Sunday, July 14, 2024

The DAY OF THE JACKAL-2024. The Election is Over.


Donald Trump Assassination Attempt at Butler, PA: A Turning Point

At 6:15 PM EDT on 13th July 2024 (3:45 AM on 14th July here in India) in Butler, PA, former President Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. The bullet grazed his right ear, underscoring a significant lapse in Secret Service security. This incident highlights the intense hatred that Trump faces and the desperation of his opponents.

Trump's supporters, including myself, have long feared that an attack from far-left factions, including communists and Antifa, would materialise as they became desperate. This attempt validates our concerns, showing just how far his enemies are willing to go—even among the rich and elite, who feel he should be gone. The desperation to eliminate him has reached a fever pitch. Even now, social media is trending with questions like "How did it miss?"

The impact of this event on the 2024 election is profound. The attack has energized Trump's base, solidifying their resolve. For many, the race is effectively decided. The attempt on Trump's life has shifted the political landscape, creating a rallying point for his supporters.

This moment will be remembered as a turning point. Trump's influence, capable of inciting both loyalty and animosity, is undeniable. We must reflect on the state of our nation and address the underlying causes of such division and hatred. As the blog title indicates, like Charles de Gaulle, who survived multiple assassination attempts (including the fictionalised account in "The Day of the Jackal"), Trump could face many more attempts to thwart his presidency until January 20, 2025. So, watch out.

God Bless Trump (He was saved by Divine intervention). God bless America.


14th July 2024, 10 AM

Charles De-Gaule.... French President. 

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