Tuesday, August 06, 2024

The Misconception of "Non-Promotable" Work: A Call for a Shift in Perspective.


Personal Annoucement: We are mourning the passing away of my neice at Sohar, Oman Yesterday, Monday 5th Aug. (My younger brother's daughter). I may be irregular in working posts for next 2 weeks as rituals are to be carried out for the departed soul. 

In recent years, I've observed a troubling trend in the workplace. Many from the younger generation express disdain for what they term "non-promotable" work. This attitude perplexes me. How can any work be considered non-productive or devoid of value if it's aligned with the organization's vision, objectives, and targets? I infer that organisation is so Deranged that most of the tasks are so misaligned that employees feel it is not aligned to their promotion/ career advancement? I wonder how long such organisations last? I also hear women are dumped so much of non promotable work. Sad part! 
The Importance of Vision and Objectives

Every organization sets a vision and defines clear objectives. These are translated into specific targets and tasks that drive progress. Each task, no matter how seemingly insignificant, plays a role in the larger picture. Dismissing tasks as non-promotable undermines the strategic alignment that organizations strive for.

The Learning Curve

One must understand that growth and promotion are outcomes of continuous learning and dedication. By focusing solely on promotable tasks, individuals miss out on valuable learning opportunities. It's through tackling various responsibilities, including those that seem mundane, that one gains the experience and maturity needed for advancement. This broader perspective is crucial for personal and professional development.

Work Pressure and Perception

It's understandable that high work pressure and tight deadlines can be overwhelming. However, viewing every task through the lens of immediate promotability is disingenuous. Not every piece of work will lead directly to a promotion, but that doesn't mean it lacks value. The skills and insights gained from diverse experiences are instrumental in shaping a well-rounded professional.

The Value of Enjoying Your Work

An often-overlooked aspect is the intrinsic value of enjoying your work. When you find joy in what you do, even the most routine tasks become rewarding. A positive work environment and supportive colleagues contribute significantly to job satisfaction. This concept, unfortunately, seems to have diminished over the past couple of decades.

A Call for Change

It's time to rethink our approach to work. Embracing all tasks with a sense of purpose and willingness to learn can lead to unforeseen opportunities and growth. By shifting our perspective, we can revive the notion that every task, regardless of its immediate visibility on the promotability scale, contributes to our development and the organization's success.

In conclusion, let's encourage a culture where every task is valued, and learning is a continuous journey. By doing so, we can create a more fulfilling and productive work environment for everyone.

Let me know your thoughts?
6th Aug 2024

Sunday, August 04, 2024

The Rise of Wisdom Work in a Multigenerational Workforce + Mentern; Voyager -I (12.6 Billion Miles away).


Context:-Intriguing couple of Articles on HBR Blog........

In today's rapidly evolving work environment, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of not just knowledge work but also wisdom work. As we navigate 2024, the dynamics within workplaces are shifting, driven by the diverse needs and strengths of a multigenerational workforce. This includes five distinct generations: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.

Knowledge Work: The Foundation

Knowledge work has been the cornerstone of modern organizations. It involves tasks that require cognitive skills, technical expertise, and the ability to process and apply information. Roles in fields like IT, engineering, research, and finance are prime examples of knowledge work. Knowledge workers are essential for innovation, problem-solving, and maintaining competitive advantage in a fast-paced world.

Wisdom Work: The Emerging Paradigm

Wisdom work, on the other hand, goes beyond the mere application of knowledge. It involves leveraging deep insights, emotional intelligence, and experiential understanding to make sound decisions, mentor others, and navigate complex, ambiguous situations. Wisdom work is becoming increasingly critical as organizations face challenges that require more than technical solutions.

Practical Examples of Wisdom Work

Multigenerational Collaboration

In many Indian organizations, the presence of multiple generations working together is a common scenario. For instance, in a large IT company in Bangalore, you might find Baby Boomers and Gen X employees with decades of experience working alongside Millennials and Gen Z who bring fresh perspectives and technological savvy.

Example: A senior project manager (Gen X) may have extensive experience in handling client relations and navigating organizational politics. However, they might rely on a younger colleague (Millennial or Gen Z) to introduce new project management software or agile methodologies that enhance team efficiency. The senior manager’s wisdom combined with the younger employee’s knowledge creates a synergistic effect, leading to better project outcomes.

Reverse Mentoring and the Mentern Model

The concept of "mentern" is gaining traction, where a younger employee mentors a senior leader. This is particularly relevant in areas where younger generations have more up-to-date knowledge, such as digital marketing, social media, and emerging technologies.

