Thursday, February 22, 2024

People Pleaser, Super Communication, Making Peace at work, Alexi Navalny.


All topics listed today are based on Podcast that I Listened and News.

People pleasers are individuals who prioritize the approval and acceptance of others over their own needs and desires. They often go out of their way to accommodate others, avoid conflict, and seek validation from others. They may struggle with setting boundaries and saying no, fearing rejection or disapproval.

People pleasers typically engage in these behaviors due to various reasons, including:

  • Low self-esteem: They may lack confidence in themselves and seek external validation to feel worthy.
  • Fear of rejection: They may worry that asserting their own needs will lead to rejection or abandonment.
  • Desire for approval: They crave acceptance and validation from others, and they believe that pleasing others is the way to achieve it.
  • Avoidance of conflict: They may dislike confrontation and prioritize maintaining harmony in relationships.

Organizations can support people pleasers by:

  • Promoting assertiveness training: Offering workshops or training sessions on assertiveness can help people pleasers develop the skills to communicate their needs and boundaries effectively.
  • Encouraging self-awareness: Providing resources for self-reflection and encouraging individuals to identify their own needs and priorities can empower them to advocate for themselves.
  • Creating a supportive culture: Fostering an environment where open communication, feedback, and respect for boundaries are valued can help people pleasers feel more comfortable expressing themselves.
  • Recognizing and rewarding assertive behavior: Acknowledging and rewarding individuals who assert themselves appropriately can reinforce the importance of healthy communication and boundary-setting.

Ultimately, organizations can help people pleasers by promoting a culture that values authenticity, self-expression, and mutual respect. By providing support and resources, organizations can empower individuals to prioritize their own well-being while also contributing positively to the organization's goals........

The tendency towards people-pleasing can indeed be influenced by organizational culture and the signals leaders send within the workplace. Here's how:

  • Organizational Culture: If an organization promotes a culture that prioritizes harmony, conformity, and avoiding conflict at all costs, it can inadvertently encourage people-pleasing behavior among employees. In such cultures, individuals may feel pressured to prioritize pleasing others over asserting their own needs and boundaries.
  • Leadership Behavior: Leaders play a crucial role in shaping organizational culture and setting the tone for acceptable behavior. If leaders consistently reward or praise employees who go out of their way to accommodate others or avoid conflict, it sends a signal that people-pleasing behavior is valued and rewarded. On the other hand, if leaders prioritize open communication, authenticity, and assertiveness, it can create an environment where people feel more comfortable expressing their true selves.
  • Subtle Signals: Even subtle cues from leaders, such as body language, tone of voice, or implicit expectations, can influence employee behavior. If leaders subtly communicate that they prefer employees who avoid rocking the boat or prioritize keeping the peace, it can reinforce people-pleasing tendencies among the workforce.

Overall, organizational culture and leadership behavior can significantly impact the prevalence of people-pleasing behavior within an organization. By fostering a culture that values authenticity, open communication, and mutual respect, leaders can help mitigate the tendency towards people-pleasing and encourage employees to prioritize their own well-being while still contributing positively to the organization.


Super Communicators: Masters of Connection

Super communicators are individuals who excel at conveying their thoughts, feelings, and ideas effectively in various situations. They not only express themselves clearly but also actively listen, understand diverse perspectives, and build genuine connections with others. While communication skills encompass a broad spectrum, super communicators stand out due to specific traits and honed abilities.

Key Traits of Super Communicators:

  • Active Listening: They are genuinely interested in understanding others' perspectives. They listen attentively, ask clarifying questions, and avoid interrupting.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: They express their thoughts and ideas in a clear, concise, and organized manner, ensuring the message is easily understood by the audience.
  • Empathy: They possess the ability to see things from another person's perspective and understand their emotions. This allows them to tailor their communication accordingly and build rapport.
  • Confidence: They project confidence in their communication, both verbally and non-verbally. This inspires trust and credibility in their message.
  • Adaptability: They can adjust their communication style based on the audience, situation, and desired outcome. They understand the nuances of different communication channels and tailor their message accordingly.
  • Non-verbal Communication: They effectively use body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions to complement their verbal communication and enhance their message's impact.
  • Critical Thinking: They can analyze information, synthesize ideas, and formulate clear and concise messages. This allows them to tailor their communication to different audiences and achieve desired outcomes.

