Friday, November 24, 2023

THANKSGIVING (Indian and American Way!)

Thursday, 23rd November marks Thanksgiving in America. Having been closely associated with esteemed corporations like Monsanto and Honeywell during my corporate tenure, the American entities, and the camaraderie shared with numerous American friends and colleagues have significantly contributed to my growth as an EHS professional. Their invaluable guidance, advice, and candid feedback played a pivotal role in shaping my career. Alongside the insightful Manager Tools podcast by Mike and Mark, these interactions have been instrumental in my professional and personal success. Inspired by these experiences, I find it fitting to delve into the significance of American Thanksgiving and draw parallels with Indian festivals like Makar Sankranti. Here we go:

Both American Thanksgiving and Makar Sankranti in India share underlying themes of gratitude and celebration but have distinctive cultural, historical, and ritualistic differences.

  • Gratitude and Harvest Festival:

    • American Thanksgiving: Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, it marks the gratitude of early European settlers for a successful harvest. Families gather for a feast centered around turkey.
    • Makar Sankranti: Observed in January, it signifies the end of winter and the onset of longer, warmer days. People express gratitude for the harvest with kite flying, sesame sweets, and various regional rituals across India.
    Cultural Significance:
    • American Thanksgiving: Traces back to the Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a meal in the 1600s.
    • Makar Sankranti: Deeply rooted in Hindu culture, it is celebrated with variations across India, emphasizing the transition of the sun into the Capricorn zodiac sign.
    Rituals and Traditions:
    • American Thanksgiving: Football, parades (like Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC), and the presidential turkey pardon are integral parts.
    • Makar Sankranti: Families fly kites, take holy dips in rivers, offer prayers, and exchange sweets made of sesame and jaggery.
    Regional Variations:
    • American Thanksgiving: Celebrated uniformly across the United States.
    • Makar Sankranti: Diverse regional practices, known by different names such as Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Uttarayan in Gujarat, and Maghi in Punjab.

Comparing Food: Comparison of the food served during Indian and American Thanksgiving celebrations:
American Thanksgiving:
  • Turkey: The centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal in the US. Roasted turkey is traditionally served, often accompanied by stuffing, gravy, and cranberry sauce.
  • Side Dishes: Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cornbread, and dinner rolls are common.
  • Desserts: Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and apple pie are classic Thanksgiving desserts.
Indian Celebrations (Makar Sankranti/Pongal):
  • Regional Variations: India being diverse, the food varies widely across regions during Makar Sankranti and related festivals.
  • Sweets: Til (sesame) and jaggery-based sweets like tilgul, til chikki, or ladoos are popular, symbolizing the warmth of the season.
  • Savory Dishes: Dishes like pongal (a sweet and savory rice and lentil dish), puran poli (sweet stuffed flatbread), and various regional specialties are prepared.

      While both celebrations emphasize feasting and sharing meals with loved ones, the specific dishes and ingredients used reflect the cultural and regional diversity of the respective traditions.


      24th Nov 23


      Wednesday, November 22, 2023

      Now and Then (Beatles).


      The song "Now and Then" by The Beatles, released in 2023, is a significant piece of music for several reasons. It marks the first new song released by the band in over 60 years, and it is a poignant reflection on the group's legacy and their lasting impact on popular culture. "Now and Then" released on 2 November 2023

      Background Information

      The song's origins can be traced back to 1977, when John Lennon recorded a demo version of the song at his home studio. The demo remained unfinished until 2023 when Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr reunited to complete the song in tribute to their late bandmates, Lennon and George Harrison. It will be 43 years come December 9th. (Dec 8th in USA) since John was gunned down by a disgruntled fan at New York City. Like JFK, Mrs Gandhi, 9/11, many would forever remember where/what they were doing when the news of John's death hit them! ( I was following One day cricket match, India vs NZ on radio).

      Special Aspects

      Several unique aspects make "Now and Then" a standout song in The Beatles' discography:

      • The song's emotional resonance: The lyrics capture the bittersweet nostalgia of reminiscing about the past while reflecting on the passage of time and the changes that have occurred.

      • The collaborative nature of its creation: Despite being recorded over 40 years apart, the song seamlessly blends the individual talents of Lennon, McCartney, and Starr, showcasing their enduring musical chemistry.