Example: In a leading Indian FMCG company, a young marketing executive proficient in social media trends might mentor a senior marketing director. The younger employee can provide insights into the latest digital marketing strategies, while the senior director shares strategic thinking, leadership insights, and market knowledge accumulated over decades. This reverse mentoring enriches both parties and enhances the company's marketing strategies.

Classic Example of a Mentern Relationship

1. SAP’s Reverse Mentoring Program

SAP, the multinational software corporation, initiated a reverse mentoring program where young employees mentor senior executives. This program aims to bridge the digital skills gap by pairing tech-savvy younger employees with older executives who need to become more adept with new technologies.

Mentern Aspect: Younger employees mentor executives on digital tools, social media strategies, and emerging technologies, while executives share their extensive business acumen and leadership skills. This fosters a bi-directional learning experience.

2. Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) Reverse Mentoring

P&G has implemented reverse mentoring programs where younger employees help senior leaders understand digital trends, new media, and the preferences of younger consumers. This program helps the company stay relevant in a rapidly changing market.

Mentern Aspect: Young employees mentor senior leaders on the latest digital marketing strategies and consumer behavior trends, while the senior leaders provide guidance on strategic decision-making and organizational values.

Key Elements of a Successful Mentern Relationship

  1. Mutual Benefit: Both the mentor and the intern benefit from the relationship. The senior executive gains new knowledge and skills, while the younger employee receives career guidance and insight into strategic thinking.
  2. Open Communication: Successful mentern relationships rely on open, honest communication. Both parties must be willing to listen and learn from each other.
  3. Structured Interaction: Regular meetings with clear objectives and goals help maintain the focus and productivity of the mentorship.
  4. Supportive Culture: An organizational culture that values continuous learning and development is essential for these relationships to thrive.

The Shift from Knowledge to Wisdom Work

Organizations are gradually shifting towards valuing wisdom work, recognizing that it is not just about what you know, but how you apply that knowledge in a broader, more impactful manner. Here are a few reasons why this shift is occurring:

  1. Complex Problem-Solving: Modern problems are often complex and multifaceted, requiring more than just technical knowledge. Wisdom helps in understanding the broader context and long-term implications of decisions.
  2. Leadership and Mentoring: Effective leadership requires wisdom. Leaders must mentor and guide their teams, navigate organizational complexities, and foster a positive work culture.
  3. Emotional Intelligence: Wisdom work involves high emotional intelligence, enabling better interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution, and team dynamics.


As we move through 2024, the integration of wisdom work alongside knowledge work is proving to be a radical yet essential evolution in organizational practices. The presence of a multigenerational workforce offers a unique opportunity to harness the best of both worlds—leveraging the deep, experiential insights of older generations and the innovative, current knowledge of younger ones. The rise of the "mentern" model is a testament to this evolving dynamic, where mutual mentorship fosters a richer, more collaborative work environment.

Embracing wisdom work and the mentern concept can lead to more resilient, adaptive, and successful organizations, prepared to tackle the challenges of the future with a well-rounded, insightful approach.

Voyager I. (1977)

(According to one academic study, it’ll be about 20,000 years before Voyager pokes through the Oort cloud, a shell of ice and comets surrounding the solar system, and 30,000 years before it comes anywhere near another star. It’ll be about 500 million years before it completes a lap around the galaxy. The golden record is given good odds to survive at least 5 billion years, interstellar dust posing the biggest risk. Modelling gets more difficult after that, as our Milky Way is set to collide with the Andromeda galaxy.)

I am stunned beyond belief by the story of NASA's Voyager I. Launched in 1977 (I remember the launch)  to explore the galaxy, Voyager I stopped transmitting signals back to Earth in 2023, after traversing an astonishing 12.6 billion miles. What's even more incredible is that the programs running Voyager I were written in 1975 code and language, with a total data capacity of only 16 KB—less than what it takes to type this note.

Voyager I travels at a rate of 1,600 km per minute, away from us, as I write this. When the transmission stopped, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) faced a monumental challenge. They had to delve into decades-old records, decipher handwritten codes, and trust files containing over 1,000 pages of handwritten documents. Remarkably, two dedicated scientists worked meticulously with the 1970s code, reworking the program and sending a correction signal to Voyager I. They then had to wait 22 hours for the signal to bounce back.

And now, Voyager I is transmitting signals back to Earth once again! 

