Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Decay of Interview Etiquette: Alarming Trends and Their Implications


A message from a friend triggered this post. 


In recent years, there's been a noticeable decline in the professionalism and decorum of job candidates during interviews. The tipping point for this blog post was hearing about a candidate using foul language with an interviewer, but this is just one example of a broader trend.

Unprepared and Sloppily Dressed Candidates

One of the most disheartening trends is the casual approach many candidates take towards interviews. Showing up in casual or inappropriate attire, being unprepared, and displaying a lack of basic knowledge about the company or the role are becoming disturbingly common. This lack of effort reflects poorly on the candidate and raises questions about their seriousness and commitment.

Inappropriate Questions and Demands

Candidates are increasingly prioritizing personal perks over professional responsibilities. I've heard stories of candidates, before even committing to an interview, demanding information about gym facilities, crèches, and round-the-clock gourmet food options. While these amenities can be attractive, making them a focal point during the initial stages of the interview process is inappropriate and reflects misplaced priorities.

Romantic Entanglements in the Workplace

Perhaps one of the most shocking inquiries is candidates asking if indulging in romantic relationships with colleagues is permissible and non-punishable. Such questions not only display a lack of professional boundaries but also suggest a potential for future workplace conflicts and distractions.

Ghosting After Job Offers

A particularly frustrating trend for employers is candidates accepting job offers and then disappearing, using the offer as leverage to negotiate better terms with their current or other potential employers. This practice wastes the time and resources of the hiring company and disrupts their staffing plans.

Organizations' Role in the Problem

It's important to acknowledge that companies are not blameless in this situation. I've witnessed organizations making candidates wait for hours past their scheduled interview time, showing a lack of respect for the candidates' time and causing unnecessary frustration. Clear role definitions and respectful treatment of candidates are crucial steps that organizations must take to improve the interview experience. Oh yes, there have been stories where candidates not offered even a glass of water in the 5 hr process of interview discussions. 

Adapting to New Generations

Organizations also need to recognize and adapt to the behavioral tendencies of Gen Z and Alpha generations. These younger candidates have different expectations and values, emphasizing respect, dignity, and work-life balance. Recent incidents where companies have mistreated candidates during college recruitment drives have led to some colleges blacklisting these companies, illustrating the serious repercussions of not respecting candidate dignity.

Where Are We Heading?

These incidents, though they may seem like rare exceptions (perhaps 1 in 1000 interviews), have the potential to set a dangerous precedent. Bad habits can spread quickly, with candidates believing this behavior is acceptable or even expected. Both candidates and organizations need to establish and adhere to norms that respect the interview process and ensure mutual benefit.

Personal Experiences and Additional Stories

  1. A friend of mine recounted an interview where the candidate not only showed up in casual jeans and a t-shirt but also took a phone call mid-interview.
  2. Another incident involved a candidate who, during the interview, was more interested in discussing the company’s vacation policy, perks and remote work options than the actual job role.
  3. A colleague shared a story about a candidate who, after receiving a job offer, vanished without a trace, only to reappear weeks later trying to negotiate a higher salary based on a counteroffer from another company.

These stories underscore the need for both parties to approach the interview process with respect, professionalism, and a clear understanding of expectations. If not, both candidates and organizations risk losing out on potentially beneficial opportunities.

The onus is on both candidates to present themselves professionally and on organizations to treat candidates with the respect they deserve. Only through mutual effort can we hope to improve the current state of interview etiquette and create a more respectful and efficient hiring process for all involved.



I leave you with some images which happened in Real interviews! Please be ready to face these!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Dual-Edged Sword of Technology, Software, and AI: Empowerment or Erosion of Autonomy?


Yesterday,29th July was my father's 7th Anniversary rituals. Dad, was a Corrision Scientist (1961-1999) at Karaikudi. I was pondering doing the vedic rituals, how he must have used his own critical thinking, analytical skills to come up in work life without any aids (I wonder if even he had a calculator!)  vs How lucky I am with so many tools and software! That prompted me to this blog post.

Dr TMB (CECRI, Karaikudi. 1938-2017). 



In our ever-evolving digital age, the integration of technology, software, and artificial intelligence (AI) has become ubiquitous in both professional and personal spheres. These tools promise increased efficiency, enhanced capabilities, and unprecedented access to information. However, there's a growing concern: do these advancements, while initially empowering, eventually erode our autonomy, personal mastery, and intrinsic motivation?

Personal Context

My journey into the world of advanced technology and AI was significantly influenced by my son, a software and IT technologist based in Silicon Valley. He introduced me to various productive tools and AI interfaces that have transformed my approach to work. For instance, AI-driven analytics tools and software have allowed me to delve deeper into Safety and General Management topics, uncovering insights that were previously difficult to access. These tools have undoubtedly sharpened my productivity and enhanced my efficiency. He also presented with hardware to work the interface seamlessly for interpretation. (I now even dictate instead of typing, saving time!). 

However, this technological immersion also led me to ponder a crucial question: while these tools boost productivity, do they also risk taking away our individual identity and our innate ability to search for meaning, develop original thoughts, and make critical decisions? This blog post is an exploration of this dichotomy.

