Friday, July 12, 2024

Finding Your Inner Everest:Holistic Self-Development (East Meets West)


A Profile Picture in WhatsApp in one of my contacts list, triggered this post. 

Here is the Picture.


Do you ever feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day? Between work, family, and social obligations, carving out time for yourself can seem like a luxury. But here's the secret: self-care isn't an indulgence, it's the foundation for a fulfilling life. Many people miss this simple but an important concept. 

Think of it like this: you can't pour from an empty cup.  (சட்டில இருந்தாதானே, ஆப்பையில் வரும்- my Mom's favorite tamil quote on this) When you're constantly depleted, it's hard to show up fully for yourself or others. This post explores the concept of self-care as the fuel for your self-development journey. We'll try to draw inspiration from both Eastern and Western practices to help you nurture yourself on all levels – physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and even your ego.

Here's the good news: many self-care practices don't require a huge time commitment. Start your day right! Wake up a little earlier and embrace the sunrise. Take a few minutes to stretch your body and greet the day with a clear mind. Even these small steps can set a positive tone for the entire day. As a 4am Early Riser, for over the past 4 years, the benefits I am getting are immense. 

The Five Peaks of Self-Development:

  1. The Physical Peak (Body):
  • Eat Right: Focus on a balanced diet that incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.(Lentils, Tofu, Cheese) Explore healthy Indian recipes that incorporate these elements or adapt your favorite dishes with healthier substitutions. Reduce processed foods and sugary drinks. Look for Sugar label in whatever you buy as a pack. (Worst addiction than Cocaine). 
  • Move Your Body: Find activities you enjoy! Join a gym, take a dance class, or simply go for brisk walks like I do for 90 min as sun rises, or jogs outdoors. Even short bursts of activity throughout the day can make a difference. I try walking 11am, 2pm (10 min if possible). 
  • Rest and Rejuvenate: Prioritize enough sleep (7-8 hours) and establish a relaxing bedtime routine. Consider unwinding techniques like deep breathing exercises or listening to calming music before bed. Empty your mind before going to sleep. 
  1. The Mental Peak (Mind):
  • Sharpen the Mind: Engage in activities that challenge you mentally, like learning a new language, solving puzzles, or taking online courses. 
  • Embrace Lifelong Learning: Never stop learning! Explore topics that interest you, whether it's mastering a new skill like playing an instrument or delving into personal development books by Indian or Western authors.
  • Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating focus and inner peace. There are many apps and online resources available to guide you through meditation techniques. Early morning is the best time to do. 
  1. The Spiritual Peak (Spirit):
  • Connect with Something Larger: Spirituality doesn't have to be confined to organized religion. Find what brings you a sense of purpose and connection. This could be spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, or volunteering for a cause you care about. 
  • Practice Seva (Selfless Service): Giving back to your community is a rewarding way to connect with something larger than yourself. Volunteer your time or skills to a local organization or participate in area cleanups or tree-planting initiatives or whatever that can be done. 
  1. The Emotional Peak (Heart):
  • Understanding Your Emotions: Journaling or talking to a trusted friend can help you identify and process your emotions in a healthy way. Always have a buddy to discuss; it makes a big difference. 
  • Building Strong Relationships: Invest time and energy in nurturing your relationships with loved ones. Practice active listening and express your appreciation for the people in your life. There is no one better than your Spouse. 
  1. The Ego Peak (Self):
  • Healthy Self-Esteem: Identify your strengths and talents. Set realistic goals that challenge you but also allow you to experience a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate your wins, big or small! 
  • Letting Go of Negativity: Forgive yourself and others. Practice positive affirmations to counter negative self-talk. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift you. You become, What you think about!!. 

Inner Compass: Cultivating Self-Awareness

  • Reflection: Regular reflection is key to self-awareness. Take some quiet time each day, even if it's just for a few minutes, to journal about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Reflecting on what went well and what could be improved allows you to learn and grow.

  • Alone Time: While social connection is important, carving out dedicated alone time allows you to recharge and reconnect with yourself. This could be anything from reading a book in a quiet corner to taking a solo walk in nature.

Nature's Embrace: Finding Peace in the Outdoors

  • Nature Engagement: Spending time in nature has numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Go for a walk in a park, take time off to be with nature in whatever form, or simply sit by a window and soak in the sunshine. Immersing yourself in nature can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost creativity. I am very lucky to have so much greenery and open space in front of my Balcony/ Window which is soothing. 

Conclusion: Your Climb to the Top

Self-development is a lifelong journey with breathtaking views from the top. Remember, it's not about reaching a destination, but about enjoying the climb. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and embrace the unique blend of Eastern and Western practices that work best for you. With consistent effort and self-care, you can reach the summit of your inner Everest and live a life that's truly fulfilling.

Ready to begin your climb? Explore the resources below to find inspiration and practical tips to get you started.

Further Exploration:

  • Look into local fitness centers or yoga studios.
  • Explore online resources for meditation or mindfulness practices.
  • Find volunteer opportunities through websites or local NGOs.
  • Self Help, Non fiction books.
  • Planning for time for yourself in Calendar.(Start with Daily and expand to Weekly, Monthly activities). Work small steps. Don't try too big and fail. 
12/7/24 930am. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Influencing Up for Career Progress: Mastering the Art of Feedforward and Premortem. (Triad of Proactive Career management).


