Before I commence, the blog this week, Just wanted to explain the photo. This wordings touched me when I visited the local hospital in Atessa, Italy in February this year. I had been to the hospital with my Colleague, Vincenzo Colasante, for some business reason and this plaque at the hospital reception just left a deep impression in me. I guess abandoning the child is fast catching up as a practice in India, more so if the child is Female. I hope, this inhuman practice ends soon.
Ok, on to Subject, the 20 Blogs/ websites that I track every day. I hope they are useful to you. I use the Google Home page RSS feed to subscribe to the respective RSS feed and get to read from my Mozilla Firfox under multiple Tab. Its ages since I stopped using IE. I got grudgingly use it for some official work which Doesn't support Firefox. This list is a random order and no preferences.
- Zen Habit.
- Make it Great
- Bing BLOG
- The Engaging Brand.
- Business Week Online
- Newyork times Webpage
- Search Blog John Battelle.
- Fast Company Blog
- Kevin's Blog
- Tom Peters Blog
- 800 CEO Read Blog
- Management Craft.
- Career Journal from Wallstreet Journal
- Inspirational Quotes from Nagesh.
- Fortune Magazine website. (Ask Annie)
- Legal Point Blog on Indian Legal issues
- Presentation ZEN
- Slacker Manager
- The Simple Dollor
- Bagavad Gita.
Until next week take it easy and take care, Live consciously.