The Initial Promise of Technology

When new technology is introduced, it often brings a surge of excitement and possibility. Tools that automate mundane tasks free up time for more strategic and creative endeavors. AI-driven analytics provide insights that were previously unimaginable, enabling smarter decision-making and fostering innovation.

  1. Efficiency and Productivity: Automation of repetitive tasks allows individuals to focus on more meaningful work. For instance, AI can handle data entry, scheduling, and even preliminary data analysis, leaving more room for critical thinking and strategic planning.
  2. Enhanced Learning and Skill Development: Access to advanced software and AI tools can accelerate learning curves. Professionals can acquire new skills through online platforms and leverage AI to gain deeper insights into their fields.
  3. Increased Access and Connectivity: Technology breaks down geographical barriers, enabling remote work and global collaboration. This can lead to a richer exchange of ideas and a broader perspective.

The Gradual Shift: Potential Drawbacks

However, as reliance on technology deepens, several concerns arise. The very tools designed to empower can start to undermine autonomy and personal fulfillment.

  1. Erosion of Critical Thinking: Over-reliance on AI for decision-making can blunt critical thinking skills. When algorithms handle complex analyses, individuals might lose the ability to interpret data independently and question underlying assumptions.
  2. Diminished Sense of Mastery: Mastery comes from overcoming challenges and learning through experience. If AI and automation simplify tasks to the point where human input is minimal, individuals may feel less accomplished and less engaged in their work.
  3. Loss of Purpose: Intrinsic motivation is often driven by a sense of purpose and contribution. If technology handles the most impactful aspects of work, employees might struggle to see the value they add, leading to decreased job satisfaction.
  4. Increased Pressure and Unrealistic Expectations: The efficiency gains from technology can lead managers to set higher performance expectations. This can result in increased pressure and stress, as employees are pushed to deliver more in less time, often with fewer resources.

Areas of Work: Beneficiaries and Those at Risk

As we navigate the integration of technology, software, and AI into our work environments, it’s essential to identify which areas stand to benefit the most and which might face challenges.

Beneficial Areas

  1. Data Analysis and Management: AI and machine learning excel in processing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. Industries such as finance, marketing, and healthcare benefit from enhanced data analytics, leading to better decision-making and strategic planning.
  2. Administrative and Routine Tasks: Automation of repetitive tasks can dramatically increase efficiency in administrative roles. Tasks like scheduling, invoicing, and basic customer service can be handled by AI, freeing up time for more complex responsibilities.
  3. Creative Industries: Tools powered by AI can aid in creative processes by providing inspiration, generating content, or assisting with design. This can lead to innovative breakthroughs and more efficient creative workflows.

Areas Facing Adverse Impact

  1. Manual Labor and Low-Skill Jobs: Automation poses a significant threat to jobs involving routine manual tasks. Industries like manufacturing, logistics, and retail may see a reduction in the need for human labor as robots and automated systems take over.
  2. Middle Management: AI systems capable of data-driven decision-making might render some middle management roles redundant. With advanced analytics and automated reporting, the need for intermediary roles to interpret data and make decisions could diminish.
  3. Routine Cognitive Work: Roles that involve routine cognitive tasks, such as data entry, bookkeeping, and basic research, are at risk. AI can perform these tasks more quickly and with fewer errors.

Striking a Balance: Empowerment Without Erosion

To harness the benefits of technology while mitigating its drawbacks, a balanced approach is essential.

  1. Mindful Integration: Implement technology thoughtfully, ensuring it complements rather than replaces human skills. Encourage the use of AI as a tool for augmentation, not substitution.
  2. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Foster a culture of continuous learning where employees are encouraged to develop new skills and adapt to technological changes. This can help maintain a sense of mastery and engagement.
  3. Preserving Human Touch: Emphasize the importance of human judgment and creativity. While AI can provide data-driven insights, the interpretation and application of these insights should remain a human endeavor.
  4. Realistic Expectations: Managers should set realistic expectations that consider the limitations of both technology and human capabilities. Recognize the value of quality over quantity and avoid pushing employees beyond sustainable limits. Machines can never master, Emotional Intelligence.
  5. Encouraging Autonomy: Give employees the autonomy to use technology in ways that enhance their work. Allow them to choose the tools that best fit their workflows and provide opportunities for creative problem-solving.


Technology, software, and AI are powerful tools that, when used correctly, can enhance our professional and personal lives. However, it’s crucial to remain vigilant about their potential to undermine the very elements that make work fulfilling and motivating. By adopting a balanced approach that emphasizes human skills and mindful integration, we can ensure that these tools serve to empower rather than erode our autonomy, mastery, and sense of purpose.

Let me know your thoughts?


30th July 2024


As I finish this post, I see news Item on Newspaper,at Breakfast table, "Digitisation drives away Mid level banking staff" RBI Report!!! 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Decline in the Indian Manufacturing Industry: A Grim Reality


I am back home last (Saturday) evening. Bombay was thankfully sunny and dry yesterday after 5 days + Flight in recent memory in Bombay departure, pushed back a good 5 min early. So luck it is. ( I wonder if Dad's blessing for I have to do his soul rituals Monday!!!)