In the complex landscape of corporate life, advancing your career isn't solely about individual performance. It's equally about your ability to influence up the chain, engage in productive conversations about future performance to your peers and teams, and ensure projects are completed efficiently and effectively on Budget and on Time. Let’s delve into three pivotal concepts that can significantly enhance your career trajectory: Influencing up, Feedforward, and Premortem.

Influencing up refers to the process of effectively communicating and persuading those in higher positions of authority within an organization to gain their support and alignment for your ideas, initiatives, or projects. This skill is crucial for career advancement, as it demonstrates leadership potential, strategic thinking, and the ability to drive organizational goals.

Traditional feedback focuses on past performance, which, while important, can often feel like a critique rather than a constructive tool for growth. Feedforward, on the other hand, emphasizes future potential and offers suggestions for improvement moving forward.

A premortem is a proactive strategy where you envision a project’s failure in advance and work backward to identify potential obstacles and mitigation strategies. This approach can be instrumental in completing work on budget and on time.


Reflecting on my personal journey as an EHS professional and OD specialist, I have leveraged these techniques to navigate complex challenges and drive impactful results.

Influencing Up

As an EHS professional, I have frequently needed to sell ideas to management, often transcending cultural boundaries and addressing geographical issues. Influencing up has been crucial in this process. By aligning my initiatives with organizational goals and presenting them in a way that resonates with senior leaders, I have been able to secure the necessary support and resources. This skill has been instrumental in driving innovation and strategic alignment within the organization, ultimately leading to successful outcomes.


Feedforward has provided me with an invaluable opportunity to highlight unknowns that might otherwise blindside me. By focusing on future improvement rather than past mistakes, I have been able to continuously grow and align my efforts with both personal and organizational objectives. This approach has kept me motivated and helped me refine my skills, leading to a more fulfilling and successful career trajectory.


Premortem analysis has been a critical tool in my work. Anticipating potential challenges and proactively planning to mitigate risks has allowed me to handle complex projects with confidence. This technique has ensured that I am well-prepared for any obstacles that may arise, significantly increasing the likelihood of project success. Organizations benefit from this approach as it leads to better risk management and higher success rates in projects.

Synergy of Success

Together, these three elements create a powerful synergy that drives success. Influencing Up ensures strategic alignment, Feedforward fosters continuous improvement, and Premortem enhances risk management and preparedness. Embracing these practices leads to personal career advancement and a resilient, future-ready organization.

Reflecting on my experience, I can confidently say that these techniques have been instrumental in my journey. They have enabled me to effectively navigate complex challenges, secure support for my initiatives, and continuously improve my skills and performance.


Influence Up:-Marshall Goldsmith" Organizations suffer when key people can’t effectively influence up. Most people are occupied with efforts rather than results. They worry over what the organization or their boss owes them and should do for them and obsess over the authority they ‘should have,’ thus rendering themselves ineffectual. Although knowledge workers may know more about what they are doing than their managers do and have years of education and experience, they rarely know how to effectively influence up. Even the greatest wisdom and knowledge not applied to action and behavior is meaningless."

Strategies for Influencing Up:

  1. Understand Their Priorities: Align your proposals with the priorities and concerns of your superiors. Show how your ideas can help achieve their goals.

  2. Be Prepared and Professional: Present your ideas clearly and concisely. Use data and evidence to support your arguments, and be prepared to answer questions and address concerns.

  3. Build Relationships: Establishing trust and a positive rapport with your superiors can make them more receptive to your ideas. Regular, honest communication (One on 1) helps in building these relationships.

  4. Speak the Organizational Language: Use the language of finance, technology, or any other relevant domain to connect with them. Remember, it’s your idea to present, not theirs to accept, so approach with an open mind.

  5. Expect Surprises: Don’t get overwhelmed. People above you are as human as you are, so expect human reactions.

  6. Show Politeness: Being a subject matter expert doesn’t mean you can disregard the people above you. Always show politeness and respect.

  7. Be a Team Player: Once a decision is made, accept it and move on. This is a sign of professionalism. You can't win all wars.

Benefits of Influencing Up:

  • Career Advancement: Demonstrates your leadership skills and strategic thinking, making you a strong candidate for promotions and new opportunities.
  • Organizational Impact: Helps drive initiatives that align with the company's goals, contributing to its success.
  • Improved Relationships: Builds stronger, more productive relationships with your superiors and colleagues.

Practical Tips for Influencing Up:

  • Research and Preparation: Understand the key issues and challenges facing your superiors and the organization. Tailor your proposals to address these areas.
  • Clarity and Confidence: Communicate your ideas with clarity and confidence. Avoid jargon that may confuse or alienate your audience.
  • Data and Evidence: Use data and evidence to support your arguments. Be ready to provide examples and case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of your ideas.
  • Listening and Feedback: Actively listen to feedback from your superiors. Use this feedback to refine your proposals and demonstrate your willingness to collaborate and adapt.

