Friday, November 10, 2023

FOPO FOPO FOPO...... Enough!!!!!!

It's fascinating how, for months or even years, a topic might not be on our radar, and then suddenly, it's everywhere – in blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, books, you name it. The latest entrant into this bandwagon is FOPO, short for Fear of Other People's Opinions. I've been coming across it in podcasts and book references, and recently, I received an email about a review on the book "The First Rule of Mastery" by Michael Garvais, sparking some thoughts on this subject.

Why is FOPO gaining such prominence lately? The fear of what others may think or opine has always been present, but it seems to have taken center stage now. I delved into some research to understand why this concept is getting so much attention recently.

The concept of the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO) gaining prominence in recent times can be attributed to several factors. While it may have been a latent issue for years, several societal, cultural, and technological shifts have brought it to the forefront.

Here are some reasons why FOPO is becoming a buzzword:

  1. Social Media Influence:

    • The rise of social media has created a constant stream of opinions and judgments. People are now exposed to a wide range of perspectives, and the fear of negative feedback or criticism on social platforms has become a significant concern.
  2. Increased Visibility:

    • With the advent of the internet, individuals have more visibility than ever before. People now have platforms to express their opinions, but this also means that they are more susceptible to public scrutiny.
  3. Cancel Culture:

    • The phenomenon of "cancel culture" has contributed to FOPO. The fear of being publicly criticized or "canceled" for expressing certain opinions has made individuals more cautious about sharing their thoughts openly.
  4. Polarization in Society:

    • Societal polarization has created an environment where differing opinions can lead to conflict. The fear of backlash from holding or expressing certain views has become more pronounced as social and political divides deepen.
  5. Mental Health Awareness:

    • The increased awareness around mental health has prompted discussions about the impact of external opinions on individuals' well-being. FOPO is now recognized as a potential source of stress and anxiety.
  6. Empowerment Movements:

    • Empowerment movements encouraging individuals to embrace their authenticity and express their true selves have gained momentum. This has led to a parallel acknowledgment of the challenges posed by the fear of judgment.
  7. Self-Expression and Individualism:

    • Modern societies encourage individualism and self-expression. As people strive to be authentic and true to themselves, the fear of judgment or rejection becomes a significant barrier.
  8. Literature and Media Coverage:

    • Authors, bloggers, and media outlets are increasingly exploring the psychological impacts of FOPO. The discussion has been amplified through literature, self-help books, and online content.
  9. Global Connectivity:

    • The interconnectedness of the world through the internet means that opinions can reach a global audience. The fear of not only local but also international scrutiny can be a powerful factor.
  10. Generational Shifts:

    • Younger generations, in particular, are challenging traditional norms and advocating for a more accepting and open society. This shift has brought FOPO to the forefront as a topic of discussion and self-reflection.

In essence, the convergence of these factors has created an environment where individuals are increasingly aware of the impact of external opinions on their lives. The discussions around FOPO are a reflection of society's evolving dynamics and the challenges individuals face in navigating the complexities of the modern world.

What people can do deflect the FOPO or stepping away:- 

Stepping away from the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO) and cultivating a sense of peace and self-assurance requires intentional efforts and a mindset shift. Here are some steps individuals can take to distance themselves from FOPO and live more peacefully:

  1. Self-Reflection:

    • Take time for introspection to understand your values, priorities, and authentic self. Knowing who you are and what matters to you provides a solid foundation for dealing with external opinions.
  2. Set Personal Boundaries:

    • Establish clear boundaries regarding what opinions are important to you. Not every opinion deserves equal weight, and learning to filter and prioritize can help in maintaining a sense of self.
  3. Mindfulness Practices:

    • Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. These practices can help center your mind, reduce anxiety, and foster a sense of inner peace.
  4. Focus on Self-Improvement:

    • Shift the focus from external validation to personal growth. Set goals for self-improvement and measure success based on your progress rather than external judgments.
  5. Cultivate Self-Compassion:

    • Be kind to yourself. Understand that everyone makes mistakes and faces challenges. Treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding that you would offer to a friend.
  6. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

    • Build a supportive network of friends and family who uplift and encourage you. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help counteract the impact of negative opinions.
  7. Develop Resilience:

    • Cultivate resilience in the face of criticism. Understand that setbacks and challenges are part of life, and your response to them matters more than the opinions of others.
  8. Define Your Success:

    • Establish your own definition of success. Don't solely rely on external benchmarks or societal expectations. Knowing what success means to you allows for a more authentic and fulfilling life.
  9. Practice Assertiveness:

