Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Journey Towards Self-Reliance: Traits of a Strong Leader



Let me take you on a journey – a journey that started in a small, mid-town in rural Tamil Nadu, where aspirations blossomed amidst the simplicity of life. As a teenager, I dreamt of becoming not just a manager, but a leader who could carve a path of success while setting an example for my family, much like my father did for me.

Now, fast forward 45 years, and here I am, reflecting on the twists and turns of my leadership journey. It's been a road filled with challenges, triumphs, and invaluable lessons learned along the way. But amidst it all, one thing remains constant – the pride instilled in me by my mother, who saw in me a "self-made man."

What does it mean to be a "self-made man," you might ask? For me, it's about making decisions independently, free from pressure, fear, or favor. It's about staying true to oneself, never succumbing to the allure of herd mentality, and always speaking the truth, no matter the consequences.

Now, let's talk about the journey towards self-reliance. It's all about moving from a state of conscious incompetence to unconscious competence. This means actively seeking feedback, constantly learning and growing, and being open to coaching and mentorship.

Self-reliant leaders understand that they don't have to have all the answers themselves. They're not afraid to reach out for help when needed, whether it's from their team, mentors, or other resources.

In this blog, I want to share with you the insights, experiences, and principles that have guided me on this journey towards leadership and self-reliance.


What makes a leader? Ah, now there's a question worth pondering. Let's dive right in.

A leader, especially a self-reliant one, isn't just someone who barks orders from the top of the ladder. No, they're much more than that. They're visionaries, motivators, and above all, they lead by example.

First off, self-reliant leaders are masters at setting goals – not just any goals, but ones that align with the organization's mission. They're like conductors orchestrating a symphony, ensuring every member of the team is playing in harmony towards a shared vision.

Feedback? Oh, they thrive on it. Whether it's singing praises for a job well done or gently nudging someone towards improvement, self-reliant leaders understand the power of constructive criticism. They're not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get into the trenches, providing guidance and support every step of the way.

Building relationships? Now, that's their bread and butter. Self-reliant leaders know that trust is the currency of leadership. They invest time and effort into forging genuine connections with their team members, fostering an environment of collaboration and camaraderie.

And let's not forget about course corrections. Self-reliant leaders are like sailors navigating stormy seas – they're not afraid to adjust their course when needed. They're quick to acknowledge mistakes, learn from them, and pivot towards a better path.

But perhaps the most defining trait of a self-reliant leader is their willingness to seek help when needed. They're not egotistical know-it-alls. No, they understand that true strength lies in humility and vulnerability, and they're not afraid to reach out for support when the going gets tough.

So, in a nutshell, what makes a leader? Well, it's someone who embodies self-reliance – someone who leads with purpose, integrity, and a whole lot of heart.


Goal Setting:-

Back in the early days of our careers, (85-95) things were indeed more relaxed in terms of goal-setting. There wasn't as much pressure to meet specific targets or adhere to rigid frameworks. Instead, we were given a broad canvas to showcase our skills and drive performance, guided more by intuition and experience rather than predefined metrics.

During this time, initiatives were often spearheaded by individuals rather than formalized systems. While this approach had its merits, relying solely on the judgment of seasoned professionals could sometimes lead to inconsistencies or inefficiencies.

However, as we moved into the late '90s and early 2000s, there was a noticeable shift towards more structured goal-setting processes. Organizations began aligning individual and team goals with their overarching vision, mission, and values. This shift was driven by the recognition that clear objectives and aligned efforts were essential for driving collective success.

Leadership teams embraced this change, understanding the importance of transparency and clarity in goal-setting. They ensured that everyone within the organization understood not only what their individual goals were but also how those goals contributed to the broader organizational objectives. This alignment fostered a sense of purpose and direction among team members, empowering them to work towards common goals with a shared vision in mind.

While this transition may have initially been met with some resistance or skepticism, it ultimately proved to be a positive step forward. By embracing a more proactive approach to goal-setting, organizations were better equipped to anticipate challenges, seize opportunities, and drive performance more effectively.

In essence, the evolution of goal-setting reflects a broader shift towards a more strategic and intentional approach to leadership and management. It highlights the importance of adaptability, continuous improvement, and alignment with organizational values in driving long-term success.