Influencing up is about more than just getting your way; it's about building a collaborative and supportive environment where your ideas can be heard and valued. By mastering this skill, you can significantly enhance your effectiveness and career trajectory within your organization.


Feedforward is a concept that focuses on future-oriented feedback. Unlike traditional feedback, which tends to look backward and analyze past performance, feedforward provides constructive suggestions and guidance aimed at improving an Individual's future performance. It is a proactive approach that helps individuals and teams identify areas for growth and development, enabling them to make positive changes moving forward. Purposefule people always seek feedforward as often practical and act on them for their progress. 

Key Characteristics of Feedforward:

  1. Future-Focused:

    • Concentrates on what can be done in the future to achieve better outcomes.
    • Avoids dwelling on past mistakes or shortcomings.
  2. Constructive and Positive:

    • Emphasizes positive suggestions and actionable advice.
    • Aims to motivate and encourage improvement rather than criticize.
  3. Specific and Actionable:

    • Provides clear, specific suggestions that can be implemented.
    • Avoids vague or general comments that lack practical application.
  4. Solution-Oriented:

    • Focuses on finding solutions and strategies to overcome challenges.
    • Encourages a forward-thinking mindset and continuous improvement.

Implementing Feedforward:

  1. Identify Areas for Improvement:

    • Reflect on past performance to understand where improvements can be made.
    • Seek input from peers, mentors, or supervisors to gain different perspectives.
  2. Set Clear Goals:

    • Define specific, measurable, and achievable goals for future performance.
    • Ensure these goals align with overall career or organizational objectives.
  3. Provide Constructive Suggestions:

    • Offer practical advice and strategies that can be implemented to achieve the set goals.
    • Frame suggestions in a positive and encouraging manner.
  4. Focus on Strengths:

    • Highlight areas of strength and discuss how they can be leveraged for future success.
    • Encourage building on existing skills and competencies.
  5. Encourage Ongoing Improvement:

    • Foster a culture of continuous learning and development.
    • Regularly review and adjust goals and strategies based on progress and feedback.

Benefits of Feedforward:

  • Enhanced Performance: Helps individuals and teams focus on specific areas for improvement, leading to better performance in the future.
  • Positive Motivation: Encourages a positive and forward-looking mindset, which can boost morale and motivation.
  • Clear Direction: Provides clear guidance on how to achieve future goals, making it easier to stay on track and achieve desired outcomes.
  • Improved Relationships: Creates a more positive and collaborative environment, as it emphasizes constructive support over criticism.

Practical Tips for Giving Feedforward:

  • Be Specific: Offer detailed and actionable suggestions that the recipient can implement.
  • Stay Positive: Frame your suggestions in a positive and encouraging way to motivate the recipient.
  • Be Timely: Provide feedforward at appropriate times, such as during goal-setting sessions or performance reviews.
  • Listen Actively: Encourage open dialogue and listen to the recipient’s perspectives and ideas.
  • Follow Up: Regularly check in on progress and provide additional support or adjustments as needed.

Feedforward is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. By focusing on future possibilities and providing constructive guidance, you can help yourself and others achieve higher levels of performance and success.


A premortem is a strategic planning technique used to identify potential failures and risks in a project before they occur. Unlike a postmortem, which analyzes what went wrong after the fact, a premortem involves envisioning a future scenario where a project has failed and working backward to determine what could lead to such an outcome. This proactive approach helps teams anticipate challenges, develop mitigation strategies, and improve the likelihood of project success.

Key Elements of a Premortem:

  1. Future Failure Visualization:

    • Teams imagine that the project has already failed.
    • They think backward to identify the causes of the failure.
  2. Comprehensive Risk Identification:

    • Involves all relevant stakeholders to get a wide range of perspectives.
    • Identifies potential risks, obstacles, and challenges that could lead to failure.
  3. Mitigation Strategies Development:

    • For each identified risk, the team devises strategies to prevent or mitigate it.
    • Plans are made to address potential issues before they arise.
  4. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment:

    • The project is continuously monitored to detect early signs of the identified risks.
    • Strategies are adjusted as necessary based on new information or changing circumstances.

Steps to Conduct a Premortem:

  1. Assemble the Team:

    • Gather all key stakeholders involved in the project, including project managers, team members, and relevant experts.
    • Ensure that everyone understands the purpose and importance of the premortem exercise.
  2. Set the Scene:

    • Explain the premortem process to the team.
    • Describe the hypothetical scenario where the project has failed and emphasize the need for honest and open discussion.
  3. Identify Potential Failures:

    • Ask each team member to independently list reasons why the project could fail.
    • Consider Man, Material, Machine, Method, Measurement, Monitoring, Mileu failures.
    • Encourage creativity and thoroughness in identifying potential risks and challenges.
  4. Consolidate and Prioritize Risks:

    • Collect all the identified risks and group similar ones together.
    • Prioritize the risks based on their likelihood and potential impact on the project.
  5. Develop Mitigation Strategies:

    • For each prioritized risk, brainstorm strategies to prevent or mitigate it.
    • Assign responsibilities and create action plans for implementing these strategies.
  6. Document the Premortem:

    • Record all identified risks and their corresponding mitigation strategies.
    • Ensure that the document is accessible to all team members and stakeholders.
  7. Monitor and Adjust:

    • Continuously monitor the project for signs of the identified risks.
    • Adjust strategies and action plans as needed based on ongoing observations and new information.