      • The song's historical significance: "Now and Then" represents a remarkable chapter in The Beatles' story, demonstrating that their music continues to resonate and inspire generations of listeners.

      The release of "Now and Then" has been met with critical acclaim and widespread praise from fans worldwide. It serves as a powerful reminder of The Beatles' enduring legacy and their profound influence on the world of music.

      Here are some additional details about the song:

      • Songwriter: John Lennon (1978 released never before now done in 2023). 
      • Producers: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Jack Douglas
      • Length: 3:24
      • Genre: Psychedelic soft rock
      • Label: Apple Records
      31 Million views in 2 weeks... Monster Hit.

      JFK- Gone 60 years today!

      Today marks the 60th year since the tragic day on November 22nd, 1963, when John F. Kennedy was brutally taken away from the world in Dallas. His presidency was a tumultuous time, often marked by controversy and an unwavering commitment to policies that invoked both admiration and opposition. His endeavors for peace, particularly in his attempts to thaw the Cold War tensions with Russia, brought him under the watchful eye of adversaries.

      As I reflect on this anniversary, memories of JFK flood back as vividly as if it were just yesterday. I recall glimpses of him adorning the walls of the barber shop in Karaikudi, a vivid image from my childhood days, which kindled an enduring curiosity about this enigmatic figure. Interestingly, I came into this world merely a week after his assassination, a synchronicity that has forever linked me to his legacy.

      My journey into the depths of Kennedy's legacy began with a pilgrimage at Boston, to the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in November 2001, a visit that occurred in the wake of the heart-wrenching 9/11 tragedy. This experience ignited within me an unyielding desire to pay homage at the very site where he met his untimely demise.

      It took me 22 long years to fulfill this poignant wish, finally arriving in Dallas in June 2023. Standing at the Daley Plaza Museum, the ground where history was irrevocably altered by Lee Harvey Oswald's fatal bullet, I felt a profound sense of connection and reverence.

      The museum's narrative delves deep into the hours leading up to and following the assassination, meticulously recounting the tragic events—the fateful route, the desperate medical attempts, and the solemn swearing-in of Vice President Johnson as the new President. The experience was moving beyond words, a poignant moment I shared with Lalitha, one that will forever be etched in our memories.

      The eternal debate persists—would JFK have been remembered as one of the greatest presidents if he had completed his full eight-year term? Sadly, his tenure was cut tragically short, less than three years into office, leaving behind a legacy of immense potential and unfulfilled promise. His premature departure, at the tender age of 46, elevated him to the echelons of the most revered presidents in American history.

      On this solemn anniversary, I pen down my reflections, a tribute to a leader whose legacy continues to evoke deep contemplation and admiration.

      22nd November 2023

      X Spot where LHO Bullet entered...! 

      Tuesday, November 21, 2023

      What is a Good job? (Linkage to Upside down Management)

      I was pondering "What is a Good Job"?  Why it matters? How Upside Down Management is one of enabler for a good job?  I was listening to "Boss Class" The Economist podcast this morning. (My Son gifted me podcast subscription!).

      A good job for an employee is one that offers a combination of personal fulfillment, financial security, and opportunities for growth. It should be a job that the employee enjoys and is good at, and it should provide them with a sense of purpose and meaning.

      Some of the factors that can make a job good include:

      • Pay: A good job should pay a fair wage that is commensurate with the employee's experience and skills. It should also provide a living wage that allows the employee to meet their basic needs and save for the future.
      • Benefits: A good job should offer a comprehensive benefits package that includes health insurance, retirement savings, and paid time off. Benefits can provide employees with peace of mind and help them to take care of themselves and their families.
      • Work-life balance: A good job should allow employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This means having enough time for work, personal life, and family. Employees should not feel like they are constantly working and that they never have time for themselves.
      • Opportunities for growth: A good job should provide employees with opportunities to learn new skills and advance their careers. This can be done through training and development programs, mentorship programs, and tuition reimbursement.
      • Purpose: A good job should make a difference in the world. Employees should feel like their work is important and that they are making a positive impact.
      • Supportive work environment: A good job should have a supportive and inclusive work environment. Employees should feel comfortable and respected at work. This can be done by creating a culture of trust and recognition, and by providing employees with the resources they need to do their jobs effectively.

