Sunday, June 30, 2024

Biden's Spectacular Failure in the Presidential Debate: A Personal Reflection


Note: I was away on Business Travel and back home last night,hence no posts for a week and also a delayed post on this topic. 

As an ardent follower of American politics and a staunch supporter of conservative values, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of disappointment and frustration watching President Joe Biden's performance in the recent presidential debate. The debate, which should have been an opportunity for Biden to showcase his leadership and vision for America, (However dislike I have for him, he is the #POTUS) thus its place in the world, instead highlighted his weaknesses and inability to effectively communicate with the American people as well as exposed how vulnerable is America now under his Presidency. 

From the very beginning, it was evident that Biden was struggling to maintain his composure and articulate his thoughts coherently. His responses were often rambling, he appeared dazed as well as drugged, (Empty blank stare) and lacked the clarity and conviction that one would expect from the President of the United States. At times, it seemed as though he was grasping at straws, trying to find the right words to defend his policies and decisions. As Trump once said responding, "I can't comprehend what he just said". 

One of the most glaring moments of the debate was Biden's failure to adequately address the pressing issues facing our nation. When asked about the state of the economy, Biden's response was vague and uninspiring. Instead of offering concrete solutions to the economic challenges we face, he resorted to talking points that felt recycled and out of touch with the reality that many Americans are experiencing. This lack of a clear economic vision was a missed opportunity to reassure the public and demonstrate his capability as a leader. He mixed up Immigration and Abortion issues. 

Perhaps the most concerning aspect of Biden's performance was his apparent difficulty in responding to direct challenges from his opponent. (Hunter Biden Laptop etc.) Rather than addressing criticisms head-on and providing robust counterarguments, Biden often appeared defensive and evasive. This inability to effectively engage in a rigorous debate not only undermines his credibility but also raises questions about his capacity to lead in times of crisis.

The debate long held fears that Biden is unfit for the presidency. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, he escaped scrutiny in 2020 and managed to win the election, with Democrats allegedly stuffing ballots. However legal it may have been, this situation exposed the hypocritical media and leftist elements that have been lying to the American people about Biden's health all along.

This weakness now gives the axis of evil—Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China—an open invitation to do what they like, knowing America has a senile president. This blurs the memory of President Trump's spectacular performance on the economy, taxes, migration, and abortion. The left will never acknowledge Trump's stellar performance, choosing instead to focus on their narrative.

In contrast, President Trump, demonstrated a command of the issues and an ability to articulate a clear vision for the future. The stark difference in their performances was a reminder of the importance of strong leadership and effective communication in the highest office of the land. His response to Jan 6th, 2021, was a stunner, pulling the carpet off his critics' feet. 

As an observer of American politics and a firm believer in the principles that have made that nation great, I cannot help but feel that Biden's performance in the debate was a disservice to the American people. It is crucial for leaders to inspire confidence and provide a clear direction for the future. Unfortunately, Biden's lackluster showing in the debate did little to instill such confidence.

In conclusion, the presidential debate was a stark reminder of the challenges America faces as a nation and the importance of strong, decisive leadership. While Biden's performance was undoubtedly a failure, it also serves as a call to action for all Americans, to remain vigilant and engaged in the political process. The nation's future depends on it.


30/6/24 11am. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Decline of Mainstream Media: Why People Are Turning to Independent Voices.


This week the first USA Presidential candidate debate is scheduled Thursday, 27th June hosted by CNN. (Communist News Network). I thought this blog post now, would be apt to cover this topic. I would be on business travel, so I very much doubt I can join to watch live, (May be on Charlie Kirk Show or alternate channel).  Also it is a far cry from state of affairs on the 50th year Emergency in India under Mrs Indhira Gandhi (25/6/75) when news paper like Indian Express stood up to her muzzle. 

Fake News Agents in India. (The lap up whatever Govt throws at them!) For them Opposition is accountable for everything! 

As I also, reflect on the 11 years since I last tuned into TV Indian news channels, CNN, or BBC, it's clear that the mainstream media has lost its way. Newspapers like the New York Times and The Guardian, along with their Indian counterparts like The Hindu, have seen a decline in circulation. These once-reliable sources have become mouthpieces for the elite and the deep state, offering biased reporting instead of neutral, balanced debate.

Mainstream media today is a cacophony of shrill shouting matches, devoid of rhyme or reason. This sad state of affairs has driven people like me to seek out independent podcasters who offer unbiased opinions. Shows like Megyn Kelly, The BeerBiceps Show, Lex Fridman, and Judging Freedom provide the balanced perspectives that mainstream outlets no longer do.

The obsession with live news has waned as well. In the age of 24/7 news cycles, learning about events an hour later makes little difference. For live coverage of critical events, I prefer the analysis provided by the podcasts I follow. Mainstream media is in decline, and few are mourning its demise.

Their pathetic coverage of issues like the Indian elections, The opinion poll sham, the Trump witch hunt, the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the Ukraine war is shameful. With thousands dying daily in Ukraine, the media's inability to correct its course is evident. Pampered by wealthy left-wing masters and the deep state, they exist to spread fake news and mislead the public.

It's a relief to turn away from this circus and find solace in independent voices that strive to present the truth.