The Indian manufacturing sector, once touted as the backbone of the nation's economy, is now facing a significant decline. Several factors contribute to this alarming trend, highlighting systemic issues that need urgent attention. Here are some key reasons behind the stagnation and decline of manufacturing in India:

  1. Stagnant GDP Contribution: The manufacturing sector's contribution to the GDP has remained stagnant at around 15%. Despite subsidies for infrastructure, the government has not provided direct support to manufacturing. Recent withdrawal of special incentive programs has caught many companies off guard, further discouraging investment and growth in this sector.

  2. Lack of Innovation and Technological Advancement: Indian manufacturing companies have not engaged in serious innovation or adopted new technologies. The fear of import dumping from Western countries and China, coupled with an inability to compete on price, has stifled progress. This lack of innovation has left the sector lagging behind in global competitiveness.

  3. Shrinking Talent Pool: The talent pool for the manufacturing industry is shrinking at an alarming rate. Fresh graduates, even those with degrees in basic engineering, prefer careers in the service sector, financial ventures, or data analytics. This shift indicates a lack of interest and perceived opportunities in manufacturing, further depleting the skilled workforce needed to drive the industry forward. Also compensation in manufacturing falls in the lowest quantile making it less attractive.

  4. Outdated Technology and Workplace Practices: Many manufacturing companies have not kept up with technological advances in machinery, tools, software, and workplace improvements. Fearful that investing in skill development might lead employees to leave, companies have neglected workforce development. This shortsighted approach ignores the potential benefits of a skilled and motivated workforce.

  5. High Employee Disengagement: Manufacturing has the highest percentage of disengaged employees in India, with 50% out of the total 88% disengaged workforce coming from this sector. This disengagement leads to lower productivity, higher turnover, and a general lack of enthusiasm for manufacturing jobs.

  6. Outdated Trade Unions and Labour Reforms: Trade unions and labour reforms in India have not kept pace with the rapid changes in the global market. The governing laws are archaic, often contradictory, and challenging to implement. This mismatch creates a rigid environment that hampers the flexibility and adaptability needed for modern manufacturing. It is shocking that they operate 6 days a week (Outside Metros which have practically 0 manufacturing) which seriously hits work life balance more so in these days of nuclear family,and couple both working. 

  7. Resistance to Automation and Operational Systems: Many manufacturing companies have not embraced automation or advanced operational systems for quality, safety, productivity, inventory management, delivery, and cost optimization. Reliance on people-intensive activities without leveraging technology has led to inefficiencies and subpar performance.

  8. Infrastructure Deficiencies: Infrastructure at manufacturing sites, especially in remote areas, remains inadequate. Poor transportation links and lack of basic amenities at facilities hinder efficient operations and deter potential investments. You will struggle to get a good Internet connection, or signal say 50 miles from a Big metro! 

  9. The Pitfalls of DEI, ESG, and Excessive Audits in Manufacturing

    In recent years, concepts like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), as well as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, have gained prominence across various industries. While these initiatives are well-intentioned and essential for holistic organizational development, their implementation in the manufacturing sector has often been counterproductive. Many manufacturing companies find themselves overwhelmed by the myriad of DEI and ESG mandates, audits, and compliance checks. Unfortunately, the necessary resources and support to effectively integrate these practices are frequently lacking. This has led to a diversion of focus from core manufacturing activities to compliance paperwork and audits. Instead of enhancing quality and productivity, the burden of these additional requirements often hampers operational efficiency and detracts from delivering high-quality output. Without adequate support, these initiatives become more of a bureaucratic hurdle than a catalyst for positive change, ultimately stifling innovation and growth in the manufacturing sector.

The Path Forward: Urgent Need for Intervention

The decline of the Indian manufacturing industry is a stark reality that requires immediate and concerted efforts from both the government and the industry. Here are some potential steps to reverse this trend:

  1. Government Support: The government needs to provide direct incentives and support to the manufacturing sector. Policies should be geared towards encouraging innovation, technological adoption, and skill development.

  2. Embracing Innovation: Companies must invest in research and development, adopt new technologies, and innovate to remain competitive in the global market.

  3. Developing a Skilled Workforce: Focus on creating a skilled workforce through training and development programs. Companies should invest in their employees' growth, ensuring they have the necessary skills to adapt to technological advancements.

  4. Reforming Labour Laws: Labour laws need to be modernized to reflect current market realities. Reforms should aim to create a flexible and supportive environment for both employers and employees.

  5. Automation and Operational Excellence: Embrace automation and implement advanced operational systems to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality. Investing in technology can significantly enhance performance and competitiveness.

  6. Improving Infrastructure: Invest in improving infrastructure at manufacturing sites and in surrounding areas. Enhancing transportation links, facilities, and basic amenities will make these locations more attractive for investment and operational efficiency.

  7. Promoting Manufacturing as a Career: Create initiatives to promote manufacturing as a viable and attractive career option for young graduates. Highlight the opportunities for growth, innovation, and contribution to the national economy.

Data Reality Check.

