Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ganesh, 9/11, Milk, typo

This week the festive season are in full swing. Coincedentally all religions had some festival to work about. Virgin Mary feast for Christians, Eid culminating the fasting period for muslims and Ganesh Chathurthi the elephant god for Hindus. At Park 3, this was the first festival celebrations as a community with about 65% occupancy. We did our little bit.

This week also was the 9th anniversary of 9/11. This year for various reasons, the sombre occsaion had its own conterversy. I can only hope all the issues are sorted out to every one's satisfaction. It calls for give and take and look for a win-win solution.

I was very much touched by this story in Gaurdian, story of a Afgan child went without milk in the midst of flies and stench. Fortunately, the story had a happy ending as some good hearted folks from Pakistan worked out to collect aid and served. The child could get his milk and food.

I came across this intersting article about how the work will change in the next 10 years. This will be more about colloboration, Remote working etc.

I leave with the intersting post on typical typo error found in public display. 

Untill next week, take it easy and take care; Live consciously.

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