Why Mainstream Media Has Failed Miserably

There are several reasons why mainstream media—print, TV, and cable—has failed so miserably in retaining the trust and interest of its audience:

  1. Biased Reporting: Mainstream media has become increasingly partisan, often serving the interests of political elites and the deep state rather than providing objective news. This bias has alienated large segments of the audience who seek fair and balanced reporting.

  2. Sensationalism Over Substance: To boost ratings, many news outlets have resorted to sensationalism, focusing on shocking headlines and clickbait rather than in-depth analysis. This has eroded the quality of news and turned serious reporting into a spectacle.

  3. Lack of Accountability: Mainstream media rarely admits to its mistakes or biases. This lack of accountability further erodes trust, as audiences feel they are being manipulated rather than informed.

  4. Corporate Interests: Many news organizations are owned by large corporations with vested interests. This often influences the news coverage, prioritizing stories that align with corporate goals over those that serve the public interest.

  5. Decline in Investigative Journalism: Budget cuts and the drive for profitability have led to a decline in investigative journalism. This has diminished the media's role as a watchdog, reducing its ability to hold power to account.

My Podcasts listening list. 

Why Podcasts and Webcasts Are Gaining Trust

In contrast to the declining trust in mainstream media, podcasts and webcasts are roaring among people as mediums to trust. Here's why:

  1. Authenticity: Podcasts and webcasts often feature hosts who are passionate about their topics and provide genuine, unfiltered perspectives. This authenticity resonates with listeners who are tired of the polished and often insincere presentation of mainstream media.

  2. Diverse Voices: Independent podcasters bring a diversity of voices and viewpoints that are often missing in mainstream media. This inclusivity helps to build a more comprehensive understanding of issues.

  3. Deep Dives: Podcasts typically allow for longer, more in-depth discussions than traditional news formats. This enables a more thorough exploration of topics, providing listeners with a richer and more nuanced perspective.

  4. Interactive Engagement: Many podcasts and webcasts engage with their audience through social media, live chats, and Q&A sessions. This interaction builds a community around the content, fostering a sense of belonging and trust.

  5. Accessibility and Convenience: Podcasts can be listened to anytime, anywhere, making them a convenient source of information for busy people. This accessibility helps to maintain a loyal audience. My 20,000 steps a day (16,000 is done listening to Podcasts in Audio form). 

  6. Transparency: Independent podcasters often disclose their biases and funding sources upfront. This transparency is appreciated by listeners who feel more informed about the potential influences on the content they consume.

As someone who has turned away from mainstream media, I find solace in these independent voices. They strive to present the truth without the noise and bias that has come to define traditional news outlets. For me, there's no desire to see mainstream media revive in its current form. Instead, I hope for a media landscape where independent, trustworthy voices continue to thrive and provide the balanced, insightful news that the public deserves.



Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Crisis in Indian Education: Time for a Serious Overhaul (?)


India's education system is at a critical juncture, facing myriad challenges that undermine its effectiveness and potential. From the pressure on students and parents to the systemic issues within schools and colleges, the situation is dire. Let me delve into the key issues and explore some practical solutions.

1. The Pressure Cooker: Parents and Students

Lalitha, a math private coach, (Face to face) is inundated with requests over past few years, for coaching from parents whose children, despite paying exorbitant school fees (Rs 5 to 6 lakhs (US$ 7,000) annually, plus another 2 lakhs (2500$) for additional expenses), struggle to score above 50%. The situation is same for most of the subjects. Parents fear questioning the schools about their children's performance, worried about possible harassment or retaliation. What is worrying, is teachers themselves recommend to students, (Concerned with poor performance) to go for private coaching. (Not theirs'- so that is a good news)


  • Establish an independent regulatory body to oversee and audit school performance and provide a safe channel for parents to raise concerns without fear of backlash.
  • Encourage schools to adopt transparent evaluation methods and provide regular, constructive feedback to both students and parents.

2. Schools Overwhelmed by Peripheral Responsibilities

Schools face a barrage of social and political issues, detracting from their primary focus on education. Teachers are often burdened with non-educational tasks, diluting their effectiveness.


  • Streamline teachers' responsibilities to focus solely on educational activities by appointing administrative staff to handle non-academic tasks.
  • Introduce policies to protect schools from undue political and social pressures, allowing them to prioritize education.

The Commercialization of Education

Education in India has become a lucrative business, akin to politics and healthcare, with little to no accountability. This commercialization is deeply worrying and indicates a bleak future unless addressed. Schools / Colleges assure admission without any merit consideration for payment of fat money. I am told in few states,even colleges would chase the school exam papers and see to that you meet threshold for admission if you promise to admit your ward in to their college. 


  • Implement stringent regulations to curb the commercialization of education and ensure that institutions prioritize quality education over profit.
  • Promote non-profit educational institutions and provide incentives for schools that maintain high educational standards.

4. Uneven Performance and Brilliance Masking Inefficiency

A small percentage of brilliant students mask the overall ineffectiveness and low quality of teaching staff. This disparity is alarming and misleading.


  • Regularly assess and train teachers to ensure they meet high standards of teaching excellence.
  • Recognize and reward schools that demonstrate overall student improvement rather than just showcasing top performers.