  • Stagnant GDP Contribution: The manufacturing sector's contribution to India's GDP has been relatively low and stagnant over the past few years. In 2020, manufacturing contributed around 14-15% to the GDP, a figure that has not seen significant growth despite various initiatives.

  • Innovation and Technological Advancement: Numerous reports and studies indicate that Indian manufacturing lags in innovation and technology adoption compared to global standards. A 2018 report by the National Institute for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) emphasized the need for innovation to boost the manufacturing sector.

  • Shrinking Talent Pool: The preference for careers in the service sector over manufacturing is well-documented. Many engineering graduates in India pursue further studies in fields like finance and data analytics, seeking better career prospects and higher salaries.

  • Employee Disengagement: Surveys and studies by organizations like Gallup have consistently shown high levels of employee disengagement in India, particularly in manufacturing.

  • Labour Reforms: India's labour laws are often criticized for being outdated and inflexible. Efforts have been made to reform these laws, but implementation and consistency remain challenges. 

  • Infrastructure Deficiencies: Inadequate infrastructure is a well-known issue that hampers the efficiency and growth of manufacturing industries, especially in remote areas.

Without these critical interventions, the Indian manufacturing sector risks becoming obsolete, unable to make a meaningful contribution to the economy. The time to act is now, to ensure that manufacturing in India not only survives but thrives in the future. 


28th July 2024


Monday, July 22, 2024

The Democratic Coup: Unceremonious Removal of Joe Biden........


I am on Business Travel and is in Bombay all week. So this is hastily written reaction. 


The political landscape of America is no stranger to dramatic twists, but the recent unceremonious removal of Joe Biden from the presidential race has left the nation in shock. In a move that stunned not only the American public but even Biden's own staffers, the Democrats ousted their sitting president with a swiftness and secrecy that raises serious questions about the integrity of their democratic values.

The Democrats, who have long branded Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, have now dismissed the franchaise of over 4 million registered Democrats, effectively sidelining Biden without any prior warning. This abrupt coup, led by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Chuck Schumer, reveals the extent to which power can corrupt even the most vocally democratic leaders.

Biden, like any candidate, could have faced the possibility of losing the election. Victory and defeat are inherent aspects of any democratic process. However, the Democrats’ decision to preemptively remove him underscores their fear of facing Trump once again. They are terrified of a Trump presidency, particularly one where he enters with a fortified agenda, knowing exactly where the skeletons lie, having been previously stymied by a Democrat-leaning Deep State and Republican In Name Only (RINO) figures like McConnell, Romney, and Cheney.

Trump's iron grip on the Republican Party has only tightened, leaving Democrats scrambling. Kamala Harris, initially chosen as a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) pick, had already withdrawn from the 2020 presidential race before the first Democratic primary in Iowa. Her contentious political history in California is well-documented, and her ascension in this context only adds to the controversy.

As we approach the Democratic National Convention in the second week of August, the stage is set for unprecedented chaos. The Democrats' desperation is palpable, and their actions suggest they are willing to go to any lengths to avoid a Trump victory. Yet, this turmoil might only play into Trump’s hands, galvanizing his base and securing his path to the White House.

I predict a landslide victory for Trump, with a projected electoral vote count of 350-188. (Trump vs Harris) Below, I've included a graph to illustrate this forecast. 

The unfolding drama promises to make the DNC convention a spectacle of political intrigue and power plays. Let’s watch as this riveting chapter in American politics unfolds. Yes, the Pick of Kamala as Presidential candidate is not foregone conclusion. (Obama, Pelosi, Schummer are yet to endorse her) Whom they pick as her Running mate (White Man, Black Man, White Woman(??).... Interesting times!!! I also expect legal challenges as 3 states have rules that candidate can be changed only when he /she dies or mentally incapable, which is not the case as of now for Joe Biden. Speaker Johnson is set to take this up as a legal challenge! 


Kalyan, (Bombay) 1945 Hrs. 22/7/24.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Evil Indian Managers!! (Inspired by Blog named EVIL HR LADY!).


The Finicky Nature of Indian Bosses: A Hindrance to Employee Growth and Well-Being

In my 28 years of corporate experience, spanning from 1985 to 2012, I encountered a workplace culture that, despite its occasional challenges, generally allowed for reasonable personal autonomy. Whether it was taking a vacation, leaving early for errands, or pursuing further education, the protocols were clear, and approvals were typically granted without unnecessary hurdles nor any questions asked for reason. "I apply, I left- I came back" resumed work, No questions asked. Yet, reflecting on recent trends and anecdotes from friends and colleagues, I am appalled by how drastically things seem to have shifted.

Indian managers, even those in multinational corporations, appear increasingly finicky and controlling. Denial of leave requests, reluctance to allow employees to leave a few minutes early for personal errands, and a general lack of support for employees' educational aspirations are becoming alarmingly common. This micromanagement and lack of trust are not just frustrating but also detrimental to employee well-being and organizational growth. Many Employees feel they are humiliated but can't speak out for fear of retribution. 

