Wednesday, November 22, 2023

JFK- Gone 60 years today!

Today marks the 60th year since the tragic day on November 22nd, 1963, when John F. Kennedy was brutally taken away from the world in Dallas. His presidency was a tumultuous time, often marked by controversy and an unwavering commitment to policies that invoked both admiration and opposition. His endeavors for peace, particularly in his attempts to thaw the Cold War tensions with Russia, brought him under the watchful eye of adversaries.

As I reflect on this anniversary, memories of JFK flood back as vividly as if it were just yesterday. I recall glimpses of him adorning the walls of the barber shop in Karaikudi, a vivid image from my childhood days, which kindled an enduring curiosity about this enigmatic figure. Interestingly, I came into this world merely a week after his assassination, a synchronicity that has forever linked me to his legacy.

My journey into the depths of Kennedy's legacy began with a pilgrimage at Boston, to the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in November 2001, a visit that occurred in the wake of the heart-wrenching 9/11 tragedy. This experience ignited within me an unyielding desire to pay homage at the very site where he met his untimely demise.

It took me 22 long years to fulfill this poignant wish, finally arriving in Dallas in June 2023. Standing at the Daley Plaza Museum, the ground where history was irrevocably altered by Lee Harvey Oswald's fatal bullet, I felt a profound sense of connection and reverence.

The museum's narrative delves deep into the hours leading up to and following the assassination, meticulously recounting the tragic events—the fateful route, the desperate medical attempts, and the solemn swearing-in of Vice President Johnson as the new President. The experience was moving beyond words, a poignant moment I shared with Lalitha, one that will forever be etched in our memories.

The eternal debate persists—would JFK have been remembered as one of the greatest presidents if he had completed his full eight-year term? Sadly, his tenure was cut tragically short, less than three years into office, leaving behind a legacy of immense potential and unfulfilled promise. His premature departure, at the tender age of 46, elevated him to the echelons of the most revered presidents in American history.

On this solemn anniversary, I pen down my reflections, a tribute to a leader whose legacy continues to evoke deep contemplation and admiration.

22nd November 2023

X Spot where LHO Bullet entered...! 

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