Lack of Global Recognition

It's disheartening that no Indian institution ranks among the top 100 globally. This reflects poorly on the country's educational standards.


  • Invest in infrastructure, research facilities, and faculty development to enhance the quality of education and compete globally.
  • Foster collaborations with top international universities to bring best practices and innovations to Indian institutions.

1.5 Crore (15 Million affected by exam paper leaks in 5 years). 
Examination Leaks and Unfairness

Frequent leaks of competitive exam papers erode trust in the system and perpetuate unfairness.


  • Strengthen the security and integrity of examination processes through technology and stringent monitoring.
  • Hold accountable those responsible for leaks and malpractice to restore confidence in the system.

7. Disproportionate Interest in Certain Fields

There's a glaring imbalance in the number of students pursuing different engineering fields. For instance, a reputed college has only 40 Civil Engineering students compared to 4000 Computer Science students, spread across 18 overcrowded sections.


  • Realign educational incentives to encourage students to explore diverse fields based on market demand and future job prospects.
  • Provide scholarships and incentives for students to pursue underrepresented but essential fields like Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineering.

8. Brain Drain

Top talent increasingly seeks education and employment opportunities abroad, rarely returning to contribute to India's growth. The Economist article this week on this topic is very shocking. Not only people do not return, they find a potential spouse who otherwise would have returned to India, thus causing double Jeopardy. 


  • Create a conducive environment for research and innovation within India to retain top talent.
  • Offer competitive salaries and opportunities for professional growth to attract and retain high-quality faculty and researchers.

9. The Erosion of Core Values: Merit, Hard Work, and Honesty

Merit, hard work, and honesty have become mirages in the current educational landscape. Students increasingly believe that shortcuts, cheating, and manipulation are the pathways to success, as these practices often seem to go unpunished and even rewarded. The respect for Schools, Teachers have hit a new low as students see that as trasaction aspect of life rather than value add or Mentoring/ value creating institutions. 


  • Reinforce the importance of ethical behavior through curriculum and extracurricular activities that emphasize integrity and moral values.
  • Implement strict anti-cheating policies and ensure consistent enforcement to deter dishonest behavior.
  • Celebrate and reward students who exemplify hard work and merit, creating role models for others to follow.
  • Integrate character education into the curriculum to build a foundation of honesty and integrity from an early age.


The Indian education system is at a crossroads, requiring urgent reforms to address its deep-seated issues. By implementing these practical solutions, we can revitalize the system, ensuring it nurtures talent, fosters innovation, and contributes meaningfully to the nation's progress. It's time for serious soul-searching and actionable change before the younger generation loses faith and turns to drastic measures out of frustration.  I have put my thoughts. I am sure none of this would even be done come a couple of decades. That is sad aspect. 


22/6/24. 930am. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Donald Sutherland; Operation Success-Patient well; 21.6.75


It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to
Donald Sutherland, a Canadian actor whose talent and charisma graced our screens for decades. At the age of 88, he leaves behind a legacy that will forever be cherished in the annals of cinema.

Donald Sutherland was a master of his craft, known for his versatility and the depth he brought to each role. One of his most unforgettable performances was in Ken Follett's book,"Eye of the Needle," where he brilliantly portrayed a Nazi agent in Britain, weaving a tense and captivating narrative around the scuttling of D-Day plans. This role remains etched in the memories of many as a testament to his exceptional acting prowess.

His portrayal of Hawkeye Pierce Jr in the iconic film "MASH" showcased his ability to blend humor with poignant moments, a talent that resonated with audiences and critics alike. In "Lock Up," alongside Sylvester Stallone, and "The First Great Train Robbery," with Sean Connery, Sutherland demonstrated his range, seamlessly transitioning between diverse characters and genres.

Throughout the 1970s and beyond, Donald Sutherland delivered countless memorable performances, each one a testament to his dedication and passion for acting. His contributions to the world of cinema have left an indelible mark, influencing generations of actors and filmmakers. Rest in peace, Donald Sutherland. 


South Africa- Operation Success- Patient is Well.

A New Dawn for South Africa: Embracing Change in the 2024 Elections

As someone who has witnessed the seismic shifts in global politics, it's always heartening to see a nation embrace change and move towards a brighter future. The 2024 South African elections mark such a momentous occasion, reminiscent of India's 1977 elections when the ruling party was unseated after three decades of dominance. This time, after 30 years in power, the African National Congress (ANC) has lost its majority, paving the way for a transformative coalition that brings hope and optimism to South Africa.

The world watched with bated breath as the election results unfolded, anxious about the potential coalitions that could emerge. The fear was palpable—would radical elements like the Zumas and other far-left tribal parties gain control and push the country towards economic and political instability? Thankfully, Cyril Ramaphosa, a leader known for his pragmatic, intelligent, and conciliatory approach, has navigated these turbulent waters with grace.

Ramaphosa's decision to form an alliance with the Democratic Alliance (DA), traditionally seen as a "white party," is a masterstroke. The DA has proven its mettle in the provinces it governs, boasting the lowest unemployment rates and impressive economic indicators. This partnership, therefore, is not just symbolic but grounded in a shared vision for economic reform and stability.

