Friday, July 05, 2024

Why Starmer 2024 = Modi 2014,! SOON A FLOP SHOW!



As a die hard Margaret Thatcher loyalist/ Fan, I am shattered by the UK results, but I shall recover soon as this mess was expected and the quality of leadership in 2024 is so shallow across the world. If you are a pragmatic person, you accept realities for what they are! 

UK Elections 2024 – Status Quo/ No Hope??!!! (Sad but true!). 

The UK Elections of 2024 have concluded, and the results are nothing short of historic. The exit polls predicted a Labour landslide, and they were spot on. Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party has secured an astounding 410 seats in the 650-member Parliament. This victory not only marks the end of the Conservative Party’s 14-year reign but also represents one of the most significant drubbings in living memory for the Tories. Rishi Sunak, the sitting Prime Minister, may even lose his seat—a symbolic end to an era. Rumour has it he might settle in the USA, never to be heard from again! The Liberal Party showing is also stunning, a gain of 53 seats shows UK voters strong message of "ANY ONE BUT TORIES". 

A Tale of Luck and Timing

Politics, as they say, is often a matter of luck and timing. Sir Keir Starmer’s victory, winning 200 seats more than his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn with a 7% decrease in the vote share, seems like the perfect storm. The electorate’s fatigue with the Conservative Party created an opportunity that Starmer seized with both hands. However, as my blog title suggests, this massive victory might turn out to be a flop show, akin to Narendra Modi’s rise in India in 2014. Tories dug their own grave and have no one to blame. (Boris Johnson's lies, partying during covid, Sunak's clueless agenda, Blind Ukraine Support- Zelensky's curse,- Anything he touches, rottens!)! 

Nigel Farage- Party formed 25 days prior, winning 13 seats! (He jumped in seeing the mess!) 
The Nigel Farage Factor

One notable development in this election is the emergence of Nigel Farage's Reform Party, which is expected to win 13 seats. This is reminiscent of the BJP in India in 1984, which started with just two seats but eventually rose to prominence. Farage’s presence is a healthy sign for UK politics, potentially offering a credible alternative to Labour in the future. He is highly opinionated, speaks his mind freely, and has practical plans. His party, formed just 25 days ago, winning 13 seats (projected) is a stupendous success shows there is hope for UK in the next decade!?

Starmer: A Leader Without a Plan?

The people of the UK have chosen to give the Conservatives a jolt, but what do they gain in return? Much like Modi in 2014, Starmer appears to have no concrete plan, agenda, vision, or policy decisions. The desire to vote out a corrupt and inefficient government overshadowed the need for a solid roadmap for the future. This scenario seems all too familiar to those of us in India who witnessed the rise of Modi on the back of anti-Congress sentiment. Modi has been a super flop with no daring decisions, no plans for growth, and not going after opponents. He worked old plans with new names as big achievements. The story continues for him due to the lack of a credible opposition. The same is true for Starmer, he has no plan, vision, agenda, he is a strong Europhile.

What Lies Ahead?

In the coming years, the UK might see an increase in taxes, rampant social welfare programs, and unresolved immigration issues. Starmer’s potential Europhilic stance could nullify the very essence of the Brexit referendum of 2016, which has already brought considerable turmoil. The hope is that Nigel Farage can build on his current success and present a viable alternative to Labour by 2029, focusing on family values, clear gender definitions, and strong governance plans to unify the UK.

Scotland and the Demise of the SNP

The collapse of the Scottish National Party (SNP) is another significant outcome of this election. It signals a potential shift away from the woke, impractical ideas that have plagued Scottish politics in recent years. This could be the beginning of a new era in Scottish governance, free from the borderline insanity of the past. Their decision to leave the UK may also be sealed shut for good with the SNP's drubbing.

The Broader European Context

With the UK, Germany, and France in economic and social disarray, no government can bring immediate relief. The growing dissatisfaction, anger, inequality, and frustration with woke ideologies, DEI, ESG, and climate change reforms are reaching a boiling point. The farming and trading laws that burden hard-working people only add fuel to the fire, just waiting for an incident to light the fuse of the ticking device ready to explode across the countries. (The least said about Italy is better; at least there the government is popular).


The 2024 UK elections may mark the beginning of a new chapter in Europe in total, but whether it will be a story of progress or disappointment remains to be seen. As we observe these developments, it is more doom and gloom in the UK with nothing changing, and people being burdened with no option for the next five years. It is a sad aspect of the downhill journey for nations whose politicians are out of touch with reality and lack the spine to take strong positive decisions to resist neocons and the Deep State/bureaucracy that calls the shots.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed and our eyes open... Starmer may be a false dawn as of now! 



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