Benefits of a Premortem:

  • Proactive Risk Management: Identifying and addressing potential risks before they become actual problems increases the chances of project success.
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: Engaging the entire team in the premortem process fosters collaboration and a shared sense of responsibility.
  • Improved Planning and Preparedness: A thorough premortem exercise leads to better planning and preparedness, helping the team navigate challenges more effectively.
  • Increased Project Success Rate: By anticipating and mitigating risks, the likelihood of completing the project on time and within budget is significantly improved.

Practical Tips for a Successful Premortem:

  • Encourage Open Dialogue: Create a safe environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their concerns and ideas.
  • Be Thorough: Encourage team members to think broadly and deeply about potential risks, leaving no stone unturned.
  • Stay Focused: Keep the discussion focused on identifying and mitigating risks rather than debating whether the project will succeed or fail.
  • Follow Through: Ensure that the identified strategies are implemented and monitored throughout the project lifecycle.


Your company, XYZ Manufacturing, is setting up a new production line to produce a high-demand consumer electronics product. The project is scheduled to be completed in six months, with a budget of $5 million.

Step-by-Step Premortem:

1. Assemble the Team

Gather key stakeholders including project managers, engineers, procurement specialists, quality control experts, and representatives from finance, HR, and operations.

2. Set the Scene

Explain that the purpose of the meeting is to imagine that the project has failed and to identify all possible reasons for this failure. The aim is to prevent these issues from happening.

3. Identify Potential Failures

Each team member independently lists reasons why the project could fail. Then, the team discusses and consolidates these reasons. Some potential failures might include:

  • Technical Issues: Machinery breakdowns, software integration problems, or design flaws in the product.
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Delays in receiving critical components or materials, supplier bankruptcy, or transportation issues.
  • Budget Overruns: Unforeseen costs such as overtime labor, increased material prices, or additional equipment requirements.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Failure to meet safety, environmental, or industry standards.
  • Workforce Challenges: Shortage of skilled labor, high turnover rates, or insufficient training.
  • Market Changes: Decreased demand for the product or increased competition.
  • Project Management Issues: Poor communication, lack of coordination among teams, or scope creep.

4. Consolidate and Prioritize Risks

Group similar risks together and prioritize them based on likelihood and impact. For example:

  • High Likelihood and High Impact: Supply chain disruptions, technical issues.
  • High Likelihood and Medium Impact: Workforce challenges, regulatory compliance.
  • Medium Likelihood and High Impact: Budget overruns, market changes.
  • Low Likelihood and High Impact: Project management issues.

5. Develop Mitigation Strategies

Risk: Technical Issues

  • Mitigation Strategies:
    • Conduct thorough testing of all machinery and software before full-scale production.
    • Schedule regular maintenance and have a contingency plan for critical equipment.
    • Ensure cross-functional teams collaborate to identify and resolve design flaws early.

Risk: Supply Chain Disruptions

  • Mitigation Strategies:
    • Diversify suppliers to reduce dependence on a single source.
    • Establish buffer stock of critical components.
    • Develop strong relationships with logistics providers and monitor transportation routes closely.

Risk: Budget Overruns

  • Mitigation Strategies:
    • Implement strict budget tracking and approval processes.
    • Negotiate fixed-price contracts with suppliers where possible.
    • Allocate a contingency fund for unexpected expenses.

Risk: Regulatory Compliance

  • Mitigation Strategies:
    • Stay updated with all relevant regulations and standards.
    • Hire a compliance officer to oversee the project.
    • Conduct regular audits to ensure adherence to safety and environmental guidelines.

Risk: Workforce Challenges

  • Mitigation Strategies:
    • Invest in comprehensive training programs for all employees.
    • Offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain skilled labor.
    • Develop a strong company culture to reduce turnover rates.

Risk: Market Changes

  • Mitigation Strategies:
    • Conduct regular market analysis to stay informed about demand and competition.
    • Diversify product offerings to reduce dependency on a single product.
    • Have a flexible marketing and sales strategy to adapt to changes quickly.

Risk: Project Management Issues

  • Mitigation Strategies:
    • Implement robust project management software to track progress and communication.
    • Hold regular meetings to ensure alignment and address issues promptly.
    • Clearly define project scope and avoid scope creep by having a strict change management process.

6. Document the Premortem

Record all identified risks and their corresponding mitigation strategies. Make this document accessible to all team members and stakeholders.

7. Monitor and Adjust

Continuously monitor the project for signs of the identified risks. Adjust strategies and action plans as needed based on new information or changing circumstances. Hold periodic review meetings to assess progress and address any emerging issues.

Example of a Premortem in Action

Project Scenario:

XYZ Manufacturing is setting up a new production line to manufacture a new model of smartphones.

Potential Failure 1: Machinery Breakdown

  • Mitigation Strategy: Conduct a thorough pre-installation inspection of all machinery. Establish a preventive maintenance schedule and train staff on quick troubleshooting techniques.

