Sunday, August 17, 2008

3000, Packing, Independence day thoughts, Alumni

I am delighted to see in the Web page counter that my blog has hit 3000 hits in the last 10 months. Out of curiosity, I installed the site meter to see the traffic to my site. This is indeed a surprise. Yes, some of the visitors could be accidental. But I am sure some of them out there may find the information useful or amusing.(!!). This works to about 10 visitors a day. Let me see how best I can improve the traffic to the site.

I am just packing my bags for a 2 week trip to Europe tonight. The podcast by Mark on packing bags for tour in timely. Mark manages 5 country, 20+ days tour without a checked in baggage. There is also video and slides for the premium content members. My wife does most of the packing for me and I shared the video with her. She did pick up some tips from Mark (Rolling out clothes as well as Laundry bag usage). My premium content membership expired 1st August, I am glad I did renew it for another year. (Just waited for the optimum credit card billing cycle period). It is the best 150$ you could ever spend and the returns are many fold. Lot of new contents/ tools are promised.
I must say I am really enjoying Lucy Kellaway podcast. It is worth listening to get another view of management as well as every happening in life. The satire is some times so touchy. Some times fellow morning walkers give me a curious look seeing my facial expression up on listening to the podcast in my Ipod. Please give it a try.

We did celebrate our 62nd independence day here in Diamond District by Flag hoisting and playing patriotic songs. I could recollect the India's Silver Jubilee independence day in 1972(25th). Time just files. I guess, We have made a lot of progress, especially in the last 10 years in communications, technology, infrastructure. Yes, much more need to be done, more so in bringing in communal harmony, poverty alleviation, Clean drinking water and eliminate diseases that affect children like Polio, whooping cough, measles etc.
On a personal side, yesterday was Raksha Bandhan, the festival that connects brother and sisters. Sisters tie Rakhi on their brother's wrist on this day. I did receive Rakhi from both my sisters. (That was unexpected, as I was under the impression that the courier would have been closed, Yesterday, Saturday, they werent!!).

I have also received intimation that silver jubliee reunion, after 25th year of passing out of 1983 Batch of Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai has been scheduled during October 2008. Travel schedule permitting, it would be a great occasion to see how much has happened in all the folks lives. I look forward to catching up with folks. Some of them would be Grand parents !!!!!.

Till next week, take it easy and take care; Live conciously.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I am making this a quick post as I am not keeping well (Mostly fatigue) as well as some catch up to do on the home front Sunday evening.

I tried out the new web search engine Cuil and I must say I am impressed with the results. Cuil is knowledge in Irish, I am told. The results are displayed in column and the background looks pleasant. I remember, being introduced to Google in my BASF days in 1999 and I got a feeling that time that Google would give everyone a run for the money. I am getting the same feeling with Cuil. Lets wait and see.

For those in this part of the world pronouniciation is an issue, This looks a good website. I tried out some of the unknown. English is complex is it not!!!. Try this quiz!!.
I got the summary of the book, Transparency written by Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman and James O'toole. Not a new concept, but intersting insights. You may listen to the podcast here about the book. It all boils down to candor, Trust. I guess.

Ok, Time to go. I will fit in a slot some time in the middle of the week. Looking forward to the Independence day celebrations on Friday. I already got the license to enjoy the day from my English Boss. Jai Hind.


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Multitasking, Randy Pausch, Kiran Bedi.

I read some time back Alan Pease's book, why Men don't listen and Women cant read maps. (May be 5 years back!!). One of the things against men is that they cant multitask and women are better at it. While always agreed that we men cant multitask, I wasn't sure whether women are good at it. I learned through proxy today. Lalitha is away from Bangalore for 2 days and so the Kitchen responsibility came up on me, that was the easy part. The hard part was maid servant didnt turn up unexpectedly, so all the house cleaning, dishwashing, answering the door bell, telephone etc started happening fell up on me and more so at one time that my Mind almost started paralysing and I started sweating!!. Doing all this the energy drain out was like an 100metre sprinter after the race. I had seen my wife doing all this effortlessly, without letting milk boil over or the tap water in the sink overflowing etc etc. Yes, Multitasking is women's virtue. Men are light years behind to catch up, I guess!!!.

