Arising out of the Carlton tower building fire in Bangalore which killed 9 people, we had taken up with our builder Renaissance PARK III to complete the Fire emergency system prepardness as soon as it is possible. Accordingly the builder took up the completion and Saturday the residents were requested to participate in a 1 hr Fire Fighting training program in which Sprikler system, Fire hose reel, hydrants, Fire extinguisher working were demonstrated to residents. This is a good move. We also discussed about fire alertness, fire prevention in a home environment. Prevention is the key.
I almost had fits and rage when I saw these 23 Photos of Unsafe practices in a construction site; Clearly the Hazard recognition and awareness is the last thing in the workers who were carryin the work. Also in one photo The helmet caption (Biar miskin...) is Strong heart can overcome Hunger/ poverty (poor) is a telling state of affairs. I only hope that all are still alive and kicking..... I am taking the liberty of pasting photos from the original web site to have the impact!.
Judging by the photos, it is one of the most dangerous professions in the world
Look for yourself.
I am in the middle of my mandatory vacation the coming week; this should give me a good chance to go back to kitchen on regular basis and work the cusine for lunch, dinner over the next 5 days. Infact today lunch was worked by me. Gujarati Kadi Kichadi which I learned in Ankleshwar when Lalitha had gone for delivery of kids 1992/94 and I had to fend myself. Roop Singh Purohit was the cook at Bharuch (Maharaj as we use to call him in the company Guest house). I also look forward to catching up on lot of reading. Lets see...
Who could have imagined that Ipad would have Bing as the default search enginebecasue of Apple/ Google spat; Truth as they say is stranger than fiction. On the social media front, today is Twitter's 5th birthday. It has helped to pass thoughts as microblogging but the interactive part is still a long way to go and happens only between select few and more of cotiere. I am finding BUZZ is more comfortable platform to exchange ideas and response also makes you feel listened.....
On the political front, I am glad the women reservation bill passed its first hurdle; still a long way to go; Shd make thro.
Till next week; take it easy and take care; live consciously.
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