Potential Failure 2: Supplier Delays

  • Mitigation Strategy: Source components from multiple suppliers to avoid dependency. Maintain a safety stock of critical components and use local suppliers to reduce lead times.

Potential Failure 3: Regulatory Non-Compliance

  • Mitigation Strategy: Regularly consult with regulatory experts and conduct compliance audits. Train staff on regulatory requirements and implement strict adherence protocols.

Potential Failure 4: Budget Overrun

  • Mitigation Strategy: Implement detailed budget tracking with regular financial reviews. Allocate a contingency fund for unforeseen expenses and negotiate fixed-price contracts with suppliers.

By anticipating these risks and planning accordingly, XYZ Manufacturing can significantly reduce the likelihood of project failure, ensuring the new production line is completed on time and within budget. This proactive approach not only safeguards the project but also builds confidence among stakeholders, demonstrating a commitment to strategic planning and risk management.


Closing Thoughts: The Triad of Success – Influencing Up, Feedforward, and Premortem

In today's competitive business environment, the combination of Influencing Up, Feedforward, and Premortem can significantly enhance both individual and organizational success.

Influencing Up

By mastering the art of influencing up, individuals can align their ideas with organizational goals, build strong relationships with superiors, and demonstrate leadership potential. This skill not only accelerates personal career growth but also drives innovation and strategic alignment within the organization.


Feedforward focuses on future improvement rather than past mistakes. It encourages continuous growth, keeps individuals motivated, and helps align personal efforts with organizational objectives. For organizations, a feedforward culture leads to a more skilled and motivated workforce, ultimately boosting overall performance.


The premortem technique involves anticipating potential challenges and planning proactively to mitigate risks. This approach enhances preparedness, increases the likelihood of project success, and instills confidence in both individuals and teams. Organizations benefit from better risk management and higher success rates in projects.

Synergy of Success

Together, these three elements create a powerful synergy that drives success. Influencing Up ensures strategic alignment, Feedforward fosters continuous improvement, and Premortem enhances risk management and preparedness. Embracing these practices leads to personal career advancement and a resilient, future-ready organization.

Good luck


10th July 2024. (15 years of moving in to Amritkala, Boy time flies!). 1030am

Home Sweet Home. 

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Do Your Personal Background, Privilege, and Upbringing Really Matter in Your Career Success?


In a world as diverse and interconnected as ours in 2024, the age-old debate about whether personal background, privilege, and upbringing determine career success continues to evolve. Having come from a tier 3 city in rural Tamil Nadu, I can attest that these factors are less determinative than they once were. Instead, what truly matters is how you leverage the choices and opportunities available to you after you reach adulthood.

The Starting Point: A Rural Upbringing

I grew up in a small town in Tamil Nadu, an area that, contrary to many assumptions, boasts a rich tradition of education and cultural wealth. In many ways, being from the south is a blessing. Despite the rural setting, the region's emphasis on learning and development meant that I had a solid foundation. However, the notion that this background alone could dictate my future was something I never bought into.

Life as Lower Middle Class

Our family was lower middle class, which meant that resources were limited. We had one bicycle that we all shared, and there was no television at home until I turned 22. We managed to have two decent square meals a day, but there were no other food privileges. My lunch was a packed box meant to last four hours. I walked 20 minutes to school and took a public bus for a 30-minute journey to college. These circumstances, though challenging, taught me the value of resilience and determination.

The Critical Juncture: Adulthood and Choices

The real turning point in anyone's life comes at the age of 18. This is when the choices you make begin to shape your future more definitively than your past ever could. It’s a time to take intelligent risks, venture into unknown domains, and carve out a path with courage and confidence. My own journey began in 1985 (22) when I moved to Bombay with little more than a basic command of English. The city, with its vast opportunities and challenges, became the proving ground for my resilience and adaptability.

Swimming Against the Tide

Moving to a metropolis like Bombay from a small town required swimming against the tide. The journey was fraught with uncertainties, but it was also filled with invaluable lessons. I made friends from diverse backgrounds, learned from their experiences, and gradually found my footing. This journey underscored a fundamental truth: success is less about where you start and more about how you navigate the path ahead.

Embracing a Global Perspective

Today, I consider myself a global citizen. While I hold onto my roots as a Hindu Iyer, who dedicates 20 minutes each morning to prayer, I never let my personal background dictate my interactions with others. In a professional setting, especially in an increasingly globalized world, it is crucial to approach people as individuals, beyond the confines of their background or upbringing. This open-mindedness has been instrumental in my travels and interactions across 35 countries, working with people from all walks of life. At no stage in my career progress any one bothered about the background, except a cursory introduction I need to make about myself. 

The Final Word: Choice and Agency

Ultimately, personal background, privilege, and upbringing provide a starting point, but they do not have to be the determinants of your destiny. After 18, it is your choices, your willingness to take risks, and your ability to adapt and learn that will chart the course of your career and life. Success in the modern world is a mosaic of diverse experiences, and each individual holds the brush to paint their unique journey.

Response to Financial Times Article

In light of the Financial Times article by Emma Jacobs, "Why playing down a privileged background might be a savvy career move," I find this perspective somewhat outdated. In 2024, few people care about the background you come from. What truly matters is your ability to adapt, learn, and grow in a rapidly changing world. Yes, You need to listen to your well wishers and take few hard calls. While acknowledging privilege is important, the emphasis should be on how individuals use their unique circumstances to create opportunities and drive success.