    • Learn to express your thoughts and opinions assertively. It's possible to communicate effectively without compromising your authenticity or being overly concerned about how others perceive you.
  10. Limit Social Media Exposure:

    • Consider reducing your time on social media platforms. While they can be great for connection, they can also amplify FOPO. Taking breaks and setting boundaries with online interactions can be beneficial.
  11. Seek Professional Support:

    • If FOPO is significantly impacting your mental well-being, consider seeking guidance from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide tools and strategies to navigate these challenges.
  12. Celebrate Uniqueness:

    • Embrace your uniqueness and understand that diversity of thought and perspective is valuable. Not everyone has to agree, and differences can enrich our understanding of the world.

Remember, breaking free from FOPO is a process that takes time and effort. It's about building resilience, self-awareness, and a strong sense of self. Each person's journey is unique, so find strategies that resonate with you and make them a consistent part of your life.

Resources:- (Useful)

There are several resources, websites, and books that can be valuable for individuals looking to overcome the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO) and enhance their overall well-being. Here's a list of recommendations:


  1. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson:

    • This book provides a counterintuitive approach to living a good life by emphasizing values and what truly matters.
  2. "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown:

    • Brené Brown explores vulnerability, courage, shame, and empathy, offering insights into how embracing vulnerability can lead to a more fulfilled life.
  3. "You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero:

    • A self-help book that inspires readers to let go of self-sabotaging behaviors and live a life they love.
  4. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz:

    • This book offers a code of conduct based on ancient Toltec wisdom, providing a powerful guide to personal freedom and happiness.
  5. "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck:

    • Carol Dweck explores the concept of mindset and how having a growth mindset can impact success and happiness.

Websites and Platforms:

  1. Psychology Today (

    • Offers a wealth of articles and resources on various psychological topics, including overcoming fear and building resilience.
  2. Mindful (

    • Focuses on mindfulness and provides practical advice and exercises to promote mental well-being.
  3. Tiny Buddha (

    • A community-driven site that shares wisdom and insights on mindfulness, self-love, and personal development.
  4. Happify (

    • Provides science-based activities and games to improve emotional well-being and build resilience.
  5. TED Talks (

    • Features inspiring talks on a wide range of topics, including personal development, mindfulness, and overcoming challenges.


  1. Headspace:

    • A meditation app that offers guided meditations and mindfulness exercises to reduce stress and promote well-being.
  2. Calm:

    • Focuses on meditation, relaxation, and sleep. It offers guided meditations and calming exercises.
  3. Happier:

    • A gratitude journal app that encourages users to focus on the positive aspects of their lives.

Online Courses:

  1. Coursera (

    • Offers various courses on positive psychology, mindfulness, and personal development from top universities and institutions.
  2. Udemy (

    • Features a range of courses on building confidence, overcoming fear, and improving mental well-being.

Remember, the effectiveness of these resources can vary from person to person, so it might be beneficial to explore a few and see which resonate with you.



10th Nov 2023.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Career Announcement (Life Advisor).

I have some exciting news to share with you. I've embarked on a new professional journey as a "Life Advisor" with Kotak Life. This Individual role empowers me to offer valuable insights into the world of insurance and help you make informed decisions to safeguard your financial future. You might recall my previous email in August when I mentioned passing the statutory "Insurance Regulatory Authority Exam", a crucial step that has allowed me to take up this role.

My career in Health, Safety, and Environment (EHS) consulting will continue to run in parallel, at least for the time being. After dedicating 38 years to the EHS field, I am contemplating continuing for a few more months. However, the inspiration for this new path as an individual advisor comes from Dan Pink's book, "To Sell is Human." Sometime in the future, with EHS behind me, I may aspire to work in a Leadership role.

In this new role, my commitment is to be a smart, honest, and reliable advisor. I won't be directly soliciting business from you. If you see potential in insurance solutions, I will gladly refer your requirements to the partners and very senior executives at Kotak, who will reach out to initiate discussions. 
Life Insurance plays a pivotal role in sound financial planning, and "Kotak Life" offers a diverse array of plans tailored to meet your unique needs, including Participating Plans, Guaranteed Plans, and Non-Participatory Plans besides Indian Context and NRI benefits. These plans are thoughtfully designed to secure your financial well-being and provide peace of mind.

