Monday, July 22, 2024

The Democratic Coup: Unceremonious Removal of Joe Biden........


I am on Business Travel and is in Bombay all week. So this is hastily written reaction. 


The political landscape of America is no stranger to dramatic twists, but the recent unceremonious removal of Joe Biden from the presidential race has left the nation in shock. In a move that stunned not only the American public but even Biden's own staffers, the Democrats ousted their sitting president with a swiftness and secrecy that raises serious questions about the integrity of their democratic values.

The Democrats, who have long branded Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, have now dismissed the franchaise of over 4 million registered Democrats, effectively sidelining Biden without any prior warning. This abrupt coup, led by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Chuck Schumer, reveals the extent to which power can corrupt even the most vocally democratic leaders.

Biden, like any candidate, could have faced the possibility of losing the election. Victory and defeat are inherent aspects of any democratic process. However, the Democrats’ decision to preemptively remove him underscores their fear of facing Trump once again. They are terrified of a Trump presidency, particularly one where he enters with a fortified agenda, knowing exactly where the skeletons lie, having been previously stymied by a Democrat-leaning Deep State and Republican In Name Only (RINO) figures like McConnell, Romney, and Cheney.

Trump's iron grip on the Republican Party has only tightened, leaving Democrats scrambling. Kamala Harris, initially chosen as a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) pick, had already withdrawn from the 2020 presidential race before the first Democratic primary in Iowa. Her contentious political history in California is well-documented, and her ascension in this context only adds to the controversy.

As we approach the Democratic National Convention in the second week of August, the stage is set for unprecedented chaos. The Democrats' desperation is palpable, and their actions suggest they are willing to go to any lengths to avoid a Trump victory. Yet, this turmoil might only play into Trump’s hands, galvanizing his base and securing his path to the White House.

I predict a landslide victory for Trump, with a projected electoral vote count of 350-188. (Trump vs Harris) Below, I've included a graph to illustrate this forecast. 

The unfolding drama promises to make the DNC convention a spectacle of political intrigue and power plays. Let’s watch as this riveting chapter in American politics unfolds. Yes, the Pick of Kamala as Presidential candidate is not foregone conclusion. (Obama, Pelosi, Schummer are yet to endorse her) Whom they pick as her Running mate (White Man, Black Man, White Woman(??).... Interesting times!!! I also expect legal challenges as 3 states have rules that candidate can be changed only when he /she dies or mentally incapable, which is not the case as of now for Joe Biden. Speaker Johnson is set to take this up as a legal challenge! 


Kalyan, (Bombay) 1945 Hrs. 22/7/24.

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