Sunday, January 14, 2024

Shrinkflation, Primaries !!! Operation (Desert) Home Storm 33 years gone!

 Shrinkflation: Sneaky Inflation Hitting Your Wallet Globally

In the subtle corners of the consumer world, a phenomenon named shrinkflation is quietly reshaping our shopping carts. In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of shrinkflation, examining its impact on consumers globally, with a particular focus on India and the United States.

We've all been there – reaching for our favorite snacks and feeling like something's amiss. The packaging looks the same, but the bag seems lighter, the cereal box curiously hollow. This, my friends, is the insidious phenomenon of shrinkflation: when manufacturers maintain prices but shrink the product size, subtly eroding our purchasing power.

Global Impact:

Shrinkflation isn't a regional concern; it's a global game. Rising production costs, disrupted supply chains, and inflationary pressures are driving this stealthy price increase. From Europe's downsized chocolate bars to Latin America's shrinking laundry detergent bottles, consumers worldwide are feeling the pinch.

Consumer Effects:

The consequences of shrinkflation are real and impactful:

  • Reduced value for money: We pay the same price but get less, impacting our budgets and reducing purchasing power.
  • Erosion of trust: Sneaky tactics like shrinkflation damage brand loyalty and consumer confidence.
  • Unequal burden: Low-income families and those reliant on essentials are disproportionately affected.
  • Become a Label Detective: Pay close attention to unit prices and product quantities, comparing them across brands and over time.
  • Embrace Generic Brands: Often, generic brands offer better value for money compared to name brands that employ shrinkflation tactics.
  • Buy in Bulk: If you know you'll use a product frequently, consider buying in bulk to get a better price per unit.
  • Raise Your Voice: Share your experiences with shrinkflation on social media and contact brands directly to express your dissatisfaction.

Indian and US examples:

Let's take a closer look at some specific examples:


  • Popular biscuits like Parle-G and Marie have seen their weight decrease by 5-10% over the past few years.
  • Detergent powders like Wheel and Nirma offer smaller packs at the same price point.
  • Instant noodles brands have reduced the number of servings per packet.

From the bustling streets of Bangalore to the urban sprawls, products in India are undergoing a quiet transformation. A kilogram of rice or a favorite chocolate bar - they may seem the same, but the discerning eye will notice a reduction. Prices may not be as they seem; they have sneaked upwards as sizes dwindled. The price hike may be subtle, but the impact is not.


  • Iconic snacks like Oreo cookies and M&Ms have seen their pack sizes shrink.
  • Household essentials like toilet paper and paper towels offer fewer sheets per roll.
  • Ice cream tubs and juice boxes have seen subtle downsizing.

Data points:

  • A 2023 study by Mintel found that 70% of global consumers have noticed shrinkflation.
  • In the US, shrinkflation rates averaged 7.1% in 2022, compared to 2.1% in 2019.
  • In India, a consumer advocacy group reported a 9% increase in shrinkflation cases between 2021 and 2022.
Expert Views:
  • "Shrinkflation is a strategic move by manufacturers to maintain profits without overtly raising prices," notes Dr. Consumer Advocate, a renowned expert in consumer behavior. "Consumers often don't notice the change in size, but it significantly impacts their wallets over time."

  • The Consumer Watch Group echoes concerns: "Manufacturers need to be transparent about such changes. Consumers have a right to know when they are getting less for the same price."

Moving forward:

As consumers, we can fight back against shrinkflation:

  • Be vigilant: Compare package sizes and unit prices to spot sneaky downsizing.
  • Switch brands: Support companies that prioritize transparency and fair pricing.
  • Raise awareness: Share your experiences and encourage others to be informed consumers.

Shrinkflation may be hidden, but its impact is real. By staying informed and making conscious choices, we can reclaim our purchasing power and hold companies accountable.

  1. Budgeting Tips in the Face of Shrinkflation:

    • Dr. Finance Guru recommends, "In times of shrinkflation, consumers should become savvy shoppers. Look at the unit prices, not just the overall cost. It's about getting the best value for your money."

    • "Consider exploring local or generic brands that might still offer the same quantity at a lower cost," suggests Money-Savvy Consultant.

  2. Consumer Call to Action:

    • The power lies with the consumer. Advocate for transparency. Dr. Policy Maker urges, "Write to manufacturers, voice your concerns on social media, and choose brands that prioritize transparent practices. Collectively, consumers can drive change."