One of the critical areas ripe for reform is the power sector. South Africa has long struggled with energy issues, and Ramaphosa's alliance with the DA could be the catalyst needed to bring about much-needed change. Additionally, labor reforms are essential for fostering a more dynamic and inclusive economy, and with Corrupt Zuma  and Volatile Malema out of the decision-making process, there is a renewed hope for progress.

For years, well-wishers like myself have feared for South Africa's future post-Mandela. The political landscape seemed marred by corruption and self-interest, with politicians openly admitting their intent to "loot" just as they accused the whites of doing. This sentiment threatened to undo the fabric of South African society. However, this new coalition government offers a fresh lease on life—a chance to rebuild and reform, steering the nation towards a prosperous and stable future.

It's akin to the remarkable performances of South Africa's rugby and football teams on the international stage—defying expectations and making their mark. Now, it's time for South Africa's governance to mirror that same spirit of resilience and excellence.

The road ahead won't be easy, and the stakes are high. If this opportunity is squandered, the threat of civil unrest looms large. But with the right leadership and a commitment to reform, there is every reason to believe that South Africa can emerge stronger and more united.

Good luck and Godspeed, South Africa. May this be the beginning of a new era of peace, prosperity, and progress.


Memories of a Cricketing Legend: Celebrating 50 Years of the Inaugural World Cup

As we enter the 50th year since the West Indies' victory in the inaugural Cricket World Cup, I can't help but be swept up in a wave of nostalgia. It feels like yesterday when I stayed up until 1 AM (22/6) with my father, glued to the BBC radio broadcast, as the tension of the final match against Australia reached its peak. It was the longest day of the year. ( My school was up in flames that night, due to electrical short circuit)!!! 

I vividly remember Deryck Murray's pivotal moment, running out Dennis Lillee with just 15 runs required. The fielding brilliance of Viv Richards, who orchestrated three runouts in the Australian innings, was nothing short of spectacular. These moments were the climax of a match that had already seen a masterful innings by Clive Lloyd, whose powerful batting and stabilizing partnership with Rohan Kanhai set the stage for the West Indies' triumph.

Cricket in those days was at its vintage best. The 1975 World Cup final stands out in my memory as the greatest, a sentiment shared by many who witnessed that era. While the 2019 final might come close, most other World Cup finals and matches pale in comparison, often feeling like damp squibs in the face of such historic moments.

The thrill of that night, the roar of the partisan West Indian crowd, and the sheer excellence on display encapsulated everything that makes cricket a beloved sport. It's a memory that has stood the test of time, much like the legacy of those cricketing legends. Here's to celebrating 50 years of that incredible victory and to cherishing the golden era of cricket.


21/6/24 (Longest day in Northern Hemisphere)! 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

How to Earn a Promotion at Work in 2024: Insights for the Modern Indian Workplace


Introduction: My Journey with Promotions

Throughout my 27-year career, (1985-2012) I’ve been promoted numerous times, each instance coming as an expected progression with clear communication from management. My performance was consistently acknowledged and rewarded, with management providing alternative incentives when direct promotions weren't feasible. For example, in the 1990s, I was offered a month-long overseas training program to gain exposure and grow. I often stretched myself to take on assignments beyond my pay grade, and the organization was happy to see this initiative, rewarding me with career advancements.
I always beleived Responsibility must be stolen, no one hands to you on a platter. 

Towards the end of my corporate journey, when growth opportunities seemed limited, I was given a Golden Handcuff. This incentive kept me motivated to achieve results critical to the organization’s mission and vision. Drawing from my experiences and my current role as a consultant, I’m sharing my thoughts on earning a promotion in the modern workplace.

Defining Promotion in Today's Workplace

In 2024, the idea of a promotion has evolved. It's no longer just about climbing the corporate ladder with a new title and a pay raise. Today, promotions include lateral moves, expanded roles, additional portfolios, and gaining functional authority. While traditional promotions with new designations and higher pay still matter, the modern approach focuses on authority and responsibility.

Common Misconceptions About Promotions

Many believe that performance alone guarantees a promotion. While delivering results is essential, it's not the only criterion. Promotion is a gradual evolution, and it shouldn't come as a surprise when you achieve it, nor should it shock you if you don't. Let's explore the key elements that play a role in earning a promotion.

Key Criteria for Earning a Promotion

  1. Bandwidth for Stretched Tasks: Demonstrating your ability to handle increased responsibilities is crucial for earning a promotion. This involves not just taking on more tasks, but doing so effectively and efficiently. To show that you have the bandwidth for stretched tasks, you must balance multiple assignments without compromising on quality or deadlines. It's about being organized, prioritizing your work, and managing your time well. By doing this, you prove to management that you can handle a higher workload and more complex responsibilities, which is essential for higher-level positions. Additionally, communicating your progress and challenges transparently ensures that your efforts are visible and appreciated by those in decision-making roles.

  2. Perception and VisibilityIt's important not just to perform but to be seen performing. Work transparently and make your achievements visible. It is not staying late to get things done. Poor perception can undermine good performance. 

  3. Proactive InitiativeTake the initiative to handle future tasks without explicit instructions. Often, this means taking over some responsibilities from your boss, freeing them to focus on more critical tasks. This requires a supportive and secure manager.

