (Anne Frank; Girl Holocaust victim 16 yrs)

Today I will choose to be happy.

“I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit.” (Abe Lincoln)


I will persist without exception.”  I focus on results…. (Gabriel) 

As I type, I am getting news filtering from 530am, of London Terrorist attacks with 7 killed in multiple locations. This is worst week I sense with bombings in Kabul and its aftermath mayhem, Baghdad and now this! More so this is happening in the fasting month of Ramadan where things are expected to be quiet with kind of ceasefire! Shows As Scott Harvath opines,"Geneva convention norms on war prisoners don't /Shouldn't apply to terrorists" At the same time, ISIS gone beyond normal Islamic way is an emotion and way of life with its own norms ! From what I read/ hear from folks who cover Middle east, We wont be surprised in few years ISIS would look school kid just like Al Qaeda is reduced to!! 

This week UK election campaign shows how things can swing so much!! Theresa who was expected to win with Majority of 160 Seats expecting to break the record of Thatcher and Blair few week back! May just scrape through with 50 + seats or worst case Hung assembly! I expect her to win as James Corbyn despite a personal good guy, is seen by many as unfit to govern UK! That may help Theresa! Shows how lack of good opposition can make mediocre guys govern like Modi, May, Trump etc!!! Also interesting is the merger of political views to vote!

We know FBI, CIA, NIA, NSA!! How many are aware of DIA?? I wasn't until I started reading "THE FIX" by David Baldacci. This was initiated during Kennedy's administration by Robert McNamara!! Interesting coverage of activities from defence standpoint!! 

Ok take it easy, take care, stay safe.
4/6/17 0845am.