Conclusion: As we navigate the aisles of our supermarkets and online shopping carts, let's be vigilant. Shrinkflation may be subtle, but our awareness and collective action can counter its effects. In demanding transparency, we safeguard not just our wallets but also the integrity of the marketplace.


Primaries Time:

The 2024 Republican Primaries: A Race Underway

The 2024 Republican primaries are officially underway, with the Iowa caucuses kicking off the long road to the November general election. With a crowded field of candidates and a former president looming large to run away with nomination by end of February 2024 well before his court cases beginning March 1st week. If he sews up first 3 at Iowa, NH, SC then all done..!

The Contenders

The field of Republican candidates is diverse and includes a mix of experienced politicians, outsiders, and rising stars. Some of the frontrunners include:

  • Donald Trump: The former president is still the most popular figure in the Republican Party and is widely expected to run for re-election. However, he faces a number of challenges, including legal troubles and concerns about his electability in a general election.
    DJT at Hollywood walk of Fame (Los Angeles)- Remember he is a TV Star..!!! 
  • Nikki Haley: The former governor of South Carolina and ambassador to the United Nations is seen as a potential frontrunner by both the party's establishment and base. She combines executive experience with foreign policy chops, and her appeal as a woman and minority candidate (Indian origin) adds another layer of intrigue to her campaign.
  • Ron DeSantis: The popular governor of Florida has captured national attention for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his unwavering commitment to conservative principles. His combative style and unwavering stance on issues like immigration and education resonate with a significant portion of the Republican base.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy: A fresh face on the political scene, Ramaswamy is an entrepreneur and author who has quickly gained traction with his unconventional approach. He champions economic populism, cultural renewal, and a rejection of woke ideology, appealing to younger voters and those seeking a break from the traditional Republican mold.

It is 33 years, on 18.1.91 Friday morning Bush Sr Gave orders to Bomb Baghdad.!! (Operation Desert Strom 1) .........
Around the same time, I got in to wedlock with Lalitha. 33 years it has been. 7 months before, A poor girl traveled 1000 Km to see me and say yes to a brute!!! (Yes she was warned many times by my relatives) hhahahahh!!! What a Wonderful time. 

Celebrating 33 Years of Togetherness:

As I write down these words, I find myself reflecting on 33 years of companionship, shared dreams, and a journey adorned with countless moments of joy. This post is a public acknowledgment, a celebration of my partner in this beautiful dance called life—Lalitha.

  1. A Friend Through the Ages:

    • In Lalitha, I found not just a life partner but a true friend. Someone with whom laughter resonates through the years and shared jokes become part of our unique language. She's the confidante who knows my stories, my quirks, and still chooses to stand by my side. Lalitha's reach out to friends/ well wishers above and beyond acts are endless....
  2. Guiding Light and Influencer:

    • Lalitha, with her wisdom, has been a guiding light. Her insights have shaped not just my decisions but our journey together. A silent influencer, she has been instrumental in our shared successes and has gracefully handled challenges with strength and resilience. AMRITKALA our home is her decision of influence.
  3. Traditional Values, Contemporary Love:

    • In a world that evolves with each passing day, Lalitha has been the keeper of traditions, grounding our family in values that withstand the test of time. It's a beautiful blend of the old and the new, a testament to her adaptability and love. Especially her service to my parents, monmumental.
  4. Fearless Contradictions:

    • Lalitha has never shied away from expressing her thoughts, even if they contradict mine. It's this honesty that has enriched our conversations, fostering an environment where differing opinions are not roadblocks but stepping stones to mutual understanding.
  5. The Heart of Our Home:

    • Lalitha's role as a mother has been nothing short of extraordinary. Our children, now grown and flourishing, are a testament to her nurturing spirit. The love and care she poured into their lives have shaped them into remarkable individuals.
  6. A Remarkable Mother-in-law:

    • As life unfolds, Lalitha has seamlessly embraced the role of a mother-in-law. Her warmth and love extend beyond our immediate family, creating bonds that enrich the tapestry of our extended family.

  7. Oh Yes! a great teacher,!! Ask her students who top in Math coaching year after year in batches.... Their #1 scoring subject would be Math. (Grades 8,9,10th!).

Conclusion: On this 34th wedding day, I find myself immensely grateful for Lalitha—for the shared laughter, the quiet moments, and the unwavering support that has been the cornerstone of our journey. This is not just a celebration of years gone by but a testament to the promise of many more to come.