  4. Regular Feedback and AlignmentHave regular one-on-one meetings with your manager to align your work with organizational and team goals. These sessions help showcase your progress and allow for course corrections based on feedback thus to a faster career progress and knowing the road ahead and plan accordingly.

  5. Playing Office PoliticsUnderstanding and navigating office politics is unavoidable. Stay attuned to the grapevine, align your plans with business strategies, and be strategic in your interactions. This also involves keeping an ear to the ground for the happening. This helped me once to plan my exit strategy, far earlier than otherwise should have. (Escaping from Hellhole is also a promotion!). Deliver outstanding results to be the topic of conversation during Leadership members water cooler talk.

Balancing Results and Behavior.
Promotion is a delicate balance of delivering results and exhibiting behaviors that demonstrate maturity, a fit for the position, and the potential to take on additional portfolios. Here are some practical steps to help you earn the right for promotion:

  • Deliver Consistent, High-Quality Results:Ensure that your work consistently meets or exceeds expectations. High performance remains a foundational element.
  • Build a Strong Professional Brand: Cultivate a reputation for reliability, competence, and leadership. Your professional brand should reflect your strengths and potential.
  • Seek and Act on peer network communications :Actively seek communications from peers, subordinates, and superiors. Use this communication to improve continuously.
  • Develop Leadership Skills: Demonstrate leadership qualities, even if you're not in a formal leadership role. This can be through mentoring, leading projects, or spearheading initiatives. (Lead without Title) 
  • Enhance Your Visibility: Find appropriate ways to showcase your work. This can be through presentations, reports, or informal updates. Ensure that your contributions are known. Be very professional and if need seek professional help. 
  • Network Strategically: Build and maintain relationships across the organization. Networking can provide insights into organizational dynamics and open up new opportunities. Also develop network professionally outside organisation to be in know of happening. 
  • Showcase Your Potential: Demonstrate your readiness for the next level by taking on challenging projects and delivering exceptional results. Show that you can handle more than your current role requires. It all boil to Results on Time and on Budget to be seen as potential guy. 

Integrating Fitness into Your Promotion Strategy. (Critical factor-most overlooked as Promotion comes to one's who are fit and raring to go! )

  1. Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity like gym workouts, yoga, or sports into your routine.
  2. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing.
  3. Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Make conscious choices about your diet, sleep, and recreational activities.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Ensure time for family, hobbies, and relaxation to recharge and maintain balance.
Enhanced Criteria for Earning a Promotion. 
Soft Skills Mastery:Develop and demonstrate strong soft skills. Effective communication, empathy, and teamwork are critical. Engage in team-building activities and seek feedback on your interpersonal interactions.

Tech Savvy: Stay updated with the latest technological advancements relevant to your field. Participate in training sessions and leverage digital tools to enhance your productivity and efficiency.

Commitment to Learning: Enroll in online courses, attend webinars, and pursue additional certifications that align with your career goals. Share your learning journey with your manager to show your dedication to growth.

Diversity and Inclusion: Actively support and lead diversity and inclusion initiatives within your organization. This could involve mentoring colleagues from diverse backgrounds or participating in D&I committees.

Remote Work Competence: Showcase your ability to work effectively in remote or hybrid environments. This includes strong time management, self-discipline, and using remote collaboration tools efficiently.

Sustainability Initiatives: Get involved in or propose projects that focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility. Highlight your contributions to these initiatives during performance reviews.


Earning a promotion in 2024 involves a blend of traditional performance metrics and modern trends. By mastering soft skills, embracing technology, committing to continuous learning, advocating for diversity and inclusion, adapting to flexible work models, and contributing to sustainability, you position yourself as a well-rounded candidate. Additionally, maintaining physical and mental fitness demonstrates your ability to handle the demands of higher responsibilities effectively. Adapting to these trends not only enhances your chances of promotion but also prepares you for the evolving landscape of the modern workplace.

Promotion today is about balancing technical proficiency, interpersonal skills, and a commitment to continuous improvement and organizational values. Keep evolving, stay informed, and actively contribute to your workplace's dynamic needs.

Good luck and God bless.


20th June 2024 9am. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Deranged Western Leaders: A Costly Game with Russian-Ukrainian Lives.


Disclosure: I am a neither a Vladimir Putin Fan nor a Russian Well wisher. (Or for that matter any communist / Leftist / Socialist / Woke / DEI idealogy!). 

Cameron, Macron, Schultz, Biden. 

The Western leadership, particularly those at the helm of the US, UK, and EU, have displayed a baffling disregard for diplomacy and peace. Their actions in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict reveal a disturbing trend of prioritizing geopolitical maneuvers over human lives. The sabotage of the 2022 Istanbul peace plan, allegedly orchestrated by Boris Johnson and his allies, exemplifies this reckless approach.

Scuttling Peace for War

In 2022, there was a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine war. The Istanbul peace talks could have paved the way for an end to the conflict, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of lives. Yet, Western leaders, seemingly led by Boris Johnson, chose to undermine these efforts. Instead of supporting diplomacy, they opted to fuel the war, pouring billions of dollars into a conflict that has become a tragic quagmire for Ukraine.