I am sad to report that Randy Pausch passed away last week at the age of 47. Randy was suffering from a kind of liver cancer. He gave a famous Last lecture September last year at CMU, Pensylvania, which is now one of the most watched video on youtube (5.5 Millions). One thing I learned from the lecture is all people are all good, be patient, they will turn good. It is a great video with lot of personal touch. Please set aside 75 Minutes of your time to watch this emotional video. Randy Pausch's time management lecture is also a great treat where he talks about time famine and systemic solutions.

Intrestingly this lead me to search for the most watched videos and the top most video is at 20 Million viewers!!!.

Continuing with youtube, I watched with interest,Ms. Kiran Bedi, the Ex Police Commissioner who revlutionised the Indian Police force giving a lecture at Google India. She had a great message for corporate people which was "take the fullest support of your family and have it as your strength and bulldoze the heirarchy and at some stage they would give up and accept you. Great take.

Gary Coleman has an intesting conversation with Larry Brilliant, ED,, in the More than sound podcast. It touches on compasionate capitalism which is intersting. There are lot of references to the Asian way of living in the discussions.

Ok, till next week, take it easy and take care,Live conciously.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mullah, Dabbahwalah, Lucy Kellaway, UNNATHI.

Just realized that I am in to the nervous Ninety's on the number of Blogs. By the way I am glad my last week prediction that the government would survive was proved Right. With all the crisis, the last thing we need is an early election.!!!

I was listening to Wayne Turmel talking about Mullah Nasruddin on the witty aspects of work. I have read stories in the form of cartoons of Mullah Nasruddin during school days with a lot of wit, deep message as well as culture that was prevailing. I could recollect similar tales of the Jestor Tenali Rama during the Emperor Krishnadevaraya in South India. One can not forget the wit, intelect and sharp minded nature of Raja Birbal in the court of Emperor Akbar. Wonder, who else would fit the bill in the list. Yes, the fictious charecter, Sir Humphrey Appleby would fit well in the BBC Serial Yes Minister (The sequel, Yes Prime Minister!!).

I just wondered, why I never wrote about the Dabbawala's of Bombay?. So many magazines (latest being last week's The economist) have covered their Greater than 6sigma performance and even HBR / Newyork times have marvelled at their work. Ofcourse, my personal experience being one of their customer at the beginning of my career in 1985/86 in Bombay waiting for the dubbah(Lunch box) to arrive from a Dombivali mess serving the bachellors (I was working in Kalwa the only railway station in India without a road approach to the station, you have to walk on the railway track to get in/ out, what a risk!!???). They were never late, never missed even for a day(rain or shine) in the 7 months I used their service. They have still sustained their levels of service with the same quality and committment. So a big thank you for filling the stomach. Keep up the great work!!!.

I encourage all of you to read or listen to Lucy Kellaway podcast/ blog in Financial times. I accidentally discovered her podcast in Itunes when I surfed the ITUNES UK Store. The sarcarsm/ the pungence/ the candidness/ the dressdown on business practices/ people/leaders are treat to hear during the walk. It is a good lesson some times how not to be a leader. (Her attack on Business jargon like Going forward usage, was a treat!!, the english accent so filling to the ear!) I dont think anybody has touched the business issues so openly. It is worth listening. Please dont give it a miss. I cant wait to finish the 50 or so podcast in my Ipod.

Yes, the column of Ask Annie on CNN and Liz Ryan on Business week provide great answers to your Business/work related/professional aspects/ career questions.

I would close this week, (Need to do quick, power outage for the past 10 hrs, back up power dwindling, the curse of Power crisis all over India for the last 2 weeks) with the great service provided by the "UNNATI"social service organisation. They do a lot of voluntory service in teaching the vocatioanal skills in children below 18 so that children can become independent. Great service and contributions from guys from all walks of life. You may read about it in the link I have provided and contact them to do your bit here. All contributions are exempted from Income tax. I am glad we are doing our bit over the last 2 years.

My heart goes out to all the victims in the twin Blasts in the past 48 Hrs in Bangalore and Amdavad.

