Saturday, November 25, 2023

Reflecting on Life: Karthik's 2021 Annual Review


In the pursuit of self-improvement and growth, I've embarked on annual reviews for several years now. These reflective exercises offer profound insights into the past while charting a course for the future. Here's a glimpse into my 2021 review. As you can see, I cover Financial, Social, Spiritual, Personal, Health aspects to name a few domains of life.

I am working on draft for 2023 review.......

Review of 2021: (I have edited the original document to take out some personal information like Names etc.)

  • Overall Rating: The year encompassed a spectrum of experiences, rated against various facets of life. Here’s a snapshot: (On a 10 Scale)

  1. Health, Wellbeing: 7
  2. Finance: 8
  3. Happiness/Contentment: 8
  4. Spiritual Aspect: 5
  5. Work Life: 5
  6. Friends: 5
  7. Extended Family: 4
  8. Family Commitments: 9
  9. Relations with Lalitha: 10
  10. Knowledge Gain/Quest: 7
  • What Went Well: Highlighting the triumphs:

  1. Achievements in family milestones. (Radha Marriage, Shravn settlin in to work in USA)
  2. Financial stability with the closure of home loan.
  3. Maintenance of personal health.
  4. Successful plans for the family estate.
  • Areas for Improvement: Acknowledging the challenges:

  1. Coping with personal losses during family events. (Mother passing away, not being there for Radha's marriage).
  2. Declining interest in professional pursuits.
  3. Emergence of health concerns. (Oct 2021!?)
  4. Navigating through the impact of the pandemic. (Loss of friends, Relatives).
Goals for 2022:
  1. Health Priority: Channeling efforts to overcome health issues.
  2. Family Milestones: Facilitating transitions for children’s journeys. (Son marriage?)
  3. Financial Security: Prioritizing pension plans and consistent savings.
  4. Personal Growth: Embracing a more relaxed approach to life’s uncertainties.
  5. Parents Life rites at Benares / Gaya.

Conclusion: The year 2021 was a tapestry of accomplishments and hurdles, each offering valuable lessons. As I step into 2022, I aim to navigate the upcoming chapters with resilience, focusing on what truly matters.

This annual review is not just a personal endeavor but an invitation for everyone to engage in introspection. Share your experiences and insights. Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth together.


25th Nov 2023.

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