Ignoring Putin's Ultimatum

Vladimir Putin has been clear: any NATO attack on Russian soil would be met with a forceful response. Despite this stark warning, leaders like Secretary Lloyd Austin and their European counterparts have not taken Putin's ceasefire terms seriously. This stubbornness is not just perilous for Ukraine but for the entire world. The threat of a broader conflict looms large, yet Western leaders seem blind to the potential catastrophe they are courting.

The Human Cost

The human cost of this conflict is staggering. Over 500,000 Ukrainian men have lost their lives (100,000 Russians at least!) in just two years. Families are torn apart, communities devastated, and the country's future hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, the neocons and the military-industrial complex show no signs of ending the war, at least not until after the US elections in November. This cynical timeline reveals their true priorities: power and profit over peace.

The Broken Promise of NATO

The roots of this conflict trace back to the broken promise made during the 1990 reunification of Germany. Western leaders assured Russia that NATO would not expand eastward beyond Berlin. Yet, over the years, NATO has welcomed numerous Eastern European countries into its fold, encircling Russia and heightening tensions. The prospect of Ukraine joining NATO has been a particular point of contention, leading to the current impasse.

Vladimirs. Zelensky and Putin. 

Proxy War and Internal Strife

Since the 2014 Maidan revolution, (Orange Uprising) which many believe was a Western-backed coup, Ukraine has been a pawn in a larger geopolitical game. The isolation and oppression of Russian-speaking Ukrainians have further inflamed the situation. Now, with Zelensky’s term as president effectively over, his legitimacy to negotiate is in question. Internal dissent against him is growing, indicating that his grip on power is weakening.

The Global Perspective

While Western leaders continue their misguided strategies, much of the world remains neutral or sympathetic to Russia. Countries in the Global South, including India, China, and Indonesia, are not buying into the West's narrative. They continue to engage with Russia, ignoring Western sanctions. This reflects the diminishing influence of the West and the rise of a multipolar world order where conflicting interests dilute the effectiveness of Western policies.

Time for Negotiation

It is high time for Western leaders to recognize the futility of their current approach. The cost of this war, in human lives and global stability, is too high. Despite their apparent derangement and unsound strategies, there is still an opportunity to cut their losses and come to the negotiating table. Engaging with Putin on realistic terms could pave the way for a ceasefire and, ultimately, peace.

The Ineptness Extends Beyond Ukraine

The failure of Western leadership is not confined to Ukraine. The ongoing crisis in Gaza is another glaring example of their ineptitude and inability to foster peace. But that is a topic for another day, as is potential Taiwan Crisis. 

In conclusion, Western leaders must abandon their dangerous game in Ukraine. The world is watching, and history will judge them harshly if they continue down this destructive path. The time for diplomacy is now; the lives of millions depend on it.


18/6/24 930am. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Why the Dollar ($) Will Remain the Global Currency for Decades to Come.......


I listen to podcasts and read articles from the Global South, on Demise of $ (as well as from various WhatsApp Universities). So here are my thoughts!  

Disclosure: I am not considering myself a Financial Expert, This post is based on What I read, heard on podcasts supporting my view which makes a lot of sense to me. 


The U.S. dollar has been the dominant global currency for decades, and despite the noise from various critics and emerging alliances, it is poised to retain its position for the foreseeable future. Here's why:

1. Freely Convertible Currency

One of the primary reasons the dollar remains the global currency is its convertibility. Unlike many currencies, the dollar is freely traded and can be converted into any other currency with ease. This flexibility makes it a preferred choice for international trade and finance.

2. Lack of a Viable Alternative

For the dollar to be replaced, there needs to be a viable alternative. The euro, yuan, and other currencies often touted as potential challengers have significant limitations. The euro, for example, is limited by the economic disparities and political fragmentation within the European Union. The Chinese yuan, while increasingly used, is not fully convertible and is tightly controlled by the Chinese government. This lack of transparency and control makes it less attractive for global use.

3. Stability and Trust

The U.S. has a long-standing reputation for economic stability and strong institutional frameworks. The Federal Reserve, despite criticisms, is considered one of the most reliable central banks in the world. The legal and regulatory environment in the U.S. also provides confidence to global investors. This trust in the U.S. financial system is a crucial factor in the dollar's dominance.

4. Largest Trading Partner

The United States remains the largest trading partner for many countries around the world. The sheer volume of trade conducted in dollars reinforces its use. Countries find it convenient to use dollars for international transactions because it reduces the need for currency conversion and the associated risks.

5. Network Effects

The dollar benefits from what economists call "network effects." Because so many countries and businesses use the dollar, it creates a self-reinforcing cycle. The more it is used, the more valuable and indispensable it becomes. This entrenched position is challenging to dislodge.

6. Global Financial Markets

A significant portion of global financial markets operates in dollars. From commodities like oil to major financial instruments, the dollar is the standard. The depth and liquidity of U.S. financial markets are unmatched, making it easier for investors and governments to hold and trade dollar-denominated assets.