Thank you, Lalitha, for being my partner, my friend, and the heart of our home.


Best Wishes



PS My Pongal greetings to folks.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Indian Science and Research: The Long Road to Maturity



As an EHS professional with a keen interest in the realm of science and research, I recently engaged with an insightful piece in The Economist discussing "Why Indian Science Punches Far Below Its Weight." The content struck a chord, resonating deeply with observations gathered through my own experiences and interactions within India's professional landscape.

The article encapsulates a critical truth: the absence of autonomy within Indian institutions, an issue not confined solely to the public sector but permeating even the private industry. My own career trajectory mirrors this sentiment—I deliberately avoided Indian corporate positions due to their constraints, a decision reaffirmed upon entering the expansive world of multinational corporations.

Archaic regulations and outdated norms seem to shackle the realm of research and development. The private sector, often seen as the beacon of innovation, echoes this limitation by displaying a reluctance to delve into basic research endeavors. This hesitance perpetuates a cycle where groundbreaking discoveries remain elusive.

Furthermore, while the government displays intentions to sponsor and promote scientific advancement, the allocation of funds sometimes misses the mark. Councils designated for scientific development find themselves steered by policymakers and bureaucrats rather than scientific minds. A vivid memory surfaces—a minister's statement during a radiology lab inauguration, urging for increased radio production to enhance listening, inadvertently highlighting the disconnect between policymakers and the nuances of scientific progression.

This blog post aims to dissect these intricacies, exploring the systemic challenges that hinder India's scientific growth. It seeks to unravel the intricate web of factors contributing to the sluggish pace of scientific maturity in the country, with a fervent desire to spotlight potential pathways for transformative change.


Reasons Why Indian Science and Tech Research is a laggard:-

Addressing the challenges in science and research in India can be a complex topic. Several factors contribute to this scenario:

  • Funding Constraints: Research requires substantial funding, and India historically invests a smaller percentage of its GDP in research compared to other nations. This limitation affects infrastructure, resources, and incentives for researchers. India's expenditure on R&D has been relatively low compared to other countries. According to UNESCO, India spent around 0.65% of its GDP on R&D in recent years, significantly lower than countries like Israel (4.95%), South Korea (4.93%), and the United States (2.79%). This limited investment affects the scale and quality of research initiatives.
  • Infrastructure Gap: While some institutions boast world-class facilities, many lack adequate infrastructure, advanced equipment, and updated technologies necessary for cutting-edge research. While premier institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) boast strong facilities, many other institutions lack adequate infrastructure. Reports from organizations like the National Institute of Science, Technology, and Development Studies (NISTADS) highlight the disparity in research facilities across India.
  • Education System: The education system's focus on rote learning rather than critical thinking and practical application can hinder innovation. There's a need to revamp the curriculum to foster research-oriented thinking from an early stage.
  • Brain Drain: Talented Indian researchers often seek opportunities abroad due to more promising environments, better resources, and a more supportive ecosystem for research and development.
  • Bureaucracy and Red Tape: Cumbersome bureaucratic processes, delayed approvals, and rigid regulations can impede the pace of research and innovation.

Improving the scenario requires a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Increased Funding: Government and private sector collaboration to boost funding for research and development.
  2. Reform in Education: A curriculum overhaul to encourage research, critical thinking, and practical application.
  3. Supportive Policies: Streamlining bureaucratic processes and regulations to foster a more conducive environment for research.
  4. Attracting Talent: Incentivizing and providing opportunities for skilled researchers to contribute to India's scientific growth.
  • +++
  • If we dwell deep:
  • Red tape and bureaucratic hurdles are significant barriers to progress, impacting collaboration between academia and the private sector:

  • Red Tape and Bureaucracy: The bureaucratic processes in India often involve lengthy approval procedures, complex regulations, and bureaucratic hurdles, which can stall or slow down research initiatives. Reports from bodies like the NITI Aayog and studies conducted by various universities in India have highlighted the need for streamlining these processes to facilitate smoother research collaborations.

