Thursday, March 07, 2024

Anand, Trump, Overacheiver vs Higher Acheiver, Blind Faith.


Yesterday, March 6th, 2024, marked my brother Anand's 59th birthday. Anand, based in Sohar, Oman, stands in stark contrast to me in terms of personality. While I am brash and indifferent, preferring instant decisions and the "my way or the highway" approach, Anand is a people connector, always willing to go out of his way to help and carefully consider decisions. Even in matters of love, our approaches diverge; I advocate for "marry and love," while he believes in "love and marry." Anand's unwavering support at family events is truly remarkable. As the Tamil saying goes, "தம்பி உடையான் படைக்கு அஞ்சான்" (One who has a younger brother is never afraid of a battalion). Here's to wishing him a fantastic year ahead. I had a conversation with him and assured him that Lalitha and I will definitely visit Oman before the end of 2024, considering he has been settled there for 18 years.

Madurai Airport 2016 Aug. 

So, with just 150 days left before the RNC, Donald Trump has clinched the nomination. It's remarkable how swiftly this was achieved; perhaps the fastest ever. Nimrata unnecessarily dragged out this race for an extra 3-4 weeks. It's time for all Republicans to rally behind DJT and ensure that the corrupt, crooked, and criminal Democrats are ousted from power in the White House, Senate, and Congress. Democrats will resort to every possible illegal and intimidating tactic to thwart Trump, and I wouldn't even rule out physical measures, given their fear of him. It's reassuring to hear that volunteer work for Republican ballot collection has already commenced, with funds pouring in from donors to outplay the Democrats at their own game. Brace yourself; this promises to be the bitterest and bloodiest election in American history.
Super Tuesday 15 state results. 

Let's dive into a fascinating topic: the distinction between overachievers and high achievers. While these terms might seem interchangeable at first glance, they carry nuanced differences that can profoundly impact our approach to success.

Let's start by defining each term:

Overachiever: This term typically refers to someone who sets extremely high goals for themselves and goes above and beyond to surpass these expectations. Overachievers often push themselves relentlessly, seeking perfection in every task they undertake. They thrive on competition and may sacrifice other aspects of their lives, such as personal relationships or well-being, in pursuit of their goals.

High Achiever: On the other hand, a high achiever is someone who consistently performs at a high level and achieves notable success in their endeavors. Unlike overachievers, high achievers set ambitious yet realistic goals and focus on maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life. They are driven by intrinsic motivation and derive satisfaction from their accomplishments, rather than external validation.

Now, let's explore how these two types of individuals approach success in their own unique ways:

1. Goal Setting: Overachievers tend to set lofty, often unrealistic goals for themselves, aiming for nothing short of perfection. In contrast, high achievers set challenging yet attainable goals that align with their values and priorities.

2. Work Ethic: Overachievers are known for their intense work ethic and relentless pursuit of success. They are willing to put in long hours and make significant sacrifices to reach their goals. High achievers also work hard, but they prioritize efficiency and effectiveness, striving to achieve their objectives without compromising their well-being.

3. Motivation: Overachievers are often driven by external validation and the desire to outperform others. They may feel a constant need to prove themselves and seek approval from authority figures. High achievers, on the other hand, are motivated by intrinsic factors such as personal growth, mastery, and fulfillment. They are less concerned with comparison and more focused on continuous improvement.

4. Approach to Failure: When faced with setbacks or failure, overachievers may experience intense feelings of disappointment or inadequacy. They may view failure as unacceptable and struggle to bounce back from setbacks. In contrast, high achievers see failure as a natural part of the learning process. They embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and resilience, using failure as a stepping stone to future success.

So, which approach is best? The answer isn't straightforward. While overachievers may achieve impressive results in the short term, their relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to burnout and diminished well-being. On the other hand, high achievers prioritize sustainable success and overall life satisfaction. They understand the importance of balance and recognize that true success extends beyond professional accomplishments.

In conclusion, whether you identify as an overachiever or a high achiever, it's essential to reflect on your goals, values, and priorities. Strive for excellence, but don't lose sight of what truly matters in life. Remember, success is not just about reaching the top; it's about enjoying the journey along the way. So, embrace your unique approach to success and keep striving for greatness, one achievement at a time!

I want to address a concerning trend that seems to be pervasive in our society: blind faith in political parties and their ideologies. It's disheartening to observe how even educated individuals can become emotionally attached to a particular political party, to the extent that they reject contrary views, backed by facts and data.

I am writing this post,as a response I got when I shared an Economist article this week on How South is all set to Reject BJP as well as South India is the most happening place and if you want to growth, Go South. ( I did this 28 years back when I relocated back from Gujarat!). People always want people to nod around them and are not ready to view any other views.

In my experience, I've noticed this phenomenon particularly among supporters of the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), even in educated circles in South India, where rationality and common sense are highly valued. Despite being presented with evidence that challenges their beliefs, some individuals remain steadfast in their support, unwilling to consider alternative perspectives.

This blind faith in a political party, regardless of its actions or policies, is concerning. No party is infallible, and it's essential to critically evaluate their actions and ideologies. In my view, the BJP is no exception; it's as susceptible to corruption and manipulation as any other political entity.

What's even more troubling is how this blind allegiance can strain personal relationships and interactions. People are willing to sever ties with friends and family members over political differences, succumbing to fanaticism that breeds division and animosity.

It's crucial for us, as individuals, to rise above blind faith and engage in rational discourse. We must be open to considering different viewpoints, even if they challenge our beliefs. Embracing diversity of thought and being willing to engage in respectful debate is fundamental to a healthy democracy. More so Politics, like education and Medicare has become Business with counting return on Investment.

Let's not allow political allegiances to blind us to reality. Instead, let's strive for critical thinking, empathy, and constructive dialogue. Only then can we hope to build a society based on reason, tolerance, and mutual respect.

Sincerely, Karthik

Yes I was under the weather, now doing a lot better... Hopefully, another 24 hrs to wait. It is 7 days since I had done my 20,000 steps routine/day. Can't wait to resume. 

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