      Ultimately, what makes a job good is different for each individual. However, the factors listed above are a good starting point for thinking about what makes a job good for an employee.


      The 4P of Pay, Perks, Punishment and Purpose are important factors that can affect employee engagement and organizational success.

      Pay is an extrinsic motivator that can encourage employees to work hard and achieve goals. When employees are paid fairly, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and feel valued by their employers. In turn, this can lead to increased productivity and reduced turnover.

      Perks are additional benefits that companies offer to employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Perks can be a valuable way to attract and retain top talent, as they can make a job more attractive to potential employees. Additionally, perks can help to improve employee morale and productivity.

      Punishment is a negative reinforcement that can be used to discourage unwanted behavior. While punishment can be effective in the short term, it is not a sustainable way to motivate employees. In fact, punishment can often backfire and lead to decreased productivity, increased turnover, and a hostile work environment.

      Purpose is the reason why an organization exists. When employees feel like their work is important and makes a difference, they are more likely to be engaged and productive. In turn, this can lead to increased organizational success.

      When used correctly, the 4P can be a powerful tool for keeping employees engaged and helping organizations thrive. However, it is important to remember that the 4P are not a substitute for good management practices. Organizations should also focus on creating a positive work environment, providing opportunities for growth and development, and recognizing and rewarding employees for their achievements.

      Here are some specific things that organizations can do to use the 4P effectively:

      • Pay employees fairly. Employees should be paid a wage that is commensurate with their experience and skills. Additionally, organizations should offer competitive benefits packages.
      • Offer attractive perks. Perks should be something that employees value and appreciate. Organizations should survey employees to determine what perks would be most appealing to them.
      • Use punishment sparingly. Punishment should only be used as a last resort. When it is used, it should be fair and consistent.
      • Clearly communicate the organization's purpose. Employees should understand why the organization exists and how their work contributes to the organization's mission.
      • Create a positive work environment. Employees should feel comfortable and respected at work. This can be done by creating a supportive and inclusive culture, and by providing employees with the resources they need to do their jobs effectively.
      • Provide opportunities for growth and development. Employees should be given the opportunity to learn new skills and develop their careers. This can be done through training and development programs, mentorship programs, and tuition reimbursement.
      • Recognize and reward employees for their achievements. Employees should feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. This can be done through formal and informal recognition programs, such as employee of the month programs, peer-to-peer recognition, and public acknowledgment of achievements.

      By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a more engaged and productive workforce, which will lead to increased organizational success.

      In addition to the 4P, there are other factors that can affect employee engagement and organizational success. These include:

      • The organization's culture: The organization's culture should be supportive, inclusive, and values-driven.
      • The organization's leadership: Effective leadership is essential for creating a positive work environment and motivating employees to achieve goals.
      • The organization's communication: The organization should communicate effectively with employees about the organization's goals, plans, and challenges.
      • The organization's resources: The organization should provide employees with the resources they need to do their jobs effectively.
      • The organization's employee relations: The organization should have a positive and productive relationship with its employees.

      By focusing on all of these factors, organizations can create a workplace where employees are engaged, productive, and satisfied. This will lead to increased organizational success in the long run.

      Upside-down management is a management philosophy that flips traditional management structures on their head. In traditional management, managers are responsible for giving orders, telling employees what to do, and closely monitoring their work. In upside-down management, managers are instead responsible for providing support, guidance, and resources to their employees, and then giving them the freedom to do their jobs in the way that they think best.

      The key principles of upside-down management are:

      • Trust your employees. Employees are more likely to be engaged and productive when they feel trusted.
      • Empower your employees. Give employees the freedom to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
      • Focus on results, not process. Don't micromanage employees, but instead focus on achieving the desired outcomes.
      • Provide support and resources. Make sure employees have the tools and training they need to be successful.
      • Celebrate successes. Recognize and reward employees for their achievements.

      Upside-down management has been shown to be an effective way to improve employee engagement, productivity, and customer satisfaction. It can also help to reduce turnover and create a more positive and supportive work environment.