  • Private Sector Engagement: While some sectors have shown interest in collaborating with academia for research and development, overall, the engagement between the private sector and academia in India remains relatively low. The reasons vary from a lack of mutual understanding of objectives to concerns about intellectual property rights (IPR) and the practical application of research outcomes in the market.
  • Academic-Industry Relationship: There's a historical gap between academia and industry in India. Academics often focus on pure research, while industries may prioritize applied research and immediate market applicability. Reports from organizations like the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and studies by universities emphasize the need for fostering a more symbiotic relationship between academia and industry.
  • Encouraging collaboration requires efforts from both sides:

  • Policy Reforms: Establishing policies that incentivize collaborations, simplify approval processes, and protect intellectual property rights can encourage private sector participation in research initiatives.

  • Changing Mindsets: Bridging the gap between academia and industry by fostering a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, and shared goals through joint initiatives, industry-academic forums, and exchange programs.
  • Financial Incentives: Providing financial incentives, grants, and tax benefits for joint research and development projects can motivate the private sector to engage more actively with academia.
  • Skill Enhancement: Introducing programs that align academic research with industry needs, focusing on skill enhancement and practical application, can foster a better understanding and cooperation between the two sectors.

When I look at CSIR, (CECRI-Karaikudi where my Dad was a scientist on Corrosion Engineering for 40 years!!)..

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), while established with the noble aim of fostering scientific research and industrial development, faces several challenges that hinder its status as a leading research institution:

  1. Bureaucratic Influence: CSIR, like many other institutions in India, faces bureaucratic influence that often impedes its autonomy and decision-making. The interference from administrative bodies and policymakers might hamper the institution's agility and capacity for innovative research.
  2. Hierarchical Structures: The hierarchical structure within CSIR might limit the autonomy and freedom researchers need to explore unconventional ideas or pursue breakthrough innovations. Decision-making might be influenced by hierarchy rather than merit, stifling the potential for groundbreaking research.
  3. Focus on Applied Research: CSIR historically has been more inclined towards applied research rather than fundamental or basic research. While applied research is crucial for practical applications, the lack of emphasis on fundamental research might hinder breakthrough discoveries that lay the groundwork for future innovations.
  4. Resource Allocation: Challenges in resource allocation and prioritization might limit the scope of research undertaken. If resources are disproportionately allocated or constrained, it can impact the institution's ability to explore diverse research avenues.
  5. Connectivity with Industries: While CSIR's objective is to bridge the gap between academia and industry, there might be limitations in effectively collaborating with industries for applied research and commercialization of innovations. This could impact the translation of research findings into practical solutions.
  6. Talent Retention and Recruitment: Attracting and retaining top-tier talent is crucial for any research institution. CSIR might face challenges in competing with global institutions or industries in terms of offering competitive incentives and fostering a conducive environment for researchers.

Addressing these challenges demands a comprehensive overhaul—a restructuring that prioritizes autonomy, encourages a culture of innovation, fosters collaborations with industries, and incentivizes fundamental research alongside applied studies. Transforming CSIR into a beacon of scientific excellence requires a concerted effort to untangle bureaucratic webs, infuse a culture of meritocracy, and realign its objectives to embrace a broader spectrum of research pursuits.

When I mull further:

There can indeed be correlations between the state of science research in India and cultural, societal, and psychological aspects ingrained within the Indian milieu. My perspective on this matter holds weight, considering my exposure to both Indian and Western environments.

  1. Insecurity and Job Fear: The prevalent societal emphasis on stable, secure jobs often dissuades risk-taking and exploration—traits integral to groundbreaking research. The societal expectation of job security may steer individuals away from careers in research due to perceived instability and uncertainty.
  2. Social Pressure: Societal expectations in India often prioritize traditional career paths like engineering, medicine, or management. Pursuing a career in research might not align with these conventional societal norms, leading to pressure or discouragement from family and society.
  3. Lack of Social Security: India's social security systems may not provide adequate safety nets for individuals choosing unconventional or uncertain career paths like research. The absence of robust support systems could deter many from pursuing research careers.
  4. Cultural Influence: Cultural values often prioritize stability, family, and traditional professions. While these values are important, they might conflict with the risk-taking and innovation required in research fields, inadvertently impacting the pursuit of scientific endeavors.
  5. Hierarchy and Respect for Authority: The cultural hierarchy prevalent in Indian society might impact the autonomy of researchers and institutions. Decisions might be influenced more by hierarchical structures rather than meritocracy, potentially stifling innovation.

The Western outlook often fosters an environment more conducive to risk-taking, innovation, and challenging established norms—essential elements for progress in scientific research.

However, I agree that it's essential to note that while these societal and cultural factors might influence the state of research in India, they are not absolute determinants. There are numerous exceptions and individuals who break free from these constraints to pursue groundbreaking research.

