Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Decline of Mainstream Media: Why People Are Turning to Independent Voices.


This week the first USA Presidential candidate debate is scheduled Thursday, 27th June hosted by CNN. (Communist News Network). I thought this blog post now, would be apt to cover this topic. I would be on business travel, so I very much doubt I can join to watch live, (May be on Charlie Kirk Show or alternate channel).  Also it is a far cry from state of affairs on the 50th year Emergency in India under Mrs Indhira Gandhi (25/6/75) when news paper like Indian Express stood up to her muzzle. 

Fake News Agents in India. (The lap up whatever Govt throws at them!) For them Opposition is accountable for everything! 

As I also, reflect on the 11 years since I last tuned into TV Indian news channels, CNN, or BBC, it's clear that the mainstream media has lost its way. Newspapers like the New York Times and The Guardian, along with their Indian counterparts like The Hindu, have seen a decline in circulation. These once-reliable sources have become mouthpieces for the elite and the deep state, offering biased reporting instead of neutral, balanced debate.

Mainstream media today is a cacophony of shrill shouting matches, devoid of rhyme or reason. This sad state of affairs has driven people like me to seek out independent podcasters who offer unbiased opinions. Shows like Megyn Kelly, The BeerBiceps Show, Lex Fridman, and Judging Freedom provide the balanced perspectives that mainstream outlets no longer do.

The obsession with live news has waned as well. In the age of 24/7 news cycles, learning about events an hour later makes little difference. For live coverage of critical events, I prefer the analysis provided by the podcasts I follow. Mainstream media is in decline, and few are mourning its demise.

Their pathetic coverage of issues like the Indian elections, The opinion poll sham, the Trump witch hunt, the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the Ukraine war is shameful. With thousands dying daily in Ukraine, the media's inability to correct its course is evident. Pampered by wealthy left-wing masters and the deep state, they exist to spread fake news and mislead the public.

It's a relief to turn away from this circus and find solace in independent voices that strive to present the truth.

Why Mainstream Media Has Failed Miserably

There are several reasons why mainstream media—print, TV, and cable—has failed so miserably in retaining the trust and interest of its audience:

  1. Biased Reporting: Mainstream media has become increasingly partisan, often serving the interests of political elites and the deep state rather than providing objective news. This bias has alienated large segments of the audience who seek fair and balanced reporting.

  2. Sensationalism Over Substance: To boost ratings, many news outlets have resorted to sensationalism, focusing on shocking headlines and clickbait rather than in-depth analysis. This has eroded the quality of news and turned serious reporting into a spectacle.

  3. Lack of Accountability: Mainstream media rarely admits to its mistakes or biases. This lack of accountability further erodes trust, as audiences feel they are being manipulated rather than informed.

  4. Corporate Interests: Many news organizations are owned by large corporations with vested interests. This often influences the news coverage, prioritizing stories that align with corporate goals over those that serve the public interest.

  5. Decline in Investigative Journalism: Budget cuts and the drive for profitability have led to a decline in investigative journalism. This has diminished the media's role as a watchdog, reducing its ability to hold power to account.

My Podcasts listening list. 

Why Podcasts and Webcasts Are Gaining Trust

In contrast to the declining trust in mainstream media, podcasts and webcasts are roaring among people as mediums to trust. Here's why:

  1. Authenticity: Podcasts and webcasts often feature hosts who are passionate about their topics and provide genuine, unfiltered perspectives. This authenticity resonates with listeners who are tired of the polished and often insincere presentation of mainstream media.

  2. Diverse Voices: Independent podcasters bring a diversity of voices and viewpoints that are often missing in mainstream media. This inclusivity helps to build a more comprehensive understanding of issues.

  3. Deep Dives: Podcasts typically allow for longer, more in-depth discussions than traditional news formats. This enables a more thorough exploration of topics, providing listeners with a richer and more nuanced perspective.

  4. Interactive Engagement: Many podcasts and webcasts engage with their audience through social media, live chats, and Q&A sessions. This interaction builds a community around the content, fostering a sense of belonging and trust.

  5. Accessibility and Convenience: Podcasts can be listened to anytime, anywhere, making them a convenient source of information for busy people. This accessibility helps to maintain a loyal audience. My 20,000 steps a day (16,000 is done listening to Podcasts in Audio form). 

  6. Transparency: Independent podcasters often disclose their biases and funding sources upfront. This transparency is appreciated by listeners who feel more informed about the potential influences on the content they consume.

As someone who has turned away from mainstream media, I find solace in these independent voices. They strive to present the truth without the noise and bias that has come to define traditional news outlets. For me, there's no desire to see mainstream media revive in its current form. Instead, I hope for a media landscape where independent, trustworthy voices continue to thrive and provide the balanced, insightful news that the public deserves.



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