      Here are some examples of how upside-down management is being used in practice:

      • The Timpson Group, a British family-owned business, has been using upside-down management for over 40 years. The company has grown from a single shop to a chain of over 2,000 outlets, and it is now one of the most successful businesses in the UK.
      • The Haier Group, a Chinese multinational corporation, has used upside-down management to transform itself from a state-owned enterprise into a global leader in consumer electronics. The company has been praised for its innovative and employee-centric approach to management.
      • Netflix, the American streaming entertainment company, has a well-known "freedom and responsibility" culture that is based on the principles of upside-down management. The company has been praised for its ability to attract and retain top talent, and it has been recognized as one of the most innovative companies in the world.

      Upside-down management is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and it may not be right for every organization. However, it is a philosophy that is worth considering for any organization that wants to create a more engaged, productive, and successful workforce.


      Linkage between Upside down management and a Good Job!

      There is a growing body of research that suggests that upside-down management can lead to a number of positive outcomes, including:

      • Increased employee engagement
      • Improved employee productivity
      • Reduced employee turnover
      • Increased customer satisfaction
      • Improved financial performance

      Here are some of the reasons why upside-down management can be linked to a good job:

      • Employees feel more trusted and respected. When employees are given the freedom to do their jobs in the way that they think best, they feel more trusted and respected by their managers. This can lead to increased employee engagement and motivation.
      • Employees have a greater sense of ownership over their work. When employees are given the freedom to make decisions about how to do their jobs, they have a greater sense of ownership over their work. This can lead to increased employee productivity and creativity.
      • Employees are more likely to be innovative. When employees are not micromanaged, they are more likely to be innovative and come up with new ideas. This can lead to improved products and services for customers.
      • Employees are more likely to stay with the company. When employees feel valued and respected, they are more likely to stay with the company. This can save the company money on recruitment and training costs.

      Of course, upside-down management is not a panacea, and it is not the right approach for every company or every employee. However, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that it can be a successful management philosophy that can lead to a number of positive outcomes.

      Here are some additional tips for implementing upside-down management in your company:

      • Start by training your managers. Managers need to be trained on the principles of upside-down management so that they can effectively implement it in their teams.
      • Communicate the change to your employees. Employees need to be informed about the change to upside-down management and given time to adjust.
      • Give your employees the freedom to make decisions. Don't micromanage your employees; give them the freedom to do their jobs in the way that they think best.
      • Provide support and resources to your employees. Make sure your employees have the tools and training they need to be successful.
      • Celebrate successes. Recognize and reward your employees for their achievements.

      Monday, November 20, 2023

      General Thoughts.

      48 Matches of the Cricket World Cup

      Sticking to my resolution not to watch a single ball live or track scores until well after the matches were over proved challenging. I almost succeeded, barring a solitary exception during the recent final. As I was enjoying a meal at the Bombay Airport Lounge, I happened to witness one live ball, witnessing an Indian wicket fall – an inadvertent but defining moment for my cricket knowledge. However, the real revelation came at 9 PM when my son, Shravan,( who, along with my daughter, was in India for a family wedding), informed me that India was about to lose, needing two runs in 50 balls. As someone who's supported non-Indian / Asian teams in cricket since childhood, this news brought unexpected pleasure.

      Our generation often gravitated towards supporting teams like West Indies and Australia, overlooking or even disinterested when Asian teams excelled. (more so with all corruption scandals that emerge from Asia these days) Reflecting on the 1975 final, where Deryck Murray ran out Dennis Lillee at 1 AM Indian time on the longest day of the year, June 21st, 1975, to clinch the inaugural World Cup, remains an indelible memory.

      Memories of the First World Cup in Qatar

      This week marks the culmination of a memorable year since our enchanting trip to Qatar for the first-ever World Cup in the Middle East. We were fortunate and privileged to witness six matches in just four days. The trip, a gift from my son Shravan as I entered my 60th year, remains etched in our hearts, (the Anthems, The team walking in music, Metro this way) a feeling that will linger for a lifetime. Returning to India in time for my birthday on the 30th of November added an extra touch of significance to this unforgettable experience.

      From the 1978 final to the recent 2022 final, this World Cup's grand finale surely stands as one of the best ever. The thrill, the energy, and the culmination of sporting excellence were truly unparalleled. I would rate 1986 final as the second best to witness.