Conclusion: Charting the Path Forward for Indian Science

The landscape of Indian science research stands at a critical juncture, teetering between tradition and transformation. The challenges illuminated—be it the lack of autonomy, the grip of archaic rules, or the hesitance within industries—underscore the intricate web of barriers hindering scientific maturity.

Yet, amidst these challenges lie profound opportunities. India's rich heritage, diverse talent pool, and resilience present a fertile ground for scientific growth and innovation. The potential to redefine the trajectory of scientific endeavors exists within the collective resolve to address systemic limitations.

The road ahead demands a holistic approach—a paradigm shift that aligns policies, societal mindsets, and institutional frameworks. It necessitates a cultural renaissance that celebrates risk-taking, nurtures curiosity, and embraces the pursuit of knowledge beyond conventional boundaries.

Collaboration emerges as the linchpin for progress—a convergence of academia, industry, policymakers, and society at large. It beckons the fostering of an ecosystem that prizes research, champions interdisciplinary cooperation, and cultivates an environment where innovation thrives.

As individuals, influencers, and stakeholders in this narrative, our collective responsibility lies in fostering an environment where scientific curiosity is revered, where researchers are empowered, and where the pursuit of knowledge transcends the confines of fear or societal expectations.

This is not merely a reflection on the challenges; it is a call to action—an invitation to ignite a transformation that propels Indian science from the shadows of limitations to the forefront of global innovation. The journey toward scientific maturity demands courage, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to sculpt a future where Indian science stands tall, a beacon of ingenuity and progress.


9th Jan 2024, 11am.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Personal Updates. (Bereavement, Books, email).... 40 years on!!!


It's with deep sadness that I share the unfortunate news of the passing of my beloved Aunt (Father's cousin) on Friday, 5th January 2024, morning. She suffered a tragic fire Incident at home while lighting an oil lamp for prayer, and despite every effort, she succumbed to severe burns 15 hours later. Her sudden departure has left a profound void in our lives. For me she was an inspiration, for she was a top notch graduate in the 1970s, Attended Indian Republic day parade.(NCC), She taught me to shine shoes better by spitting on leather! Also I used all her math work notes of her graduation to copy /paste to my notebook, in my math assignment, 10 years later. (She kept all her notes!). I did all the errands for her marriage in 1980, when my father conducted her marriage at Karaikudi! She also had a stellar banking career. 

In the wake of this tragedy, I urge each of us to be vigilant and cautious, especially when handling oil lamps or engaging in activities involving fire. This incident has highlighted the critical need for safety measures within our households, particularly for our elderly family members.

In our cultural context, where lighting lamps is a revered tradition, it's crucial to take extra precautions. Ensuring stable surfaces for lamps, using appropriate containers for oil, and avoiding loose clothing during this practice can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. If possible, do lighting lamps under a watch or a buddy !! My Mom had a near miss, 60 years back as the buddy quickly extinguished the fire on her saree..! 

Additionally, in the kitchen, where so much warmth and nourishment are shared, let's remember to be attentive while cooking, keep loose clothing away from the stove, focus on task, eyes on task,  and employ safety measures such as having fire extinguishers / water readily available.  I have experienced flame propagation due to wind as well flame leap out in gas stoves when I do cooking, a risky situation. 

Let us honor the memory of my aunt by spreading awareness about fire safety within our homes. It's a humble plea to prioritize caution, preventing such unfortunate incidents from occurring again.

Please take a moment to reflect on these safety measures, and let's collectively ensure the well-being of our family members.


Amazing email from Robin Sharma. Very Practical. I reproduce here. Wish every one follows this.

24 supreme habits for 2024 

happy happy happy 2024! 

I very much wish you top health, superb inspiration and a new year rich with moments of pure magic.

Ok. Let’s get straight to the point: helping you install the habits of mastery that will ensure the next 12 months are monumental.

I humbly and carefully offer you these 24 suggestions: 

1. Rise with the sun and spend at least an hour praying, reading and running. Your days will never be the same!

2. Go complaint-free for a week. [You’ll feel so much stronger and better].

3. Stop focusing on the faults of people and, instead, seek to amplify their strengths. Simple idea yet practiced rarely in today’s society.