7. Reserve Currency

The dollar is the world's primary reserve currency. Central banks around the world hold a significant portion of their reserves in dollars. This not only underscores trust in the dollar but also creates a constant demand for it. As of the latest data, approximately 59% of global foreign exchange reserves are held in U.S. dollars, compared to around 20% for the euro and smaller percentages for other currencies .

8. Geopolitical Influence

The geopolitical influence of the United States cannot be understated. The U.S. military and its political alliances play a role in underpinning the dollar's dominance. Many countries align with the U.S. economically and politically, further entrenching the dollar's role in global finance.

9. Technological and Financial Innovation

The U.S. remains at the forefront of technological and financial innovation. Silicon Valley and Wall Street are global hubs for innovation in finance and technology. This continuous innovation ensures that the U.S. stays relevant and its currency remains in demand.

10. Challenges to Alternatives

BRICS nations and other groups have proposed alternatives to the dollar, but these efforts face significant hurdles. Coordinating a common currency among diverse economies with different priorities and levels of development is exceedingly complex. Moreover, any new currency would have to gain widespread trust and acceptance, a process that takes decades.

Supporting Data

  • Global Trade in Dollars: Approximately 88% of global trade transactions are conducted in U.S. dollars . This dominance makes it difficult for other currencies to compete.
  • Dollar as Reserve Currency: As mentioned earlier, the dollar accounts for around 59% of global foreign exchange reserves .
  • Foreign Exchange Holdings: Countries hold significant amounts of U.S. dollars as part of their foreign exchange reserves. For example, China holds over $1 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities, which is a substantial portion of its foreign exchange reserves .


While there are voices predicting the decline of the dollar, the reality is that no other currency currently possesses the combination of trust, stability, convertibility, and global acceptance that the dollar enjoys. The U.S. dollar's entrenched position in global trade, finance, and reserves means it will likely remain the world's primary currency for generations to come. The challenges faced by potential alternatives only underscore the dollar's enduring dominance.

As we look to the future, it's clear that the dollar's role as the global currency is secure, and the predictions of its demise are greatly exaggerated.


17th June 2024



  1. IMF: Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)
  2. ECB: The international role of the euro
  3. BIS: Triennial Central Bank Survey
  4. IMF: Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)
  5. U.S. Department of the Treasury: Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

How to Stay Relevant at Work and Avoid Becoming Obsolete in a Fast-Paced Career


In today's fast-paced work environment, staying relevant is a constant challenge. Whether you're just starting your career or have years of experience under your belt, the fear of becoming obsolete is real. But how do you know if you're becoming irrelevant? What fears might you face, and how can you overcome them to stay valued and indispensable? Let's explore.

Symptoms of Becoming Irrelevant

  1. Stagnation in Learning: If you're not actively learning new skills or keeping up with industry trends, it's a red flag. The world is evolving, and so should you.

  2. Decreased Involvement in Projects: If you notice that you're being bypassed for key projects or your input is no longer sought after, it might indicate that you're not perceived as valuable as before.

  3. Lack of Recognition: If your efforts go unnoticed and your achievements are not acknowledged, it might mean that your contributions are no longer seen as critical.

  4. Reduced Responsibilities: When your responsibilities are gradually reduced or your role becomes more limited, it's a sign that your relevance might be in question.

  5. Outdated Skillset: If your skills are no longer in demand or have been surpassed by new technologies or methods, it's a clear indicator of obsolescence.

  6. Focusing on Past Achievements: Constantly talking about past achievements and relying on old accolades can indicate that you’re not keeping pace with current demands and future potential.

Fears Associated with Becoming Obsolete

  1. Job Insecurity: The fear of losing your job can be overwhelming, especially if you feel your skills are no longer needed.

  2. Reduced Confidence: As you become less relevant, your self-confidence might take a hit, affecting your overall performance and morale.

  3. Financial Instability: Worrying about your financial future due to potential job loss or demotion is a common fear.

  4. Loss of Identity: Many people tie their identity to their profession. Becoming irrelevant can lead to a loss of this identity, causing emotional distress.

Traits Indicating the Fear of Obsolescence

  1. Resistance to Change: If you find yourself resisting new technologies, methods, or ideas, it might be due to an underlying fear of becoming obsolete.

  2. Overworking: Trying to overcompensate by working excessively hard without focusing on the right areas can indicate a fear of being left behind.

  3. Isolation: Avoiding team interactions or networking opportunities due to a lack of confidence in your skills is a common trait.

  4. Defensive Behavior: Being overly defensive about your work or ideas might indicate insecurity about your relevance.

Staying Relevant at Any Career Stage

For Beginners:

  1. Continuous Learning: Embrace learning from the get-go. Seek out new skills, certifications, and knowledge to keep up with industry trends.

  2. Networking: Build a strong professional network. Connect with mentors, colleagues, and industry leaders to gain insights and opportunities.

  3. Adaptability: Be open to change and willing to take on new challenges. Adaptability is a key trait in staying relevant.

For Experienced Professionals:

  1. Upskill Regularly: Invest time in learning new technologies and methodologies relevant to your field. Online courses, workshops, and professional development programs can be invaluable.

  2. Mentorship: Share your knowledge and experience by mentoring others. It keeps you engaged with emerging trends and builds your reputation as a thought leader.

  3. Embrace Technology: Stay updated with the latest technological advancements and incorporate them into your work. This shows your commitment to innovation.

