Sunday, May 12, 2024

Remembering My Mother on Mother's Day


Mom on my birthday 2020 Nov, with the T-Shirt she presented.

As Mother's Day dawns upon us today, my heart feels heavy with both nostalgia and gratitude as I remember the remarkable woman who shaped my life in countless ways—my beloved mother.

In 2021, at the age of 77, she departed this world, leaving behind a legacy of love, strength, and compassion that continues to inspire me every day. Her influence on my life was profound, guiding me through pivotal moments and instilling in me the courage to pursue my dreams.

One such instance was her unwavering support when I made the decision to embark on my career journey in North India. Her wise counsel and encouragement bolstered my confidence, reminding me that no matter the distance, her love would always be my guiding light.

But beyond her role as a mentor, my mother exemplified generosity and selflessness in ways that left an indelible mark on my soul. One memory that stands out is her tireless efforts during the 1971 war, where she played a pivotal role in providing food and aid to the refugees reaching Karaikudi, fleeing from Bangladesh. Her compassion knew no bounds, and witnessing her dedication to serving others left an indelible impression on me—a lesson in empathy that I carry with me to this day. I also learnt from that time, never to waste a morsel of food.

May 11,2016 Thursday Prayers. 

Her kindness extended not only to those in need but also to my own family. As a mother-in-law, she welcomed Lalitha, with open arms, a darling grandmother to my son and daughter, showering all with affection and guidance—a testament to her boundless love and generosity of spirit.

As I reflect on her life and the values she imparted, I am reminded of the importance of cherishing every moment, of embracing love, and of never taking for granted the blessings we have. My mother's legacy lives on in the memories we hold dear, in the lessons she taught us, and in the love that continues to surround us.

Though she may no longer be with us in body, her spirit lives on in the lives she touched and the hearts she forever changed.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. You are deeply missed, but your love continues to shine bright.

With love and eternal gratitude, Karthik

Murali, Ganesh, Mom, Veni Ganesh, Gayathri Murali. (My Sisters). 2021 Feb at Radha's engagement.

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