4. Walk for an hour every day. Period.

5. Read for an hour each evening.

6. Be the most prepared person at every meeting you attend.

7. Outwork everyone in your industry. Always giving your best effort breeds tremendous self-respect.

8. Make deep sleep a priority. Bonus tip: the key to a superb morning routine is an excellent pre-sleep ritual (and not much good happens after 9pm so why not go to bed then?). 

9. Finally forgive the people who hurt you, understanding that your hurters have helped you become you. 

10. Do 3 scary things every 3 months in 2024.

11. Work without your phone until noon each workday.

12. Turn your phone off every Sunday (for the entire day). Your family deserves the best of you, yes?

13. Hope for the best yet be absolutely prepared for the worst. Too slow is too late. 

14. Start your mornings focusing on 5 things you’re grateful for. The tone of your day will rise.

15. Be the best listener in your home.

16. Be the most enthusiastic student in your field.

17. Develop impeccable manners.

18. Go to art galleries / Museums often so that the stardust of the masters mesmerizes your consciousness. Leave your phone at home if you really want the benefit of this special habit.

19. End every creative project better than you started.

20. Stop being mean to yourself. You’re incredibly special.

21. Stop comparing your life to other lives. Your journey is perfect for you and there’s rich wisdom in you being exactly where you’re at.

22. As you produce more success, think even more like a beginner. Winning makes most people sloppy.

23. Tell your loved ones you love them daily. 

24. Remember that your daily habits predict your lifetime results. So make them great.

Robin Sharma. 5am Club. (I am at 4am Club ahahha!)


Finished an amazing book, "How to Know a person" by by David Brooks. It has left a deep impact on me. I am beginning to finish books after failing to do so for a few months. 

In an age of fragmented connections and polarized opinions, David Brooks' "How to Know a Person" offers a powerful antidote: the art of truly understanding and appreciating the souls around us. Forget algorithms and social media feeds; Brooks invites us on a journey into the depths of human connection, where attentive observation, meaningful conversations, and a willingness to see beyond the surface reveal the intricate tapestry of another's being.

The book's foundation rests on the transformative power of attention. Like a skilled sculptor, Brooks urges us to refine our gaze, noticing not just the words spoken, but the subtle nuances of body language, the flicker of emotions in the eyes, the stories whispered in the pauses between sentences. He guides us to step outside our own narratives, to practice active listening, and to embrace empathy as the bridge across the chasm of self-centeredness.

Conversation, in Brooks' hands, becomes a sacred dance of discovery. He dismantles the superficial chit-chat and prescribes open-ended questions, vulnerable sharing, and a genuine curiosity about the other's world. He reminds us that listening isn't just about waiting for our turn to speak; it's about actively tuning in to the music of another's soul.

But understanding transcends mere words and gestures. It delves into the wellspring of stories that shape who we are. Brooks reveals how our narratives, both internal and external, form the bedrock of our motivations, values, and desires. He encourages us to become skilled storytellers, weaving together threads of experience, hardship, and triumph to create a richer tapestry of self-awareness.

The book doesn't shy away from the complexities of human nature. Moral character, Brooks argues, plays a crucial role in understanding another's actions and motivations. He acknowledges the shadows that lurk beneath the surface, the flaws and contradictions that make us human, and urges us to extend compassion even when faced with darkness.

"How to Know a Person" isn't just a philosophical treatise; it's a practical guide to transforming our everyday interactions. Brooks offers actionable tips, from the importance of eye contact to the power of shared activities. He reminds us that the journey to understanding begins not with grand gestures, but with simple acts of attentiveness, curiosity, and a genuine desire to connect.

As I turned the final page, I felt a profound shift within me. The book's impact wasn't merely intellectual; it was visceral, sparking a renewed desire to see beyond the surface of those around me. I found myself paying closer attention to the nuances of daily conversations, actively seeking out stories, and approaching encounters with an open heart. In a world that often feels fragmented and divided, "How to Know a Person" offers a beacon of hope, reminding us that the greatest journey we can embark on is the one that leads to the heart of another.



7th Jan 2024.

PS: 40 years today, Greg Chappal, Lillee, Marsh retired from test cricket. Time flies..! Chappal announced his retirement the week before and scored 180+.... Lilee took wicket with Last ball he bowled. (Wyne Phillips took the catch) + Abdul Qadir, C Marsh B Lillee; the last of the deadly combination. (Sydney 1984). Still etched in memory all the moments at GCT, Coimbatore Hostel (Cauvery Block!---- I am told, now it is Girl's hostel!)..