Overcoming the Fear of Obsolescence

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your career goals and outline a plan to achieve them. Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed.

  2. Seek Feedback: Regular feedback from peers, mentors, and supervisors can provide valuable insights into areas where you need improvement.

  3. Collaborate and Communicate: Engage with your team and communicate effectively. Collaboration often leads to innovation and new ideas.

  4. Stay Curious: Cultivate a curious mindset. Always be on the lookout for new trends, tools, and techniques that can enhance your work.

  5. Health and Well-being: Don’t neglect your health. A balanced lifestyle contributes to better performance and resilience.

Focus on Future Potential

In 2024, organizations are less interested in what you achieved in the past and more focused on what you can bring to the table for the future. Here’s how you can align with this mindset:

  1. Demonstrate Forward-Thinking: Show that you're not just resting on your laurels. Talk about how you can apply your skills to future projects and how you’re preparing for upcoming trends.

  2. Let Go of Past Achievements: While it's important to acknowledge your past successes, don't dwell on them. Focus your conversations and efforts on what you’re currently doing and plan to do.

  3. Actively Contribute: Be proactive in team settings. Offer new ideas, take initiative on projects, and show that you’re an active and engaged member of your team.

  4. Smart Work Over Hard Work: Emphasize efficiency and innovation. Smart work that combines strategic thinking and technological savviness is more valued than mere hard work.

To be successful in 2024, professionals need to stay ahead of the curve by embracing key skillsets and future trends. Here are some of the most important areas to focus on:

Key Skillsets for 2024.

  1. Digital Literacy and Tech Savviness: Proficiency in digital tools, software, and platforms is crucial. This includes familiarity with cloud computing, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and other digital transformation tools.

  2. Data Analysis and Interpretation: Understanding how to analyze and interpret data to drive decision-making is essential. This includes knowledge of analytics software, statistical tools, and the ability to extract actionable insights.

  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and ML applications are transforming both manufacturing and services. Skills in these areas can help in predictive maintenance, quality control, customer service, and personalized offerings.

  4. Cybersecurity Awareness: As businesses become more digital, protecting sensitive information is critical. Basic knowledge of cybersecurity practices and protocols is important to safeguard data.

  5. Process Automation: Understanding and implementing automation technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA) in services and industrial automation in manufacturing can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity.

  6. Supply Chain Management: With the complexities of global and local supply chains, skills in supply chain management, logistics, and inventory management are crucial for both manufacturing and services sectors.

  7. Quality Management: Familiarity with quality management systems and standards (such as ISO) is vital, especially in manufacturing. Ensuring high-quality production and services is a key competitive advantage.

  8. Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Effective communication, teamwork, and leadership skills are essential. Emotional intelligence helps in managing teams, resolving conflicts, and improving customer relations.

  9. Project Management: Strong project management skills, including planning, execution, and monitoring, are essential for successfully completing projects on time and within budget.

  10. Adaptability and Continuous Learning: The ability to adapt to new technologies and market trends, along with a commitment to lifelong learning, is critical in a rapidly changing environment.

Future Trends to Embrace in India. (I do not subscribe to a few listed below, but this the trend!)..... Hopefully some goes wayside in time to come!

  1. Industry 4.0: The fourth industrial revolution encompasses smart factories, IoT, and advanced robotics. Embracing Industry 4.0 technologies can lead to improved efficiency and innovation in manufacturing.

  2. Sustainability and Green Manufacturing: With increasing focus on sustainability, adopting eco-friendly practices and technologies is essential. This includes energy-efficient processes, waste reduction, and sustainable supply chains.

  3. Digital Transformation: Digital transformation is a key trend in both sectors. This includes adopting cloud-based solutions, digital payment systems, and online service delivery platforms.

  4. E-commerce Growth: The rise of e-commerce is reshaping the services sector. Understanding e-commerce platforms, digital marketing, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems is important.

  5. Skill Development and Vocational Training: Continuous skill development and vocational training are crucial to keep the workforce updated with the latest industry standards and technologies.

  6. Set Remote Work and Hybrid Models: The shift towards remote work and hybrid models requires familiarity with remote collaboration tools, virtual communication, and maintaining productivity outside traditional office settings.

  7. 5G Technology: The rollout of 5G networks will enhance connectivity and open up new opportunities for IoT applications, real-time data processing, and improved communication channels.

  8. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace is increasingly important. Understanding DEI principles and how to implement them can improve workplace culture and performance.

  9. Health and Safety Compliance: Especially in manufacturing, adhering to health and safety regulations is critical. Understanding the latest compliance standards and ensuring a safe work environment is paramount.

  10. Customer-Centric Approach: In the services sector, a customer-centric approach is key. This involves understanding customer needs, enhancing customer service, and using data to personalize offerings.

In conclusion, staying relevant in a fast-paced career requires continuous effort and a proactive approach. By recognizing the symptoms of becoming irrelevant, addressing the fears, and taking strategic steps to enhance your skills and contributions, you can ensure that you remain a valuable asset to your organization at any stage of your career. Remember, the key is to embrace change, stay curious, and never stop learning.

Good luck. 

16th June 2024