The Underlying Issues

  1. Insecurity and Inferiority Complex: I believe that the behavior of many Indian managers reflects deep-seated insecurities and an inferiority complex. There's a pervasive fear that supporting an employee's growth could somehow undermine the manager's own position. This insecurity manifests in a reluctance to delegate, an absence of succession planning, and a tendency to micromanage. The competence, EQ, (Even awareness!) of modern day Indian manager is appaling to say the least. In top notch organisations, the resume of such managers, would have directly hit the dust bin at first go! Great companies never allow a "FALSE +VE in "

  2. Lack of Succession Planning and Delegation: A major issue is the lack of effective succession planning and delegation. Managers hoard tasks and responsibilities, fearing that sharing knowledge or empowering subordinates might render them redundant. This creates a stifling environment where employees feel their growth is limited and their contributions undervalued. 

  3. Sadistic Tendencies: Unfortunately, it seems that a significant number of managers derive a perverse sense of satisfaction from wielding their power to deny basic requests. This sadistic streak not only hampers employee morale but also fosters a toxic workplace culture.

Poor Leadership: A Reflection of Organizational Culture

Since managers are often reflections of their bosses and leaders, this pervasive issue also casts a negative light upward on the organization's leadership. As the Tamil saying goes, "A saree is only as good as the thread used to weave it." If the thread is of poor quality, the resulting saree will also be subpar. Similarly, the quality of leadership within an organization is reflected in the behaviors and attitudes of its managers. When leaders fail to set a positive example and create a supportive environment, it trickles down, affecting the entire organizational culture.

The Ken Podcast Insights

Listening to Ken's podcasts, (The first two Years) particularly those discussing young Indian employees' reluctance to inform their managers about their aspirations for further studies like MBA programs, Career mentoring, Managers harassing directs, growth etc. highlights a broader systemic issue. Young professionals are afraid to express their ambitions because they fear retribution or being undermined by their managers. This fear stifles innovation, demoralizes employees, and ultimately harms the organization. 

Personal Reflections

Reflecting on my career, there was a time when I had to miss my sister's wedding due to a critical meeting with the CEO and Chairman. While this was an extraordinary circumstances done at my own will, my general experience was quite different from what many employees face today. I navigated protocols and received approvals for personal and professional growth activities without undue hindrance. The stark contrast between then and now is disheartening.

The Way Forward

  1. Cultivating Trust and Empathy: Organizations must foster a culture of trust and empathy. Managers need to understand that supporting their employees' personal and professional growth will ultimately benefit the organization.

  2. Training and Development: Providing training for managers on effective leadership, EQ, delegation, and succession planning can help alleviate insecurities. Encouraging a mindset shift from control to support will create a more positive work environment.

  3. Employee Empowerment: Empowering employees by giving them more autonomy and recognizing their achievements will enhance their motivation and commitment. Celebrating educational achievements and providing opportunities for further growth will also help.

  4. Transparent Policies: Implementing transparent policies for leave, early departures, and professional development can reduce the arbitrary exercise of power by managers.


The reluctance of Indian managers to grant basic requests or support employee growth is a significant issue that needs urgent attention. By addressing the underlying insecurities and fostering a culture of trust, empathy, and empowerment, organizations can create a more positive and productive work environment. This shift is essential for the well-being of employees and the long-term success of the organization.

As a seasoned professional who has witnessed the corporate landscape's evolution, I urge companies to prioritize these hygiene factors. Neglecting them will render any motivational strategies futile, ultimately leading to disengaged employees and stunted organizational growth. Also the Millenials, and Gen Z would react violently and be ready to face Insults in private and public domain at your own Peril! Managers career would be finished if such thing happens. So mend ways is the 2 Minute Warning! 


21/7/24 1030am. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Embracing Timeless Wisdom: Indian Philosophy for a Balanced Life in 2024


My current Bedstand Print book to read for sleep. (No Screen post 7pm strictly!). 

In our fast-paced, self-centered world of 2024, where materialistic pursuits often dominate our lives, the teachings of Indian philosophy offer a deep refuge. Bharma Kumari Shivani's book "Power of One Thought" delves into these ancient insights, presenting them as relevant guides for contemporary life. She emphasizes that ego, rooted in our attachment to material possessions and the fear of losing them, hinders our growth and maturity. By shedding ego, we can cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

Moreover, Shivani discusses the concept of sanskaras—the deep-seated habits and tendencies that shape our personalities. These sanskaras are influenced by our environment, family, and even past lives. She highlights seven essential sanskaras that should never fade away: peace, power, bliss, knowledge, happiness, love, and purity. By nurturing these qualities, we can navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and wisdom.


In today's rapidly changing world, the relentless pursuit of success and material wealth often leaves us feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. As we grapple with the pressures of modern life, the timeless wisdom of Indian philosophy offers invaluable guidance. The "Power of One Thought" provides a fresh perspective on how ancient teachings can help us lead more meaningful and balanced lives. By addressing the pitfalls of ego and the importance of nurturing positive sanskaras, Shivani's insights are especially relevant as we strive to find inner peace and true happiness amidst the chaos.

Understanding Ego

In her exploration of ego, Shivani emphasizes that it is a manifestation of our attachment to materialistic aspects and the fear that they will disappear. Ego often drives us to seek validation through external achievements, possessions, and status, creating a fragile sense of self-worth that is easily shaken by life's uncertainties. This attachment to the material world prevents us from experiencing true inner peace and contentment. Ego-->Attachment---->Fear. 

