Thursday, February 01, 2024

1/31/99----> Turning Point in my life..!!!

25 years ago, I embarked on a journey that would reshape my professional life – the discovery of the internet. Landing at Narita Airport on 31/1/99 for a three-week AOTS scholarship on Environmental Management in Yokohama marked the beginning. The chilly -4°C weather couldn't dampen my excitement.

Sangyo Sinkho Center- Yokohama Lane.

After settling in at the Sangyo Singo Center, I stumbled upon a room with computer terminals. Intrigued, I inquired and learned they were Internet Terminals. Alta Vista was the search engine of the time, and as I delved into this evolving internet landscape, I found a trove of information on Japan – its culture, politics, and even somber moments like Hiroshima.

Upon returning to India, my internet exploration continued at a Cybercafe in Mangalore. At Rs. 150 per hour, internet surfing was a luxury, but it was worth it. I created my first email account, Karaiku**, which has stood the test of time. I use it even now for all subscription emails.

June 1999 marked a milestone as I purchased my computer (Dad subidised 80% money from his retirement as gift,Money was still tough those days)! at home and later embraced Dial-Up internet with a dedicated phone line. Little did I know that this digital leap would play a pivotal role in my professional journey.

1999 Mangalore- Dial up connection, (Sathyam!) Shravan won't beleive it!

Internet connectivity facilitated connections with American friends and engagement in safety discussions portals. It became a powerful tool during job interviews, leaving American managers were thrilled that an Indian safety professional could quote OSHA- CFR sections. The internet, a catalyst for success, opened new horizons and opportunities.

Reflecting on that fateful day, 1/31/99, I can confidently say it changed the trajectory of my professional life. Time flies, and the internet has been my steadfast companion on this transformative journey.




Back to Japan in 2008, HonJo-Waseda Station waiting for Bullet train to Narita.

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