You are under no obligation whatsoever. Your response, indicating your interest in exploring life insurance and financial investment plans, is the primary purpose of my outreach. I am here to assist you in navigating the complexities of insurance and making well-informed decisions. Whether you have questions, concerns, or simply wish to explore your options, please don't hesitate to reach out to me, and I will connect you with Kotak's experts. Rest assured, there's no pressure or obligation to commit, and I won't share any of your personal/contact information with them, respecting your privacy.

Your financial well-being is of utmost importance, and I'm dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals and protect what matters most to you. If you'd like to discuss how Kotak Life can add value to your life, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for considering this opportunity, and I look forward to assisting you on your journey to financial security. Making informed decisions about insurance today can lead to a more secure and worry-free tomorrow.

Best regards, 
9th November 2023

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

45 years On...... (Flour Mill!).

Yesterday was a walk down memory lane for me. After 45 years, I had the chance to visit a flour mill to grind Indian spices, creating the powder needed for making Sambar and Rasam. I accompanied Lalitha, a true master at this craft, who personally oversees the quality and mix as the spices are ground in the mechanical flour mill. The spice blend consists of Red Chilli, Coriander, Turmeric (uncrushed), Pepper, Cumin, and Fenugreek. What makes it unique is the secret ratio of these, and the dry roasting, which varies from family to family or community, preserving the distinct taste and aroma of our cooking.

This experience transported me back to my Karaikudi days 0f 1970s,when it was my responsibility to walk a mile under the scorching sun to get the job done. I would carry two containers in both hands, filled with the ingredients. Interestingly, when I returned with the freshly ground flour, both my mom and grandma would often complain about the fineness of the spice or the rice wheat flour, claiming that I didn't monitor the grinding process closely enough, and the flour miller hadn't done a good job. Of course, this was my perspective as an 11-13-year-old kid. It's one of the very few instances where my mom would openly express her dissatisfaction, as she was not one to vocalize her feelings easily.

Flour mill..... 2023 Bangalore (Busy area).....
As I accompanied Lalitha yesterday, essentially working as a "porter" due to her wrist issues, these memories came flooding back. I couldn't help but notice that the flour mill we visited, just a couple of miles from home, was almost a mirror image of the one in Karaikudi. It's fascinating how, after 45 years, so little has changed. This experience made me reflect on how some things remain consistent, regardless of the passage of time. It's a testament to the enduring nature of certain aspects of life, like in-process quality checks, which still happen much the same way as they did 100 years ago. It serves as a reminder that not everything can be managed remotely, no matter how modern our world becomes.


8th Nov 23.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

A Book and a Podcast.

"Yesterday, I completed reading a thought-provoking book, 'Hidden Potential' by Adam Grant, and also had the opportunity to listen to a fascinating podcast. The book 'Hidden Potential' delves into the depths of human potential, and it left me with valuable insights.

The podcast, on the other hand, was an enlightening Author @ Google talk featuring the authors of the book 'A Billion Wicked Thoughts.' The talk took place at the Google campus and provided a unique perspective on human sexual desires and preferences.

What made this podcast particularly intriguing was its exploration of both well-known aspects of men's sexual fantasies and a bold examination of what women desire sexually. It challenged the common notion that men are primarily driven by sexual desires while women seek emotional connections.

The talk shed light on the complexities of human sexuality and the diverse range of fantasies that people of all genders may have. It was a thought-provoking talk, that expanded my understanding what Women want a bit more???!!!!!!! ."

A Billion Wicked Thoughts" is a book written by Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam, published in 2011. The book explores the world of human sexual behavior through the lens of big data and extensive internet research. It delves into the vast amount of information available online, particularly from search engine queries and online pornography, to understand human sexual desires and preferences.

The authors use this data to challenge traditional notions about sex, relationships, and gender differences. They present findings and insights based on the analysis of billions of web searches and online content related to sexuality.

Key takeaways from the book include how men and women often have different sexual fantasies and preferences, the role of evolution in shaping sexual behavior, and how the internet has opened up new avenues for exploring and understanding human sexuality.

The book is known for its provocative and data-driven approach to the topic of human sexuality, shedding light on the diversity and complexity of sexual desires. It's an interesting read for those interested in psychology, human behavior, and sexuality.


  • Variety and Novelty: Men often seek a variety of sexual partners and novel experiences. They are more likely to be interested in diverse sexual fantasies and different types of partners.
  • Visual Stimulation: Men are highly visually oriented when it comes to sexual arousal. They are more drawn to explicit visual content, including pornography.
  • Dominance and Submission: Some men have fantasies related to dominance and submission, including BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism).