Shivani argues that shedding ego involves recognizing and letting go of these attachments. It requires us to shift our focus from external validation to internal fulfillment, fostering a sense of self that is independent of material possessions and societal accolades. By doing so, we can cultivate a more mature and resilient mindset, better equipped to handle the inevitable ups and downs of life.

Managing Temper and Stress

Shivani also touches upon the importance of managing temper and stress, key aspects of maintaining mental and emotional well-being. From an Indian philosophical perspective, these emotions are seen as disturbances to our inner peace and harmony.

  • Temper Management: In Indian philosophy, anger is considered a fire that can consume our inner peace. Ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita advise us to practice self-control and patience. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can help us become more aware of our emotional triggers and respond to situations with calmness and clarity. By understanding that anger stems from unmet expectations and ego, we can learn to detach from these sources and cultivate a more balanced temperament.

  • Stress Management: Stress, a common ailment of modern life, is viewed as a result of living out of alignment with our true nature. Indian philosophy advocates for a holistic approach to stress management, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual practices. Yoga, pranayama (breath control), and meditation are powerful tools to reduce stress and bring the mind into a state of tranquility. The principle of "Santosha" (contentment) encourages us to accept life as it is and find joy in the present moment, rather than constantly striving for more.

Personal Reflection

As someone who has listened to the evocative songs of Tamil poet / Film Lyrcist Kavingar- Kannadasan from the 1950s and 1960s, I find these concepts deeply resonant. Kannadasan’s lyrics, which touch on themes of ego, detachment, the power of God, the uncertainties of life, and the transient nature of relationships, echo the teachings of Indian philosophy. His reflections on who will be there for us after we are long gone remind us of the impermanence of life and the importance of cultivating inner peace.

Touching songs.. If you listen in your Teens your life is settled and no shocks awaits you as happened to me! 

Entering my 60s, I find myself pondering these themes more deeply. The wisdom of shedding ego and embracing positive sanskaras seems not just a philosophical ideal but a practical path to a more peaceful and fulfilling life. The challenge, of course, lies in the application of these theories. Yet, as age brings greater perspective, the resolve to integrate these teachings into daily life strengthens.


As we move forward in 2024, the teachings of Indian philosophy remind us that true fulfillment lies not in our possessions but in our inner state of being. By shedding ego and embracing the seven essential sanskaras—peace, power, bliss, knowledge, happiness, love, and purity—we can cultivate a life of balance and contentment. Bharma Kumari Shivani's "Power of One Thought" serves as a timeless guide, encouraging us to reconnect with our deeper selves and navigate the complexities of modern life with wisdom and grace.

Finally, the relevance of these teachings in 2024 cannot be overstated. As we strive for success and fulfillment, it is crucial to remember that our true worth lies not in what we own or achieve, but in the quality of our thoughts and the strength of our character. By embracing the wisdom of Indian philosophy, we can shed the ego that binds us to materialistic pursuits and cultivate a life enriched by peace, power, bliss, knowledge, happiness, love, and purity. This path not only leads to personal growth but also fosters a more compassionate and harmonious world for all. Through the practice of temper and stress management, we can maintain our inner calm and resilience, navigating life's challenges with grace and equanimity.

Let me know your thoughts/ views/ comments.


20th July 2024 


Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump's Vision for America's Future: A Calm and Measured Approach at Wisconsin RNC


After the heartfelt personal story of JD Vance as the Vice Presidential nominee, illustrating the American dream of rising from a challenging home environment to becoming a Yale graduate, senator, and now a potential VP yesterday, the focus shifted to Donald J. Trump today(Thursday US PM). Following the Butler, PA incident, Trump's 85-minute speech at the Wisconsin RNC was calm, measured, and devoid of the usual rhetoric and foul language. Remarkably, he mentioned Biden's name only once, choosing instead to focus on his vision and plans for America's future.

The Chart that saved DJT Life. He turned that day to look at it! 

Former President Donald Trump touches the turnout coat of former Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Department chief Corey Comperatore, who was killed at his rally, on Day 4 of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, July 18, 2024.

Trump began by recounting in detail his escape from an assassin's bullet, showing the chart that he turned to see, which ultimately saved his life. He invoked God and Providence many times throughout his speech, resonating well with the Republican and American values of "United We Stand" and "In God We Trust."

Trump presented a robust economic agenda, echoing his famous
"Drill, Baby, Drill" line that revitalized his fortunes in 2023. This phrase, which played a pivotal role in his resurgence after the CNN interview/debate, ultimately helped him secure the nomination in a sweeping victory. He outlined ambitious plans for the economy, including the deportation of illegal migrants, the elimination of taxes on tips, and imposing heavy import duties (100-200%) on imported items. He also emphasised on Manufacturing in USA. (Which may be difficult considering high costs!)

A key highlight of his speech was his commitment to bringing peace and stability to the world, a promise he can credibly make given his record of starting no wars during his tenure. Trump spoke about restoring normal relations with North Korea and other states considered hostile, reassuring Israel of his unwavering support.

