Saturday, July 06, 2024

Performance Review (PR) Doing It Effectively.


Today, let’s talk about a topic that many dread— Annual performance reviews (PR). For many professionals, the mere mention of PR brings a sense of anxiety and stress. However, with the right preparation and approach, performance reviews can be a positive experience, leading to growth, development, and recognition.

Setting SMART Goals

The cornerstone of effective PR preparation is setting SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These goals should be aligned with your organizational objectives, ensuring that your efforts contribute to the broader mission of your company. When you know exactly what is expected of you, it becomes easier to track your progress and measure your success. Balancing work-related goals (80%) with professional development objectives (20%) ensures a holistic approach to your growth.

Align with Your Manager's Goals

It's crucial that your goals are aligned with your manager's goals. This alignment ensures that your efforts are contributing directly to your team’s and organization’s success. It also fosters a sense of shared purpose and direction, making your contributions more impactful.

Stretch Goals for Growth

While it's important to have achievable goals, incorporating a few stretch goals can be incredibly beneficial. These are targets that push you beyond your comfort zone, fostering professional development and demonstrating your capability to take on challenges. This also facilitates Learn and Grow on the job.

One-on-One Discussions

Effective communication with your manager is key to a successful PR process. I recommend having one-on-one discussions, at least three times a month, with four being optimal for a clear path. These meetings (while discussing weekly issues on what went well, what are challenges, what are manager's expectations, and any personal issues that need to be opened out,) serve as checkpoints where you can review your goals, discuss progress, and make any necessary course corrections as and when required, (At least once a month is preferable). Regular updates not only keep your manager informed about your progress but also help in addressing any missteps promptly. Remember, Communication is key step in delivering results. 

Formal Check-Ins

In addition to frequent one-on-one meetings, having formal half-yearly check-ins further strengthens the performance review process. These sessions allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of your progress and provide an opportunity to adjust goals as needed.

Documenting Progress

Keeping thorough documentation of your weekly updates on One on 1, and progress is invaluable when it comes to writing performance review notes. This documentation should include a summary of how goals were achieved, any challenges faced, and the steps taken to overcome them. Additionally, highlighting other accomplishments that were not part of the formal goals but were executed successfully can further strengthen your performance review.

Aligning Goals with Organizational Behaviors expected

It's essential that your PR aligns both the goals achieved and the behaviors expected ( A must) by your organization. An A-star performer not only meets but often exceeds both results and behaviors in about 50-60% of their goals. Demonstrating alignment with organizational values and behaviors showcases your holistic contribution to the company.

Preparation is Key

One of the key success factors in my career has been preparing formal documents weeks before they were due for review. Instead of rushing at the eleventh hour, I meticulously checked my notes, emails, meeting minutes, and reports to capture value aligned with my goals and organizational behaviors. This thorough preparation allowed me to present a well-rounded view of my performance, including what went well and areas for improvement. Remember, PR is about acknowledging both your successes and your missteps. The bottom line is to learn and improve continuously.

The Essence of Performance Reviews

At its core, a performance review boils down to effective communication and delivering results. My personal experience in the corporate world, where I was involved in PR for about 15 of my 27 years, has taught me the importance of exceeding expectations. Consistently performing at a high level leads to rich rewards and recognition, making the entire PR process a pathway to career growth and satisfaction.

Best Practices for Effective Performance Reviews

  1. Prepare Ahead of Time: Start preparing for your performance review well in advance. Gather all relevant documents, feedback, and data that demonstrate your achievements and progress. This preparation helps you present a comprehensive view of your performance.

  2. Seek Continuous Feedback: Don't wait for formal reviews to seek feedback. Regularly ask for input from your manager and peers. This ongoing feedback loop allows for continuous improvement and helps you stay on track with your goals.