Till next week, take it easy and take care; Live conciously.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Downloads, Picasa2, Useful Podcasts

I am back from my Far east trip and wanted to share some of the experience.
1) First of all it was a great feeling to work without Blackberry. The BB and other mobile phones don't work there. So in a way it was relief that there are no urgent emails to answer on the run. Yes, the downside is you are not accessible during any adverse situation, but I guess those are once in blue moon situation with other means of contact. So much so, that I have decided to take the blackberry from the hip holster. It just lies in my table and wont be clinging around when I move.

2)Yes, the other side to the communication is the amazingly High download speeds of internet. I had downloaded 7 Gb(Yes Gigabytes) of podcast in 4 Hrs time. That worked at a rate of 30Mb of data downloaded per minute and about .5Mb/sec. I tested the connection and I could get upload speed of 450KBPS. As was the wifi connections seem to be available every where. This speed was in the hotel and my Korean friends indicated that the hotel I stayed didnt have that much of high speed connection. They are used to download 750MB file size in less than 10 minutes. It was an amazing experience similar to the one in Tokyo last year but here the speed was mind boggling.

3) The Incheon Airport and Shanghai airport are state of the art and gates and walkway extending to more than 1kilometer end to end. The facilities inside the terminal like resturants, shopping as well as equal distribution of amneities were always within reasonable distance of walking. Yes, the walk to immigration counter from the aircraft door can be energy sapping after a long flight!!!. One thing that amazed me in Shanghai/ Seoul airports was that we were out of the aircraft in less than 2 minutes after parking. (Despite being in coach). It always take no less than 10 minutes to come out of any Indian Airports, wonder Why???.
4) The other thing that amazed me in Korea was the punctuality!! meetingrooms were 90% full always 5 to 10 min ahead of schedule, people were ready and waiting, people came to pick you up 5 min before time. Not one event started late!!. I was wonderstruck. May be the compulsory draft that brings discipline in people I am pondering!.

Ok, on to some other aspects, here we go.

I am glad I could find Picasa2 to upload the photos in to my blog. This task was always a nuisance to post photos without distortion in the blog. The only disadvantage is that you can post only 4 photos at a time. Some one find a way to beat around it by creating 3 separate files and combining them as one.

I am sure folks are aware of the podcast alley, which provides a chance to pay back the podcasters with your vote on most favourite podcaster. I have kept in my routine task to post my vote for my favorite podcasters. With ITunes allowing recent registration in India I look forward to an active interaction in this process.Here are some of the podcasts, I have added to my Ipod list to listen to.(Yes, finding time to listen to all will not be easy, lets worry about that later).

Business Essentials. Practical aspects done from Australia.
David Maisters Business essentials. Worth in Gold. I am of too small stature to comment about David.
Leadership in GOLD.
Plain Simple management. Common sense I assume.
Smarter by the minute.
Thinking for business success.
Knowledge at Wharton.
Leadership 101.
Lucy Kellaway
Stuff you should know.

Yes, I havent covered by religious and spiritual aspects which are in my personal domain.
So, let's see if the Indian government survives the trust vote on Nuclear deal in the parliament, Tuesday. My gut feeling is it might Just!!.

Ok, till next week, take it easy and take care; live conciously.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

K Nagarajan Model High School Karaikudi.

I learned from a mutual friend that my school teacher at Dr Alagappa Model Higher secondary School, Karaikudy, Mr K Nagarajan passed away some time back. Mr Nagarajan took Maths and English classes during my 9th and 10th Grade during 1976-78. He had a passion for English and helped us to understand the subjects better.

Mr Nagarajan was very involved when he taught Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. He also helped us understand Algebra better. He went on to become the headmaster of the school in the mid 80s before retiring in the early 90s.

The model High school teachers generated best out of the students. I think we owe our success to whatever they did to us. Yes, Time do take away them from us. We owe all of them a big thanks for what they did to us.
I am sure Mr Nagarajan's family would have the courage to bear this irrepairable loss. May his soul rest in peace.

431 and Korea Photos.

The way to fortune teller's Home.

Korean Eating tradition.

Architecture in Jejju Island

431 KM speed on MAGLEV Train to Shanghai Airport.
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Korean wedding ceremony.



KOREAN COOL NOODLES and Green gram Pancake(Indian!!!).
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Korean Woman Traditional Dress

SH Kim who took trouble to make sure my Korean trip was trouble free and memorable. He had lot of personal commitments which he set aside.

Honeywell Korea.

Honeywell Turbo Shanghai.
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