Sunday, June 02, 2024

Welcome to a New III World and Banana Republic- The United States of America.


I was away on Business Travel all week and was back late evening so could not post my thoughts for a few days.

The Death of American Justice: Reflections on Donald Trump's Guilty Verdict.

I am seething with anger and deep disappointment over the recent guilty verdict handed down to Donald Trump by the New York Court. This trial, which has been described by reputable global magazines like The Economist as the weakest case against Trump, seems less about justice and more about political vendetta. Trump himself was expecting this verdict as he said a day before, that they would find Mother Teresa GUILTY.

The Judge overseeing this trial has a glaring conflict of interest. His daughter is known for raising donations for Biden in Million of $( She also works for Adam Schiff a known Crook of a congressman who loathes Trump) and the Judge himself donated $35 to Biden's campaign. How can such a person be impartial? It's a blatant mockery of the judicial process. Furthermore, the prosecutor, who made it a campaign promise to "get Trump at any cost," clearly had a biased agenda from the start. This is not the first time the case has been scrutinized; two previous prosecutors, including the late Cyrus Vance's son, found no merit in it. Yet, here we are, witnessing a skewed justice system in action. The statute of limit was long over. Also few key defence witness was not allowed to testify. 

The jury instructions were ambiguous at best, designed to corner Trump. It feels reminiscent of Joseph Stalin's infamous saying, "Show me the man, and I will show you the crime." This entire trial seems like a carefully orchestrated effort to bring down Trump at any cost. It's a sad day when the American justice system mirrors the oppressive tactics of dictators like Putin, Xi, and Kim, who must be rubbing their hands in glee.

Despite this travesty, there is a silver lining. Donations to Trump have skyrocketed, reaching $65 million in just 36 hours, with 80% of these contributions coming from new donors. This overwhelming support underscores the deep-seated belief among many Americans that this trial was unjust. I recollect Sen. Mich McConnel's warning to Democrats (2009) when they removed the 60 majority vote to pass in the 100 Member senate, "Don't forget a day will come when we will control the SENATE". Truly soon Republicans passed 3 Supreme court nominees of Trump (2017-2020) with simple 51 Vote Majority (They only had 51) thus altering American judicial landscape with Conservatives taking control now for generations to come. (SCOTUS nomination is life long!). 

I want to be clear: I understand that there are strong cases against Trump which has not been initiated, where he might be guilty as charged. As a loyalist, I am not blind to the truth. I believe in facing consequences once all appeals are exhausted. However, this particular trial reeks of political bias and corruption. It is a stark reminder that the American justice system is not infallible and can be swayed by those in power.

In conclusion, we must reflect on what this verdict means for United States of America, the beacon of Liberty, Justice, freedom. If justice can be manipulated for political gain, then the very foundation of the democracy is at risk. Let us hope that future trials will be conducted with the fairness and integrity that our justice system claims to uphold. Until then, we watch and wait. I also hope Republicans once they take control the Senate, White House, Congress (likely in 2024 Nov) don't go in for Tit for Tat.


2nd June 2024


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