By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to look beyond their circumstances and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. It is not where you come from but where you are going that truly matters.

Please let me know your thoughts?


9th July 2024. 930am. 

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Surviving the Wretched Office (Work) Grind.......



Reflecting on my decision to leave the corporate world in late 2012, I often feel a sense of relief and gratitude. The office grind had already started showing its ugly face back then, and I had the foresight (or perhaps divine intuition) to exit before it worsened. My breaking point? A call from a young scientist about a malfunctioning toilet flush, coupled with interminable, unproductive meetings that seemed to suck the life out of everyone involved.

Fast forward to today, and I am horrified by the stories I hear and the conditions I see people enduring daily. The grind has only intensified, fueled by a host of new challenges like DEI-(die) initiatives, ESG expectations, climate concerns, (Seriously??) woke culture, and relentless political correctness. Add to that the unique Indian context of caste and creed, Power Distance, and it’s a wonder how anyone manages to stay sane, let alone productive.

The Evolution of the Grind

The Early Signs

Back in 2012, the cracks were already visible. The increasing bureaucratic red tape, micromanagement, and a pervasive culture of overwork (with pride) were making it difficult to get anything meaningful done. As an EHS Director and Country Head, I found myself dealing with trivial issues and endless unproductive (No agenda) meetings, leaving little room for strategic thinking or genuine leadership to make a difference. Also, the incompetence due to the lack of true quality personnel at work (false positives were let in) was beginning to appear on the horizon. (2008 Obama, the beginning??)..... 

The Past 15 Years

The past decade and a half have seen these issues multiply. The rise of digital communication tools means employees are now reachable 24/7, blurring the lines between work and personal life. The pressure to perform has skyrocketed with the advent of new performance metrics, KPIs, and constant surveillance through monitoring software. The rat race at work, and the 99 gold coin paradox (searching for the missing one gold coin instead of being content with 99), have led people to constantly compare themselves to others and strive for more, often at any cost. Irresponsible financial imprudence at the individual level also exacerbates the grind. It’s not all the organization’s fault—they take advantage of the dangling carrot, but individuals must also take responsibility for their financial decisions and personal goals.

Who's Responsible?

Corporate Culture

The corporate culture has become increasingly toxic, driven by an obsession with profits and productivity at any cost. Management often prioritizes short-term gains over long-term well-being, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction among employees. The lack of competent, bold, truth-telling leadership is now a vanishing breed across the world in both political and corporate domains, making life hell for people.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

In today's corporate world, employees are often presumed guilty unless proven innocent. Any mistake, however minor, can lead to severe consequences, making the workplace an environment of constant anxiety and fear. This culture of suspicion erodes trust and hampers genuine collaboration.

Endless Checks and Audits

The aftermath of corporate scandals like Enron, Wells Fargo, and WorldCom has led to an overemphasis on checks, counter-checks, and audits. These processes, often conducted by incompetent and inexperienced auditors, are more about ticking boxes than meaningful oversight. They waste valuable time and drive already frustrated employees to the brink of insanity. Organizations chase meaningless certifications as trophies to hang on the walls, adding to employees' pressure. (Imagine, the first ISO certification came in the 1980s. Was life not running well, and didn’t organizations make profits?)

Unrealistic Expectations

The expectations placed on employees today are staggering. With the push for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, and adherence to woke principles, workers are juggling multiple, often conflicting priorities. This creates a high-pressure environment where the fear of making a mistake or saying the wrong thing can be paralyzing. Managers are in their own world with meetings, reports, data analysis, etc., leaving no time for meaningful connections with their teams. Many managers in 2024 are unaware of what a one-on-one meeting with their direct reports entails and have no idea about emotional intelligence or performance goals focused on development. The words delegation and succession planning might as well be Greek or Latin to them.

The Peter Principle in Action

Many managers today are struggling to keep pace with rapid changes and new demands. The classic Peter Principle, where people rise to their level of incompetence, is rampant. As managers fail to sharpen their skills and adapt, their incompetence becomes more evident, creating a rut that affects the entire team. Employees find themselves stuck, unable to progress or innovate, leading to widespread frustration and stagnation. As one great leader recently put it to me, many organizations are struggling to transition from a "work" -results culture to a "system"- process culture.

Societal Changes

In the Indian context, issues of caste and creed add another layer of complexity. These social dynamics can create additional stress and discrimination, making the office environment even more challenging. The competition is cutthroat, making it difficult to stick to values in a corrupt and treacherous macro environment like third-world nations (and yes, even the first world is becoming corrupt, albeit slowly).

The Lure of Free Perks

In a bid to retain employees and mask the underlying issues, many companies offer free food and other perks. While these may seem attractive, they often encourage employees to stay late, further blurring the lines between work and personal life. In times of high inflation and soaring living costs, these perks can trap employees in a cycle of overwork and dependence.