What Differentiates Them?

While everyone possesses some level of communication skill, super communicators excel in several key areas:

  • Intentionality: They approach communication with a specific goal in mind and actively work towards achieving it.
  • Mindfulness: They are aware of their own communication style and how it impacts others. They are also mindful of the surrounding environment and cultural nuances.
  • Continuous Learning: They are constantly seeking to improve their communication skills by learning new techniques, practicing actively, and seeking feedback.

In essence, super communicators are not just skilled at conveying information; they are masters at building connections, fostering understanding, and achieving desired outcomes through effective communication.

Great Super Communicators are 1) Nelson Mandella 2) Bill Clinton 3) Yuval Noah Harari 4) Jordan Peterson and few others.


Making peace at work when decisions or policies conflict with your values and views can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Seek Understanding: Take the time to understand the rationale behind the decisions or policies that conflict with your values. This can involve asking questions, seeking clarification from leaders or decision-makers, and trying to see things from their perspective. Understanding the reasoning behind the decisions may help you find common ground or identify areas where compromise is possible.
  • Express Your Concerns Constructively: If you feel comfortable doing so, communicate your concerns about the decisions or policies in a respectful and constructive manner. Choose an appropriate time and place to share your perspective, focusing on the potential impact on the organization rather than solely on your personal values. Offer alternative solutions or compromises that align more closely with your values while still meeting the organization's objectives.
  • Find Areas of Alignment: Identify areas where your values and the organization's goals align, and focus on making a positive impact in those areas. By channeling your energy into projects or initiatives that resonate with your values, you can still contribute meaningfully to the organization while navigating areas of disagreement.
  • Build Relationships: Cultivate positive relationships with colleagues and leaders, even those with whom you disagree. Building rapport and trust with others can create a supportive environment where open dialogue and constructive conflict resolution are more likely to occur.
  • Consider Your Long-Term Goals: Evaluate whether the decisions or policies that conflict with your values are temporary or systemic. If they are temporary, you may choose to weather the storm while continuing to advocate for change from within. However, if the misalignment is systemic and unlikely to change, you may need to reassess your long-term goals and whether staying at the organization aligns with your values and well-being.
  • Explore External Support: If you continue to feel conflicted and unsupported despite your efforts to make peace at work, consider seeking external support from mentors, coaches, or professional networks. They can offer perspective, guidance, and support as you navigate the situation.

While quitting may seem like the easiest solution, it's essential to carefully consider the potential consequences and explore other options for resolving the conflict. Ultimately, finding peace at work often involves a combination of understanding, communication, adaptation, and, in some cases, advocating for change.


Alexei Navalny: A Tireless Voice for Change (1976 - 2024)

Alexei Navalny, a prominent figure in Russian opposition politics and a staunch critic of President Vladimir Putin, passed away on February 16, 2024, at the age of 47. His death, under disputed circumstances while imprisoned, sent shockwaves through Russia and the international community.

Navalny's journey began in Moscow, where he studied law and later emerged as a vocal anti-corruption crusader. He rose to prominence through his online investigations exposing corruption within the Russian government, garnering millions of followers and becoming a symbol of hope for democratic reform.

His unwavering pursuit of truth came at a significant cost. Navalny survived a near-fatal poisoning in 2020, widely attributed to the Russian government, which he vehemently denied. Upon his return to Russia from seeking medical treatment abroad, he was promptly arrested and sentenced to a lengthy prison term on what many consider politically motivated charges.

Despite his imprisonment, Navalny's voice remained undeterred. He continued to criticize the government from behind bars, inspiring supporters and challenging the status quo. His legacy extends beyond his individual actions, fostering a spirit of resistance and a yearning for accountability within Russia.

Navalny's death leaves a void in the fight for democracy and human rights in Russia. His unwavering commitment to exposing corruption and advocating for change will continue to inspire generations to come. Whether his death marks the end of an era or ignites a new chapter in the struggle for a more just Russia remains to be seen.



22/2/24. 12 Noon.

PS: As I type this blog, We await a decision from UK Court on Extradition appeal of Julian Assange to USA. This is last appeal. Assange, in my view did a job of a journalist. He is Innocent and must be released and should be a free man! West has no right to criticise Putin, Xi, and others considering the way they themselves witchhunt,Assannge, Donald Trump and others!

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