Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Deranged Western Leaders: A Costly Game with Russian-Ukrainian Lives.


Disclosure: I am a neither a Vladimir Putin Fan nor a Russian Well wisher. (Or for that matter any communist / Leftist / Socialist / Woke / DEI idealogy!). 

Cameron, Macron, Schultz, Biden. 

The Western leadership, particularly those at the helm of the US, UK, and EU, have displayed a baffling disregard for diplomacy and peace. Their actions in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict reveal a disturbing trend of prioritizing geopolitical maneuvers over human lives. The sabotage of the 2022 Istanbul peace plan, allegedly orchestrated by Boris Johnson and his allies, exemplifies this reckless approach.

Scuttling Peace for War

In 2022, there was a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine war. The Istanbul peace talks could have paved the way for an end to the conflict, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of lives. Yet, Western leaders, seemingly led by Boris Johnson, chose to undermine these efforts. Instead of supporting diplomacy, they opted to fuel the war, pouring billions of dollars into a conflict that has become a tragic quagmire for Ukraine.

Ignoring Putin's Ultimatum

Vladimir Putin has been clear: any NATO attack on Russian soil would be met with a forceful response. Despite this stark warning, leaders like Secretary Lloyd Austin and their European counterparts have not taken Putin's ceasefire terms seriously. This stubbornness is not just perilous for Ukraine but for the entire world. The threat of a broader conflict looms large, yet Western leaders seem blind to the potential catastrophe they are courting.

The Human Cost

The human cost of this conflict is staggering. Over 500,000 Ukrainian men have lost their lives (100,000 Russians at least!) in just two years. Families are torn apart, communities devastated, and the country's future hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, the neocons and the military-industrial complex show no signs of ending the war, at least not until after the US elections in November. This cynical timeline reveals their true priorities: power and profit over peace.

The Broken Promise of NATO

The roots of this conflict trace back to the broken promise made during the 1990 reunification of Germany. Western leaders assured Russia that NATO would not expand eastward beyond Berlin. Yet, over the years, NATO has welcomed numerous Eastern European countries into its fold, encircling Russia and heightening tensions. The prospect of Ukraine joining NATO has been a particular point of contention, leading to the current impasse.

Vladimirs. Zelensky and Putin. 

Proxy War and Internal Strife

Since the 2014 Maidan revolution, (Orange Uprising) which many believe was a Western-backed coup, Ukraine has been a pawn in a larger geopolitical game. The isolation and oppression of Russian-speaking Ukrainians have further inflamed the situation. Now, with Zelensky’s term as president effectively over, his legitimacy to negotiate is in question. Internal dissent against him is growing, indicating that his grip on power is weakening.

The Global Perspective

While Western leaders continue their misguided strategies, much of the world remains neutral or sympathetic to Russia. Countries in the Global South, including India, China, and Indonesia, are not buying into the West's narrative. They continue to engage with Russia, ignoring Western sanctions. This reflects the diminishing influence of the West and the rise of a multipolar world order where conflicting interests dilute the effectiveness of Western policies.

Time for Negotiation

It is high time for Western leaders to recognize the futility of their current approach. The cost of this war, in human lives and global stability, is too high. Despite their apparent derangement and unsound strategies, there is still an opportunity to cut their losses and come to the negotiating table. Engaging with Putin on realistic terms could pave the way for a ceasefire and, ultimately, peace.

The Ineptness Extends Beyond Ukraine

The failure of Western leadership is not confined to Ukraine. The ongoing crisis in Gaza is another glaring example of their ineptitude and inability to foster peace. But that is a topic for another day, as is potential Taiwan Crisis. 

In conclusion, Western leaders must abandon their dangerous game in Ukraine. The world is watching, and history will judge them harshly if they continue down this destructive path. The time for diplomacy is now; the lives of millions depend on it.


18/6/24 930am. 

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