Friday, November 10, 2023

FOPO FOPO FOPO...... Enough!!!!!!

It's fascinating how, for months or even years, a topic might not be on our radar, and then suddenly, it's everywhere – in blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, books, you name it. The latest entrant into this bandwagon is FOPO, short for Fear of Other People's Opinions. I've been coming across it in podcasts and book references, and recently, I received an email about a review on the book "The First Rule of Mastery" by Michael Garvais, sparking some thoughts on this subject.

Why is FOPO gaining such prominence lately? The fear of what others may think or opine has always been present, but it seems to have taken center stage now. I delved into some research to understand why this concept is getting so much attention recently.

The concept of the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO) gaining prominence in recent times can be attributed to several factors. While it may have been a latent issue for years, several societal, cultural, and technological shifts have brought it to the forefront.

Here are some reasons why FOPO is becoming a buzzword:

  1. Social Media Influence:

    • The rise of social media has created a constant stream of opinions and judgments. People are now exposed to a wide range of perspectives, and the fear of negative feedback or criticism on social platforms has become a significant concern.
  2. Increased Visibility:

    • With the advent of the internet, individuals have more visibility than ever before. People now have platforms to express their opinions, but this also means that they are more susceptible to public scrutiny.
  3. Cancel Culture:

    • The phenomenon of "cancel culture" has contributed to FOPO. The fear of being publicly criticized or "canceled" for expressing certain opinions has made individuals more cautious about sharing their thoughts openly.
  4. Polarization in Society:

    • Societal polarization has created an environment where differing opinions can lead to conflict. The fear of backlash from holding or expressing certain views has become more pronounced as social and political divides deepen.
  5. Mental Health Awareness:

    • The increased awareness around mental health has prompted discussions about the impact of external opinions on individuals' well-being. FOPO is now recognized as a potential source of stress and anxiety.
  6. Empowerment Movements:

    • Empowerment movements encouraging individuals to embrace their authenticity and express their true selves have gained momentum. This has led to a parallel acknowledgment of the challenges posed by the fear of judgment.
  7. Self-Expression and Individualism:

    • Modern societies encourage individualism and self-expression. As people strive to be authentic and true to themselves, the fear of judgment or rejection becomes a significant barrier.
  8. Literature and Media Coverage:

    • Authors, bloggers, and media outlets are increasingly exploring the psychological impacts of FOPO. The discussion has been amplified through literature, self-help books, and online content.
  9. Global Connectivity:

    • The interconnectedness of the world through the internet means that opinions can reach a global audience. The fear of not only local but also international scrutiny can be a powerful factor.
  10. Generational Shifts:

    • Younger generations, in particular, are challenging traditional norms and advocating for a more accepting and open society. This shift has brought FOPO to the forefront as a topic of discussion and self-reflection.

In essence, the convergence of these factors has created an environment where individuals are increasingly aware of the impact of external opinions on their lives. The discussions around FOPO are a reflection of society's evolving dynamics and the challenges individuals face in navigating the complexities of the modern world.

What people can do deflect the FOPO or stepping away:- 

Stepping away from the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO) and cultivating a sense of peace and self-assurance requires intentional efforts and a mindset shift. Here are some steps individuals can take to distance themselves from FOPO and live more peacefully:

  1. Self-Reflection:

    • Take time for introspection to understand your values, priorities, and authentic self. Knowing who you are and what matters to you provides a solid foundation for dealing with external opinions.
  2. Set Personal Boundaries:

    • Establish clear boundaries regarding what opinions are important to you. Not every opinion deserves equal weight, and learning to filter and prioritize can help in maintaining a sense of self.
  3. Mindfulness Practices:

    • Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. These practices can help center your mind, reduce anxiety, and foster a sense of inner peace.
  4. Focus on Self-Improvement:

    • Shift the focus from external validation to personal growth. Set goals for self-improvement and measure success based on your progress rather than external judgments.
  5. Cultivate Self-Compassion:

    • Be kind to yourself. Understand that everyone makes mistakes and faces challenges. Treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding that you would offer to a friend.
  6. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

    • Build a supportive network of friends and family who uplift and encourage you. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help counteract the impact of negative opinions.
  7. Develop Resilience:

    • Cultivate resilience in the face of criticism. Understand that setbacks and challenges are part of life, and your response to them matters more than the opinions of others.
  8. Define Your Success:

    • Establish your own definition of success. Don't solely rely on external benchmarks or societal expectations. Knowing what success means to you allows for a more authentic and fulfilling life.
  9. Practice Assertiveness:

    • Learn to express your thoughts and opinions assertively. It's possible to communicate effectively without compromising your authenticity or being overly concerned about how others perceive you.
  10. Limit Social Media Exposure:

    • Consider reducing your time on social media platforms. While they can be great for connection, they can also amplify FOPO. Taking breaks and setting boundaries with online interactions can be beneficial.
  11. Seek Professional Support:

    • If FOPO is significantly impacting your mental well-being, consider seeking guidance from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide tools and strategies to navigate these challenges.
  12. Celebrate Uniqueness:

    • Embrace your uniqueness and understand that diversity of thought and perspective is valuable. Not everyone has to agree, and differences can enrich our understanding of the world.

Remember, breaking free from FOPO is a process that takes time and effort. It's about building resilience, self-awareness, and a strong sense of self. Each person's journey is unique, so find strategies that resonate with you and make them a consistent part of your life.

Resources:- (Useful)

There are several resources, websites, and books that can be valuable for individuals looking to overcome the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO) and enhance their overall well-being. Here's a list of recommendations:


  1. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson:

    • This book provides a counterintuitive approach to living a good life by emphasizing values and what truly matters.
  2. "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown:

    • Brené Brown explores vulnerability, courage, shame, and empathy, offering insights into how embracing vulnerability can lead to a more fulfilled life.
  3. "You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero:

    • A self-help book that inspires readers to let go of self-sabotaging behaviors and live a life they love.
  4. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz:

    • This book offers a code of conduct based on ancient Toltec wisdom, providing a powerful guide to personal freedom and happiness.
  5. "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck:

    • Carol Dweck explores the concept of mindset and how having a growth mindset can impact success and happiness.

Websites and Platforms:

  1. Psychology Today (

    • Offers a wealth of articles and resources on various psychological topics, including overcoming fear and building resilience.
  2. Mindful (

    • Focuses on mindfulness and provides practical advice and exercises to promote mental well-being.
  3. Tiny Buddha (

    • A community-driven site that shares wisdom and insights on mindfulness, self-love, and personal development.
  4. Happify (

    • Provides science-based activities and games to improve emotional well-being and build resilience.
  5. TED Talks (

    • Features inspiring talks on a wide range of topics, including personal development, mindfulness, and overcoming challenges.


  1. Headspace:

    • A meditation app that offers guided meditations and mindfulness exercises to reduce stress and promote well-being.
  2. Calm:

    • Focuses on meditation, relaxation, and sleep. It offers guided meditations and calming exercises.
  3. Happier:

    • A gratitude journal app that encourages users to focus on the positive aspects of their lives.

Online Courses:

  1. Coursera (

    • Offers various courses on positive psychology, mindfulness, and personal development from top universities and institutions.
  2. Udemy (

    • Features a range of courses on building confidence, overcoming fear, and improving mental well-being.

Remember, the effectiveness of these resources can vary from person to person, so it might be beneficial to explore a few and see which resonate with you.



10th Nov 2023.

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