Providing feedback is indeed a delicate balance between art and science. Let's delve a bit deeper into this crucial aspect of leadership.

Think of feedback as a two-way street, a dialogue rather than a monologue. A self-reliant leader understands the importance of not only giving feedback but also receiving it openly and constructively.

When it comes to giving feedback, self-reliant leaders approach it with empathy and tact. They're not afraid to address areas that need improvement, but they do so in a way that respects the individual and focuses on growth rather than criticism.

Highlighting strengths and achievements is just as important as addressing areas for improvement. Self-reliant leaders make a conscious effort to recognize and celebrate the successes of their team members, reinforcing positive behaviors and boosting morale.

The key to effective feedback lies in its delivery. It should be specific, actionable, and given in a timely manner. Rather than focusing solely on what went wrong, self-reliant leaders frame feedback in a way that encourages learning and development.

Creating a culture of feedback is essential for continuous improvement and growth. Self-reliant leaders foster an environment where feedback is welcomed and embraced by all, regardless of hierarchy or position.

In essence, providing feedback is about empowering individuals to reach their full potential. By offering guidance, support, and encouragement, self-reliant leaders play a pivotal role in helping their team members thrive and succeed.

So, speaking from my own experience as a High "D" in the DiSC profile, giving feedback has always been a direct and candid process for me. I believe in cutting straight to the chase and addressing issues head-on.

However, despite my straightforward approach, there's always been an underlying philosophy within my leadership style – one that emphasizes trust and belief in my team members' potential. I've never doubted their interest, growth, or ability. Instead, I've always expected them to do well and excel in their roles.

This belief isn't just mine alone. It's something that's been ingrained in our organizational culture, with our leaders working alongside us on the same principles. We've always viewed feedback as a tool for improvement and better performance, rather than as criticism.

For me, it's about setting high expectations while also providing the necessary support and guidance to help my team members meet those expectations. Feedback, in my view, isn't about pointing out flaws – it's about identifying areas for growth and offering the resources and encouragement needed to excel.

In essence, my approach to feedback blends assertiveness with empathy, creating a culture where continuous learning and development are encouraged and celebrated.

The Journey:-

The journey from unconscious incompetence to conscious competence – it's a transformative path that self-reliant leaders embark upon with gusto. Let's unpack this journey a bit.

Picture this: You start off as a leader, blissfully unaware of your own shortcomings and limitations. You operate in a state of unconscious incompetence, not realizing what you don't know or where you need to improve. It's like navigating through a foggy maze without a map – you may be moving, but you're not really sure where you're going.

But then, something shifts. You begin to recognize the gaps in your knowledge and skills. You enter the realm of conscious incompetence – you're aware of what you don't know, and it's both humbling and enlightening. This awareness serves as a catalyst for growth, prompting you to seek out opportunities for learning and development.

As you delve deeper into your leadership journey, you start to hone your skills and expertise. You move into the realm of conscious competence – you know what you're doing, and you're doing it well, but it still requires effort and concentration. You're actively applying your knowledge and skills, refining them with each new challenge you encounter.

And finally, you reach the pinnacle of leadership – unconscious competence. You've internalized your expertise to the point where it becomes second nature. You lead with confidence and ease, effortlessly navigating through complex situations with grace and poise.

But here's the thing, – the journey doesn't end here. Self-reliant leaders understand that growth is a continuous process. Even in a state of unconscious competence, there's always room for improvement, always new heights to reach.

So, they remain vigilant, always seeking out opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve. They understand that true mastery lies not in reaching a destination, but in embracing the journey itself.


Relationship:- The Lubriciant of Performance Engine.

Ah, building relationships to get things done – it's a cornerstone of effective leadership, isn't it? Let's dive into the traits of self-reliant leaders when it comes to forging strong connections.

First and foremost, self-reliant leaders understand the importance of trust. They know that trust is the foundation upon which all meaningful relationships are built. So, they make it a priority to be authentic, transparent, and reliable in their interactions with others.

Empathy is another key trait of self-reliant leaders when it comes to building relationships. They take the time to understand the perspectives and needs of those around them, and they genuinely care about the well-being of their team members.

Communication is also crucial. Self-reliant leaders are skilled communicators who excel at both speaking and listening. They articulate their vision and expectations clearly, while also taking the time to actively listen to the ideas and concerns of others.

