Saturday, July 20, 2024

Embracing Timeless Wisdom: Indian Philosophy for a Balanced Life in 2024


My current Bedstand Print book to read for sleep. (No Screen post 7pm strictly!). 

In our fast-paced, self-centered world of 2024, where materialistic pursuits often dominate our lives, the teachings of Indian philosophy offer a deep refuge. Bharma Kumari Shivani's book "Power of One Thought" delves into these ancient insights, presenting them as relevant guides for contemporary life. She emphasizes that ego, rooted in our attachment to material possessions and the fear of losing them, hinders our growth and maturity. By shedding ego, we can cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

Moreover, Shivani discusses the concept of sanskaras—the deep-seated habits and tendencies that shape our personalities. These sanskaras are influenced by our environment, family, and even past lives. She highlights seven essential sanskaras that should never fade away: peace, power, bliss, knowledge, happiness, love, and purity. By nurturing these qualities, we can navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and wisdom.


In today's rapidly changing world, the relentless pursuit of success and material wealth often leaves us feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. As we grapple with the pressures of modern life, the timeless wisdom of Indian philosophy offers invaluable guidance. The "Power of One Thought" provides a fresh perspective on how ancient teachings can help us lead more meaningful and balanced lives. By addressing the pitfalls of ego and the importance of nurturing positive sanskaras, Shivani's insights are especially relevant as we strive to find inner peace and true happiness amidst the chaos.

Understanding Ego

In her exploration of ego, Shivani emphasizes that it is a manifestation of our attachment to materialistic aspects and the fear that they will disappear. Ego often drives us to seek validation through external achievements, possessions, and status, creating a fragile sense of self-worth that is easily shaken by life's uncertainties. This attachment to the material world prevents us from experiencing true inner peace and contentment. Ego-->Attachment---->Fear. 

Shivani argues that shedding ego involves recognizing and letting go of these attachments. It requires us to shift our focus from external validation to internal fulfillment, fostering a sense of self that is independent of material possessions and societal accolades. By doing so, we can cultivate a more mature and resilient mindset, better equipped to handle the inevitable ups and downs of life.

Managing Temper and Stress

Shivani also touches upon the importance of managing temper and stress, key aspects of maintaining mental and emotional well-being. From an Indian philosophical perspective, these emotions are seen as disturbances to our inner peace and harmony.

  • Temper Management: In Indian philosophy, anger is considered a fire that can consume our inner peace. Ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita advise us to practice self-control and patience. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can help us become more aware of our emotional triggers and respond to situations with calmness and clarity. By understanding that anger stems from unmet expectations and ego, we can learn to detach from these sources and cultivate a more balanced temperament.

  • Stress Management: Stress, a common ailment of modern life, is viewed as a result of living out of alignment with our true nature. Indian philosophy advocates for a holistic approach to stress management, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual practices. Yoga, pranayama (breath control), and meditation are powerful tools to reduce stress and bring the mind into a state of tranquility. The principle of "Santosha" (contentment) encourages us to accept life as it is and find joy in the present moment, rather than constantly striving for more.

Personal Reflection

As someone who has listened to the evocative songs of Tamil poet / Film Lyrcist Kavingar- Kannadasan from the 1950s and 1960s, I find these concepts deeply resonant. Kannadasan’s lyrics, which touch on themes of ego, detachment, the power of God, the uncertainties of life, and the transient nature of relationships, echo the teachings of Indian philosophy. His reflections on who will be there for us after we are long gone remind us of the impermanence of life and the importance of cultivating inner peace.

Touching songs.. If you listen in your Teens your life is settled and no shocks awaits you as happened to me! 

Entering my 60s, I find myself pondering these themes more deeply. The wisdom of shedding ego and embracing positive sanskaras seems not just a philosophical ideal but a practical path to a more peaceful and fulfilling life. The challenge, of course, lies in the application of these theories. Yet, as age brings greater perspective, the resolve to integrate these teachings into daily life strengthens.


As we move forward in 2024, the teachings of Indian philosophy remind us that true fulfillment lies not in our possessions but in our inner state of being. By shedding ego and embracing the seven essential sanskaras—peace, power, bliss, knowledge, happiness, love, and purity—we can cultivate a life of balance and contentment. Bharma Kumari Shivani's "Power of One Thought" serves as a timeless guide, encouraging us to reconnect with our deeper selves and navigate the complexities of modern life with wisdom and grace.

Finally, the relevance of these teachings in 2024 cannot be overstated. As we strive for success and fulfillment, it is crucial to remember that our true worth lies not in what we own or achieve, but in the quality of our thoughts and the strength of our character. By embracing the wisdom of Indian philosophy, we can shed the ego that binds us to materialistic pursuits and cultivate a life enriched by peace, power, bliss, knowledge, happiness, love, and purity. This path not only leads to personal growth but also fosters a more compassionate and harmonious world for all. Through the practice of temper and stress management, we can maintain our inner calm and resilience, navigating life's challenges with grace and equanimity.

Let me know your thoughts/ views/ comments.


20th July 2024 


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