  • Emotional Connection: Women tend to place a higher emphasis on emotional connection and context when it comes to sexual fantasies. They often seek a deeper emotional bond with their partner.
  • Romantic and Story-Based Fantasies: Women are more likely to fantasize about romantic and emotionally charged scenarios. They appreciate a narrative and context in their sexual fantasies.
  • Variety and Adventure: While emotional connection is important, women also desire sexual variety and adventure. They may explore fantasies that involve new experiences and excitement.

It's important to note that these are general trends observed in the analysis of online data, and individual preferences can vary widely. Additionally, these findings are not meant to stereotype or generalize all men and women but rather provide insights into common trends in sexual fantasies based on internet search data.


The Adam Grant book is on "Hidden potential". Why Talent alone is not enough to get you upward in life. 
Adam Grant argues that everyone has the ability to achieve great things, regardless of their innate talents. He presents a three-part framework for unlocking our hidden potential:

  • Character skills: These are the non-cognitive skills that are essential for success, such as grit, curiosity, and resilience. Grant shows that character skills can be learned and developed, just like any other skill.
  • Motivational structures: These are the systems and incentives that drive us to work hard and persevere. Grant argues that the best motivational structures are those that focus on learning and growth, rather than on short-term rewards.
  • Opportunity systems: These are the environments and resources that give us the chance to learn and grow. Grant argues that we need to design opportunity systems that are accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Key takeaways

  • Everyone has the potential to achieve great things, regardless of their innate talents.
  • Character skills are essential for success, and they can be learned and developed.
  • The best motivational structures focus on learning and growth, rather than on short-term rewards.
  • Opportunity systems need to be designed so that everyone has the chance to learn and grow. (Ladder vs Lattice). 

Grant provides a wealth of evidence and examples to support his claims. He draws on stories from athletes, scientists, entrepreneurs, and artists to show how people from all walks of life have overcome their challenges and achieved unexpected heights.

Hidden Potential is an inspiring and thought-provoking book that challenges us to rethink our assumptions about potential and success. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve their full potential, or help others do the same.


7th Nov 2023. 


Monday, November 06, 2023

Somethings Do not change!! (We are what we are!)

 Reflections on Responsibility and Cleanliness

There was a cultural festival in the school premises near my home just 48 hours ago, on the 4th of November, 2023, a Saturday to remember. The event brought together a colorful display of stalls, sales, and spirited dance performances. However, the festivities came to an abrupt end at 8 pm due to unexpected rains.

Fast forward to Monday morning, November 6th, at 8 am. The school playground, which had been filled with laughter and music, now bears the remnants of the celebration—paper, cups, and other debris scattered about. As students begin to arrive for their classes, I can't help but wonder what thoughts and feelings this sight might evoke in them. What message does this scenario convey to our young generation? I'm also left pondering how the school allowed itself to be swayed into a commercial event without considering the aftermath. 36hours is enough time to clean the mess up! No one cared? 


This stark contrast reminds me of another experience. I recall attending 4th of July American Independence Day celebrations at Freedom Park in Cupertino. The festivities were a spectacle, and the sense of unity was palpable. However, what struck me most was the efficient clean-up. By 6 am the next morning, as I embarked on my morning walk, the park was spotless, leaving no trace of the previous day's revelry. I had seen park cleaned up after weekly Flea Market, every Friday, within an hour or so. This level of responsibility and organization is commendable and reflects a respect for the environment and the community.

4th July, Cupertino. 

It's clear that some things, like cleanliness, housekeeping, hygiene, and discipline, are inherent and deeply ingrained in certain cultures and communities. In this context, I find it disheartening that, in a vast majority of cases, these values appear to be overlooked or not given the importance they deserve in our society. It seems that being exceptional in areas like cricket is often celebrated, while the fundamental values of cleanliness and responsibility are sometimes neglected or not even taken seriously.


6th November 2023


Sunday, November 05, 2023

21 Days to a Habit.


They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit or to break one. Well, it's been 31 days since the Cricket World Cup began, and as I had resolved earlier, I would not watch or track any match live. Instead, I would follow the match results at 4:30 am when I go through online newspaper articles.

Being a die-hard cricket buff and with the World Cup being a premier event, I wasn't sure if I could muster the willpower to stay the course. But with 31 days behind me, I can proudly say that I've stuck to my resolution and am doing great. Just yesterday, as I was crossing the KSCA stadium at 2 pm on my way to a business meeting, there was a match in progress. This was my first visit to the stadium since September 2nd, and I was right there, but there was no temptation to even glance at the match score on my mobile phone.