Adaptability is another hallmark of self-reliant leaders in relationship-building. They understand that every person is unique, and they're able to adapt their approach to suit the individual needs and preferences of those they work with.

And perhaps most importantly, self-reliant leaders lead by example when it comes to building relationships. They demonstrate integrity, respect, and empathy in all of their interactions, inspiring others to do the same.

In essence, building relationships to get things done is about creating a culture of collaboration, trust, and mutual respect. Self-reliant leaders embody these values, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their goals.


Course Corrections:- (Always Matters- Nothing ever goes perfect to plan!).

Performance reviews are a critical component of effective leadership, and conducting them fortnightly can provide timely feedback and alignment within the team. Let's break down how self-reliant leaders approach this process:

  • Frequency and Timeliness: Conducting performance reviews in the form of one on one, fortnightly ensures that feedback is provided promptly, allowing for immediate course corrections and alignment. This frequent cadence enables issues to be addressed in real-time, preventing them from festering and becoming larger problems down the line.
  • Focus on What Goes Well and Areas for Improvement: During these reviews, self-reliant leaders highlight both achievements and areas that need correction. They recognize and celebrate successes, reinforcing positive behaviors and outcomes. Simultaneously, they address any shortcomings or areas for improvement, providing actionable feedback to help team members grow and develop.
  • Immediate Alignment: One of the key advantages of fortnightly performance reviews is the opportunity for immediate alignment. Self-reliant leaders use these sessions to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding goals, priorities, and expectations. Any discrepancies or misunderstandings can be addressed promptly, minimizing potential misalignment within the team.
  • Metrics and Indicators: Metrics and indicators play a crucial role in performance reviews, providing objective data to evaluate performance and progress. What gets measured gets done. Self-reliant leaders establish clear metrics and KPIs aligned with organizational objectives, allowing for a comprehensive overview of team performance. These metrics serve as a basis for constructive feedback and informed decision-making.
  • Communication: Effective communication is the linchpin of successful performance reviews. Self-reliant leaders communicate openly and transparently, fostering a culture of trust and accountability within the team. They encourage open dialogue, active listening, and constructive feedback, ensuring that everyone feels heard and valued.

In essence, fortnightly performance reviews conducted by self-reliant leaders serve as a dynamic feedback mechanism, driving continuous improvement and alignment within the team. By focusing on what goes well, addressing areas for improvement, and leveraging metrics for insight, these reviews facilitate growth, productivity, and success.


You Can't know all:-

Self-reliant leaders possess the humility and self-awareness to recognize that they don't have to navigate the complexities of leadership alone. They understand that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a demonstration of strength and resourcefulness.

Whether it's seeking guidance from their team members, drawing insights from mentors, or tapping into external resources, self-reliant leaders actively seek support and leverage the expertise of others to drive success.

By fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication, self-reliant leaders create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute their knowledge and skills. They understand that harnessing the collective intelligence of the team leads to better decision-making and problem-solving.

Moreover, self-reliant leaders recognize the importance of continuous learning and growth. They actively seek out opportunities for development, whether through formal training programs, networking events, or self-directed learning initiatives.

In essence, self-reliant leaders embrace the idea that leadership is a collective endeavor. They leverage the diverse talents and perspectives of those around them, recognizing that true strength lies in collaboration and mutual support.


As we conclude our exploration into the traits of self-reliant leaders, let's take a moment to reflect. We've delved into the essence of leadership – from setting aligned goals to providing feedback, building relationships, and embracing the power of collaboration.

Through it all, one thing remains clear: self-reliant leaders are not just individuals who stand alone at the helm. They are visionaries who inspire and empower others, collaborators who foster trust and accountability, and learners who continuously strive for growth and improvement.

In a world that is constantly evolving, the role of self-reliant leaders has never been more crucial. They are the guiding lights who navigate through uncertainty with courage and conviction, leading their teams towards a brighter future.

So, as you embark on your own leadership journey, remember the lessons we've uncovered here. Embrace the traits of self-reliance – setting goals with clarity, providing feedback with empathy, building relationships with authenticity, and seeking support with humility.

Together, let's strive to cultivate a new generation of self-reliant leaders – leaders who not only chart their own course but also inspire others to reach new heights of success.


9th April 2024 930am.

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