  3. Self-Assessment: Conduct a self-assessment before your review. Reflect on your accomplishments, areas for improvement, and how you’ve contributed to your team and organization. This self-awareness will help you engage in a meaningful conversation during your review. In A* performers, the self assessment more or less aligns to manager's assessment to the extent of 95%.

  4. Be Open to Constructive Criticism: Approach your performance review with an open mind. Constructive criticism is an opportunity for growth. Listen actively, ask clarifying questions, and use the feedback to enhance your performance.

  5. Highlight Your Value: Clearly articulate how your work has added value to the organization. Use specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your contributions. This helps your manager see the tangible impact of your efforts. As the saying goes, "If you have Data then your opinion is a fact, else mine as a boss prevails!."

  6. Set Future Goals: Use the review as an opportunity to set future goals. Collaborate with your manager to establish objectives that align with your career aspirations and the organization’s needs. This forward-looking approach keeps you motivated and focused. This can also include areas which need improvement. (Invariably comes up). 

  7. Follow Up: After your performance review, follow up on the feedback and action items discussed. Create a plan to address any areas of improvement and continue to track your progress. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement.


The Flow of a Well-Prepared Formal Performance Review Discussion (My discussions always go like a flow, mostly done in half the allocated time with the PR being a mere formality with no surprises anytime for me!). 

When both the employee and manager are well-prepared and aligned, formal performance review discussions can be highly productive and motivating. Here’s how the process typically unfolds:

  1. Pre-Review Preparation:

    • Both the employee and manager review relevant documents, notes, and reports ahead of time.
    • The employee prepares a summary of achievements, challenges, and progress against goals.
    • The manager gathers feedback from peers and stakeholders and reviews the employee's documented progress.
  2. Setting the Stage:

    • The review meeting is scheduled in advance, allowing both parties ample time to prepare.
    • A comfortable, distraction-free environment is chosen to ensure a focused and uninterrupted discussion.
  3. Opening the Discussion:

    • The manager starts the meeting with a positive note, acknowledging the employee’s efforts and setting a collaborative tone.
    • The agenda for the meeting is outlined, ensuring both parties are clear on what will be discussed.
  4. Review of Goals and Achievements:

    • The employee presents their prepared summary, highlighting key achievements, how they aligned with organizational goals, and any stretch goals that were met.
    • Specific examples and metrics are used to demonstrate the impact of their work.
  5. Feedback on Performance:

    • The manager provides balanced feedback, acknowledging successes and areas for improvement.
    • Constructive criticism is given with specific examples and actionable suggestions for improvement.
  6. Discussion of Challenges and Learning Points:

    • The employee discusses any challenges faced and how they were addressed.
    • Both parties explore what could have been done differently and identify learning points for future improvement.
  7. Alignment with Organizational Behaviors and Values:

    • The review includes a discussion on how the employee’s behavior aligned with organizational values.
    • Any gaps between expected and demonstrated behaviors are addressed with clear guidance for improvement.
  8. Setting Future Goals:

    • New SMART goals are set collaboratively, ensuring they align with both the employee’s career aspirations and the organization’s objectives.
    • The manager and employee agree on milestones and checkpoints to monitor progress.
  9. Development and Growth Plans:

    • The review includes a discussion on professional development opportunities, such as training, mentorship, and new responsibilities.
    • A clear plan is established to support the employee’s growth and development.
  10. Closing the Meeting:

    • The manager summarizes the key points discussed and reiterates the next steps.
    • The employee is encouraged to ask any final questions and provide feedback on the review process.
    • The meeting ends on a positive note, reinforcing the employee’s value to the team and organization. The Employee signs on the PD Document to close the process.


Performance reviews don't have to be a source of stress. With proper preparation, SMART goals, regular communication, thorough documentation, and adherence to best practices, you can turn PR into a positive and empowering experience. Remember, it's all about aligning your efforts with organizational goals and showcasing your achievements effectively. So, embrace the process, and let it propel you towards greater success in your career.

Good Luck


6th July 2024. 930am. 

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