Surviving the Grind

Prioritize Mental Health

Your mental health should be your top priority. Set boundaries, take regular breaks, and seek professional help if needed. Remember, no job is worth sacrificing your well-being. Also, manage your energy—mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual—to top-notch levels. A positive attitude can go a long way. As Napoleon Hill said, "What the mind conceives and believes, it achieves."

Find a Support System

Having a strong support system at work and home can make a significant difference. Build relationships with colleagues who understand and share your struggles. Lean on family and friends for emotional support. Strengthening family bonds should be a priority, as a supportive home environment can significantly buffer the stress of work.

Focus on What Matters

Identify the tasks and projects that genuinely matter and will make a difference in your career. Learn to say no to unnecessary meetings and busywork that don’t contribute to your goals. Focus on critical tasks that are important and urgent, giving them your full effort and attention. Also learn to delegate. 

Speak Up

Employees need to voice their concerns and issues. While it can be daunting, especially in a culture that often retaliates against dissent, speaking up is crucial. Developing both technical competency and communication skills can empower you to stand your ground and advocate for necessary changes.

Continuous Learning

Invest in your continuous learning and professional development. Stay updated with the latest trends and skills in your field, which can open up new opportunities and make you more resilient to changes. There is no end to learning. Books, Journals are your companion. Keep a personal journal and track and try to connect the dots for a pattern to grow. I completed my Safety Diploma four years after my master’s, MBA at 39, and became an Insurance Advisor at 59 besides various credentials along the way.  (TV, Internet, Social Media, WhatsApp, Cinema, Cricket are Poisons to retard your life!). 

Consider Alternative Paths

If the corporate grind becomes unbearable, don’t be afraid to explore alternative career paths. Consulting, freelancing, or starting your own business can provide more flexibility and control over your work life. I have met hundreds of folks across the world who quit corporate careers, and not one has ever said they regret leaving it. In fact, one of my Pakistani friends, Mohsin, who was fired from his job, said to me a year later, "Why didn’t Allah enable the company to fire me earlier?"


Surviving the wretched office grind requires a combination of resilience, strategic thinking, and a focus on what truly matters. The corporate world has become more challenging, but by prioritizing your mental health, building a support system, speaking up, and staying adaptable, you can navigate these difficulties. Remember, it’s okay to seek change if the grind becomes too much. After all, life is too short to spend it in misery. The solutions are in your hands, and it's up to you to find your way through the maze. No one but you can help yourself—as Gandhi said, "Self-help is the best help."


7/7/24. 1030am.

Earl is my Compass and North Star. His "The Strange Secret" holds World record for disc for a monologue. I have listened to the 35 minute speech > 100 times in the past 25 years. (Mark Victor Hansen Introduction version is ultimate). This after Earl survived "Pearl Harbour"@ Battleship Arizona"! 

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Performance Review (PR) Doing It Effectively.


Today, let’s talk about a topic that many dread— Annual performance reviews (PR). For many professionals, the mere mention of PR brings a sense of anxiety and stress. However, with the right preparation and approach, performance reviews can be a positive experience, leading to growth, development, and recognition.

Setting SMART Goals

The cornerstone of effective PR preparation is setting SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These goals should be aligned with your organizational objectives, ensuring that your efforts contribute to the broader mission of your company. When you know exactly what is expected of you, it becomes easier to track your progress and measure your success. Balancing work-related goals (80%) with professional development objectives (20%) ensures a holistic approach to your growth.

Align with Your Manager's Goals

It's crucial that your goals are aligned with your manager's goals. This alignment ensures that your efforts are contributing directly to your team’s and organization’s success. It also fosters a sense of shared purpose and direction, making your contributions more impactful.

Stretch Goals for Growth

While it's important to have achievable goals, incorporating a few stretch goals can be incredibly beneficial. These are targets that push you beyond your comfort zone, fostering professional development and demonstrating your capability to take on challenges. This also facilitates Learn and Grow on the job.

One-on-One Discussions

Effective communication with your manager is key to a successful PR process. I recommend having one-on-one discussions, at least three times a month, with four being optimal for a clear path. These meetings (while discussing weekly issues on what went well, what are challenges, what are manager's expectations, and any personal issues that need to be opened out,) serve as checkpoints where you can review your goals, discuss progress, and make any necessary course corrections as and when required, (At least once a month is preferable). Regular updates not only keep your manager informed about your progress but also help in addressing any missteps promptly. Remember, Communication is key step in delivering results. 

Formal Check-Ins

In addition to frequent one-on-one meetings, having formal half-yearly check-ins further strengthens the performance review process. These sessions allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of your progress and provide an opportunity to adjust goals as needed.

Documenting Progress

Keeping thorough documentation of your weekly updates on One on 1, and progress is invaluable when it comes to writing performance review notes. This documentation should include a summary of how goals were achieved, any challenges faced, and the steps taken to overcome them. Additionally, highlighting other accomplishments that were not part of the formal goals but were executed successfully can further strengthen your performance review.

Aligning Goals with Organizational Behaviors expected

It's essential that your PR aligns both the goals achieved and the behaviors expected ( A must) by your organization. An A-star performer not only meets but often exceeds both results and behaviors in about 50-60% of their goals. Demonstrating alignment with organizational values and behaviors showcases your holistic contribution to the company.