The speech was a well-laid-out plan for America's future, signaling to the Republican cadre the importance of mobilizing votes. Trump emphasized the need to outperform Democrats in ballot harvesting, early ballot voting, and preventing post-election vote dumping and fraudulent activities.

Reflecting on the 2020 stolen election, he reminded republicans to be on vigil once election process starts. I agree that the adage "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," underscoring the importance of vigilance and determination in securing victory in the upcoming elections.

With Election less than 100 days away and Democrats in Shambles in every sense, it is TRUMP's election to lose from here... But I won't get ahead of myself, as elections are not won until it is over.


19th July 2024 1030am. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

One More American Dream Achieved. JD VANCE.


Back from Travel, as usual, delayed flights, (It is getting frustratingly Routine!). 

James and Usha with their 3 children. 

JD Vance's story is indeed a remarkable testament to the American Dream, demonstrating the power of resilience, determination, and the transformative impact of supportive relationships. Raised in a challenging environment in Middletown, Ohio, Vance faced numerous obstacles that could have easily derailed his future. His mother struggled with addiction, his father abandoned the family, and he was primarily raised by his tough-as-nails grandmother, "Mamaw," who kept 15 handguns in her house for protection.

Despite these adversities, Vance's journey showcases several key elements of the American Dream:

  1. Resilience and Determination: Vance's ability to overcome significant personal challenges exemplifies the resilience often necessary to achieve the American Dream. His perseverance through his turbulent childhood and adolescence laid the foundation for his later successes.

  2. Supportive Relationships: The presence of his grandmother and his elder sister provided Vance with a sense of stability and care, highlighting the importance of supportive relationships in overcoming hardships.

  3. Education as a Pathway: Vance's academic achievements, including his time at Yale Law School, underscore the role of education in enabling social mobility. His encounter with a nurturing and influential Yale professor played a pivotal role in shaping his path forward.

  4. Positive Influences and Mentorship: Meeting his future wife at Yale introduced Vance to a supportive partner who encouraged and believed in him. The mentorship he received from his Yale professor also illustrates how guidance and positive influences can significantly impact one's trajectory.

  5. Personal Agency: Vance's story emphasizes personal agency—the idea that individuals, regardless of their starting point, have the capacity to shape their own destinies through their choices and actions.

  6. Courage and Risk-Taking: Jumping out of the car to escape a dire situation with his mother, Vance exhibited courage and a willingness to take risks, traits often associated with the pursuit of the American Dream.

JD Vance's life story, as recounted in his memoir "Hillbilly Elegy," serves as a powerful narrative of achieving success against the odds. It reminds us that the American Dream is not just about material success but also about personal growth, the impact of nurturing relationships, and the ability to rise above one's circumstances through sheer willpower and the support of others.



I tracked JD Vance trajectory, from Ohio Senate Seat race in 2022 and felt this man wears his heart on his sleeves. No surprise he reached there. Also all along 2024 the feeling was if Trump chooses Vance or Carlson or Scott, He is looking for a real change, else it is a joke if anyone else. (Rubio, Hailey, etc.) With the Assassination attempt, I feel a changed DJT( On everything in life, I suppose) would have no difficulty in picking Vance.

My Fact Check.

Let's fact-check the key points from summary of JD Vance's story:

  1. Poor economic background: True. JD Vance was raised in Middletown, Ohio, in a working-class family that struggled economically.

  2. Left by father at a young age: True. JD Vance's father left the family when Vance was very young, and he had little contact with him during his early years.

  3. Addictive mother: True. Vance's mother struggled with drug addiction throughout his childhood, which created a tumultuous and unstable home environment.

  4. Brought up by grandmother (with 15 handguns at her house): True. Vance's grandmother, whom he called "Mamaw," played a significant role in raising him. She was known for her toughness and kept numerous firearms in her house for protection.

  5. Caring elder sister: True. JD Vance's elder sister, Lindsay, provided support and care for him during their challenging upbringing.

  6. Inches from death as a child when mother wanted to kill him and herself, and Vance jumped out: True. There was an incident where his mother, in a fit of rage, threatened to kill both him and herself, leading Vance to jump out of the car to escape.

  7. Met a great woman at Yale who married him: True. While attending Yale Law School, JD Vance met his future wife, Usha, who has been a significant positive influence in his life.

  8. Great Yale professor who shaped him: True. Vance was mentored by Amy Chua, a Yale Law professor known for her tough but supportive approach, which significantly influenced his development.

Best Seller .....

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The DAY OF THE JACKAL-2024. The Election is Over.


Donald Trump Assassination Attempt at Butler, PA: A Turning Point

At 6:15 PM EDT on 13th July 2024 (3:45 AM on 14th July here in India) in Butler, PA, former President Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. The bullet grazed his right ear, underscoring a significant lapse in Secret Service security. This incident highlights the intense hatred that Trump faces and the desperation of his opponents.

Trump's supporters, including myself, have long feared that an attack from far-left factions, including communists and Antifa, would materialise as they became desperate. This attempt validates our concerns, showing just how far his enemies are willing to go—even among the rich and elite, who feel he should be gone. The desperation to eliminate him has reached a fever pitch. Even now, social media is trending with questions like "How did it miss?"