The KSCA stadium holds a special place in my cricket memories. It's where legends like Viv Richards and Gordon Greenidge made their debut, and it was the venue for Clive Lloyd's first test (As well as Bangalore's first test) as the West Indies Captain in 1974, during my early days of cricket madness. Speaking of World Cup memories, I can't help but recall June 21st, 1975, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, when Clive Lloyd lifted the World Cup at 1 am Indian Time. Such fond memories should have triggered me to look at the score, but I steadfastly refused to budge.

KSCA Stadium

Cricket has indeed lost some of its sheen, especially here in the subcontinent. It's become somewhat of a joke. It's astonishing to think that there's even talk of this being the last 50-over World Cup. The chaos is compounded by rule changes in the middle of the tournament and pitches that seem to favor the hosts, a scenario that didn't exist just a few years ago.

But taking time away from cricket has allowed me to explore a whole new world of activities. I've been able to dive into reading, contemplate thoughts for blog posts (like the one I'm working on now), and indulge in listening to podcasts while going for brisk walks. This break from cricket is not just improving my mental and physical health but also keeping me from being a couch potato.

It's been an eye-opening experience, and I'm beginning to realize that life outside cricket is equally fulfilling. While the game may be in a state of flux, it's reassuring to know that there are other pursuits that bring joy and enrichment to our lives.


5th November 2023. 

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Integrity Pledge -Corruption/Bribe Free India.

This week, as the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) conducts Vigilance Awareness Week, it's a timely reminder of the ongoing battle against corruption in our country. In connection with this important event, I received an SMS encouraging citizens to take the Integrity pledge, committing not to engage in bribery and to be honest, responsible citizens actively supporting the Anti-Corruption drive.

As someone deeply involved in promoting ethical business practices, especially as a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) trainer in the USA, I couldn't be more enthusiastic about this initiative. It's a significant step in the right direction. India has a long way to go in eradicating corruption, particularly at the grassroots level where people often face hurdles in getting things done due to corrupt practices.

While the journey towards a corruption-free India may be long and arduous, it's essential to remember that change begins with a few dedicated individuals and is sustained by the collective efforts of millions. In 30 years, when we may no longer be here, let's hope that this country is significantly improved in terms of clean and transparent transaction practices.

Corruption-free India isn't just a goal; it's a necessity. It's a vision that should drive us all to commit ourselves to this cause. The road ahead won't be easy, but with unwavering determination, we can build a better future for generations to come.

Let's all pledge to contribute to this noble cause, support initiatives like Vigilance Awareness Week, and work towards a cleaner, more transparent India. It's up to us to make this vision a reality.


4th November 2023.

Friday, November 03, 2023

The Secret. (Reacher) My 400th Post in 18 years!!!

 POST #400

"My reading habit has gone completely off the rails lately. Even fiction has taken a hit. John Grisham, Tom Wood, Ken Follett, and Jeffrey Archer's latest release remain untouched, which was an impossible feat just six months ago. My health issues haven't been conducive to reading books. However, with great effort, I managed to read a couple of non-fiction books on safety.

So, it was a herculean task to finish Lee Child's Jack Reacher mission in 'THE SECRET' in just two sittings, each lasting 3-4 hours. This fiction is set in 1992, with a young Reacher in action.

'The Secret' is the 28th book in the Jack Reacher series, set in 1992. It follows Reacher as he investigates a series of mysterious deaths across the United States. These victims are all respectable, upstanding citizens, and their deaths appear to be accidents. However, when one of the victims falls to their death from a hospital window, the Secretary of Defense takes notice. He calls for an inter-agency task force to investigate, and Reacher is assigned as the Army's (He a Millitary Police) representative.

Reacher soon realizes that there is more to this case than meets the eye. The victims are all connected, but the link between them is unclear. Reacher also discovers that his new 'partners' have their own ulterior motives and are not always honest with him. He also learns that the victim is connected to a larger conspiracy, involving a toxic gas release in India in 1979.

As Reacher delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of secrets that lead back to a dark chapter in American history. He also learns that the killer is still out there and willing to do whatever it takes to keep their secrets hidden.

Reacher must use all of his skills and experience to track down the killer and uncover the truth. However, he knows that he cannot trust anyone, and he is on his own.

Overall, 'The Secret' is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. It is a must-read for fans of the Jack Reacher series and for thriller enthusiasts in general."



3rd Nov 2023. 

Alan Ritchson as JACK REACHER (Amazon Web series, Season 1 was) Killing Floor Reacher #1 my first Novel in 2001.