Preparation is Key

One of the key success factors in my career has been preparing formal documents weeks before they were due for review. Instead of rushing at the eleventh hour, I meticulously checked my notes, emails, meeting minutes, and reports to capture value aligned with my goals and organizational behaviors. This thorough preparation allowed me to present a well-rounded view of my performance, including what went well and areas for improvement. Remember, PR is about acknowledging both your successes and your missteps. The bottom line is to learn and improve continuously.

The Essence of Performance Reviews

At its core, a performance review boils down to effective communication and delivering results. My personal experience in the corporate world, where I was involved in PR for about 15 of my 27 years, has taught me the importance of exceeding expectations. Consistently performing at a high level leads to rich rewards and recognition, making the entire PR process a pathway to career growth and satisfaction.

Best Practices for Effective Performance Reviews

  1. Prepare Ahead of Time: Start preparing for your performance review well in advance. Gather all relevant documents, feedback, and data that demonstrate your achievements and progress. This preparation helps you present a comprehensive view of your performance.

  2. Seek Continuous Feedback: Don't wait for formal reviews to seek feedback. Regularly ask for input from your manager and peers. This ongoing feedback loop allows for continuous improvement and helps you stay on track with your goals.

  3. Self-Assessment: Conduct a self-assessment before your review. Reflect on your accomplishments, areas for improvement, and how you’ve contributed to your team and organization. This self-awareness will help you engage in a meaningful conversation during your review. In A* performers, the self assessment more or less aligns to manager's assessment to the extent of 95%.

  4. Be Open to Constructive Criticism: Approach your performance review with an open mind. Constructive criticism is an opportunity for growth. Listen actively, ask clarifying questions, and use the feedback to enhance your performance.

  5. Highlight Your Value: Clearly articulate how your work has added value to the organization. Use specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your contributions. This helps your manager see the tangible impact of your efforts. As the saying goes, "If you have Data then your opinion is a fact, else mine as a boss prevails!."

  6. Set Future Goals: Use the review as an opportunity to set future goals. Collaborate with your manager to establish objectives that align with your career aspirations and the organization’s needs. This forward-looking approach keeps you motivated and focused. This can also include areas which need improvement. (Invariably comes up). 

  7. Follow Up: After your performance review, follow up on the feedback and action items discussed. Create a plan to address any areas of improvement and continue to track your progress. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement.


The Flow of a Well-Prepared Formal Performance Review Discussion (My discussions always go like a flow, mostly done in half the allocated time with the PR being a mere formality with no surprises anytime for me!). 

When both the employee and manager are well-prepared and aligned, formal performance review discussions can be highly productive and motivating. Here’s how the process typically unfolds:

  1. Pre-Review Preparation:

    • Both the employee and manager review relevant documents, notes, and reports ahead of time.
    • The employee prepares a summary of achievements, challenges, and progress against goals.
    • The manager gathers feedback from peers and stakeholders and reviews the employee's documented progress.
  2. Setting the Stage:

    • The review meeting is scheduled in advance, allowing both parties ample time to prepare.
    • A comfortable, distraction-free environment is chosen to ensure a focused and uninterrupted discussion.
  3. Opening the Discussion:

    • The manager starts the meeting with a positive note, acknowledging the employee’s efforts and setting a collaborative tone.
    • The agenda for the meeting is outlined, ensuring both parties are clear on what will be discussed.
  4. Review of Goals and Achievements:

    • The employee presents their prepared summary, highlighting key achievements, how they aligned with organizational goals, and any stretch goals that were met.
    • Specific examples and metrics are used to demonstrate the impact of their work.
  5. Feedback on Performance:

    • The manager provides balanced feedback, acknowledging successes and areas for improvement.
    • Constructive criticism is given with specific examples and actionable suggestions for improvement.
  6. Discussion of Challenges and Learning Points:

    • The employee discusses any challenges faced and how they were addressed.
    • Both parties explore what could have been done differently and identify learning points for future improvement.
  7. Alignment with Organizational Behaviors and Values:

    • The review includes a discussion on how the employee’s behavior aligned with organizational values.
    • Any gaps between expected and demonstrated behaviors are addressed with clear guidance for improvement.
  8. Setting Future Goals:

    • New SMART goals are set collaboratively, ensuring they align with both the employee’s career aspirations and the organization’s objectives.
    • The manager and employee agree on milestones and checkpoints to monitor progress.
  9. Development and Growth Plans:

    • The review includes a discussion on professional development opportunities, such as training, mentorship, and new responsibilities.
    • A clear plan is established to support the employee’s growth and development.
  10. Closing the Meeting:

    • The manager summarizes the key points discussed and reiterates the next steps.
    • The employee is encouraged to ask any final questions and provide feedback on the review process.
    • The meeting ends on a positive note, reinforcing the employee’s value to the team and organization. The Employee signs on the PD Document to close the process.


Performance reviews don't have to be a source of stress. With proper preparation, SMART goals, regular communication, thorough documentation, and adherence to best practices, you can turn PR into a positive and empowering experience. Remember, it's all about aligning your efforts with organizational goals and showcasing your achievements effectively. So, embrace the process, and let it propel you towards greater success in your career.

Good Luck


6th July 2024. 930am.