The impact of this event on the 2024 election is profound. The attack has energized Trump's base, solidifying their resolve. For many, the race is effectively decided. The attempt on Trump's life has shifted the political landscape, creating a rallying point for his supporters.

This moment will be remembered as a turning point. Trump's influence, capable of inciting both loyalty and animosity, is undeniable. We must reflect on the state of our nation and address the underlying causes of such division and hatred. As the blog title indicates, like Charles de Gaulle, who survived multiple assassination attempts (including the fictionalised account in "The Day of the Jackal"), Trump could face many more attempts to thwart his presidency until January 20, 2025. So, watch out.

God Bless Trump (He was saved by Divine intervention). God bless America.


14th July 2024, 10 AM

Charles De-Gaule.... French President. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Juggling Koan- The Art of Delegation in Life.


Delegation is often misunderstood and poorly executed, particularly in the Indian subcontinent. Many managers feel insecure about passing tasks to their subordinates, fearing potential mistakes or delays and then they have to take the blame. However, if a manager truly wants to grow and advance, they must master the art of delegation. It's akin to juggling a koan, where one needs to let go of the smaller balls to keep the larger ones in motion.

Understanding the Need for Delegation

Delegation isn't about offloading work; it's about strategic distribution of tasks to maximize efficiency and growth. Managers often cling to tasks that are insignificant in their role but may be valuable for the development of their team members. To delegate effectively, one must first identify tasks that are non-urgent and non-important, as well as those that are not important but urgent. These are ideal tasks for delegation.

Steps to Effective Delegation

  1. Identify Suitable Tasks: Start by pinpointing tasks that do not require your immediate attention or are not critical to your core responsibilities. Tasks that fall into the categories of non-urgent/non-important and urgent/non-important are perfect for delegation.

  2. Assess Skills and Competence: Regular one-on-one meetings (If done once a week, with due notes) with your direct reports are invaluable. These sessions provide insight into each team member's skills and competencies, allowing you to match tasks with the right individuals.

  3. Agree on Progress steps and Milestones: Engage in personal discussions with your team members to outline the task, agree on significant milestones, and establish an escalation mechanism for any issues that may arise. This ensures everyone is on the same page and understands the expectations.

  4. Monitor Progress Initially: While it's important to give your team members independence, initially tracking their progress can help ensure they are on the right track. This balance of oversight and autonomy is crucial.

  5. Provide Feedback: Offer constructive feedback as needed. Recognize and praise the completion of tasks according to plan. Positive reinforcement not only boosts morale but also reinforces the value of the delegated task.

Building Trust and Empowering Your Team

Building trust is a cornerstone of effective delegation. Trust your team to handle the tasks you've delegated, and avoid the trap of micromanagement. Empower your team members by showing confidence in their abilities and providing them with the support they need.

Highlighting the Benefits

Delegation helps in skill development for team members. When they take on new tasks, they learn and grow, which benefits the entire team. For managers, delegation allows focus on strategic, high-value tasks, enhancing their own growth and career advancement.

Addressing Common Concerns

Many managers fear losing control or doubt their team’s capabilities. To overcome these insecurities, start with small, manageable tasks and gradually increase the complexity as your team members prove their competence. Clear, concise instructions are vital to avoid miscommunication.

Practical Tips for Delegation

  • Clear Instructions: Ensure the tasks delegated come with clear, concise instructions. Miscommunication can lead to mistakes and frustration.
  • Regular Check-Ins: While initial monitoring is crucial, regular check-ins help maintain progress without being intrusive.

Delegation in Personal Life

The principles of delegation are equally applicable in personal life. Whether it's handing over household chores to your spouse or involving your children in daily responsibilities, letting go of tasks that no longer add value to your life can be liberating. Monitoring progress initially and then granting independence helps in building trust and competence within the family.

In my own life, delegating tasks has been a game-changer. When I started involving my children in household responsibilities, (They then were aged 7 and 5) they not only learned valuable life skills but also developed a sense of responsibility. My wife and I divide our tasks based on our strengths, (Me a very poor Finance planner!) which has significantly improved our efficiency and reduced stress. ( I felt I overdelegated and feel took less responsibility than ought to have, in a large sense!). 

Reflecting on Cultural Context

In cultures where hierarchical structures are strong, delegation might be challenging. However, recognizing and navigating these cultural nuances can lead to more effective delegation. Managers should strive to create a culture of trust and empowerment, even within traditional frameworks.

Long-Term Benefits

Effective delegation is a win-win situation. It fosters a healthy, productive work environment where team members feel valued and managers can focus on their growth. In the long run, delegation leads to a more capable and confident team, ready to take on new challenges.


Delegation is not just about freeing up a manager's time; it's about fostering growth and development within the team. By strategically delegating tasks, managers can focus on more significant responsibilities, prepare for new assignments, and ultimately drive both personal and team growth. Remember, the value of a task is not just in its execution but also in the learning and development it provides to the delegatee.

Embrace delegation as an essential tool for growth, both in your professional and personal life, and witness the transformation it brings to your overall productivity and satisfaction.


13th July 2024 930am