I have a 20-page Financial Times' intriguing story, detailing this extraordinary effort. If you're interested in reading over Sunday afternoon Tea, I can send it across. It's an exciting read. This achievement is a shining example of human ingenuity and perseverance. As Apollo 13 Mission Director Gene Kranz famously said while rescuing the three stranded astronauts in space, "Failure is not an option."


Todd Barber with Lucky Peanuts Jar. (1977 jar).       Files dusted to check codes, notes etc. (1975-77 post launch).


Here's a fact-check of the details about Voyager I:

  1. Launch and Mission:

    • Voyager I was launched on September 5, 1977, with the primary mission to explore Jupiter and Saturn.
    • It is indeed traveling through interstellar space now, having left the solar system.
  2. Transmission Status:

    • Voyager I is still transmitting signals to Earth, though it is extremely faint due to its vast distance. The last recorded data transmission was in February 2023.
  3. Code and Data:

    • The Voyager spacecraft were programmed using the Fortran programming language, and the onboard computer systems have very limited memory and processing power compared to modern standards.
  4. Travel Speed:

    • Voyager I travels at approximately 17 kilometers per second (about 60,000 km/h), which is roughly 1,600 km/minute. This speed is consistent with the figures mentioned.
  5. Restoration and Signal Correction:

    • There have been various maintenance and updates to the communication system over the years, including sending correction commands to adjust the spacecraft’s instruments. This process involves waiting for long periods due to the vast distance.
  6. Handwritten Records:

    • The archival process at JPL includes maintaining and working with old records, including handwritten documents, especially when dealing with legacy systems.
  7. Quote from Apollo 13:

    • The quote “Failure is not an option” is attributed to Gene Kranz, (1933- ) the Apollo 13 Flight Director, reflecting the intense problem-solving efforts during the mission.failure-gene-kranz-quote-wikipedia-public-domain1.webp


In April 2024, NASA engineers fixed a computer problem on Voyager 1 that had been making its transmissions unreadable since November 14, 2023. The problem was caused by a malfunctioning chip in the spacecraft's Flight Data Subsystem (FDS), which collects and transmits science and engineering data to Earth. The engineers:
  1. Broke up the code stored in the chip and moved sections into functioning parts of the FDS memory
  2. Rewrote some of the reshuffled code
  3. Saved the modifications to the FDS memory
  4. Uploaded the update on April 18

Let me know your comments.




Friday, August 02, 2024

The Long Road to Freedom: The Dramatic Release of Evan Gershkovich and the Largest Prisoner Swap Since the Cold War


Evan Gershkovich; (left Sitting) Paul Whelan, in short-sleeve shirt; and Alsu Kurmasheva, in white shirt and gray pants, aboard an aircraft after their release. Photo: U.S. government/Reuters - WSJ Photo. 

Evan Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal reporter, found himself embroiled in a high-stakes international drama when he was detained by Russia on espionage charges. His arrest marked the first time since the Cold War that a journalist for an American news outlet was accused of spying in Russia. Gershkovich's ordeal lasted for 490 harrowing days, during which he faced a closed-door trial and a 16-year prison sentence.

The path to Gershkovich's release was a complex, protracted process involving multiple countries and high-level negotiations. In what became the largest prisoner exchange since the Cold War, Russia agreed to release 16 Western prisoners, including Gershkovich and Marine veteran, Paul Whelan, who had been held for six years on dubious spying charges. In return, the West freed eight Russian individuals, one of whom was the notorious assassin Vadim Krasikov, a key figure desired by Putin's regime. Putin's unwavering resolve to bring Krasikov back to Russia played a crucial role in this exchange and ultimately paid off. 

Vadim Krasikov, a former intelligence officer and Russian hit man, was serving a life sentence for the murder of a rebel leader in Berlin. (Putin wanted him at any cost thus making exchange more complex!). 

This swap underscores the relentless efforts of the hostages' families, who never lost hope and kept the pressure on their governments. It also highlights the perilous nature of international travel to hostile regions. As a frequent traveler to such places, I have experienced firsthand the unsettling feeling of having my hotel room searched and belongings inspected. (When I am away, and clear traces left that some one was there!).  These actions serve as stark reminders of the risks involved.

The negotiations were painstaking and required immense patience, particularly because they involved leaders from the US, Russia, Germany, and other nations. The sad irony of this story is the fate of Alexei Navalny, the prominent Russian dissident, who was on the list for release but tragically passed away months earlier.

The successful conclusion of this negotiation is a testament to diplomatic perseverance and the unwavering spirit of those affected. It is a poignant reminder of the fragility of freedom and the enduring hope that sustains those in captivity. Credit must also be given to WSJ, which never missed a day mentioning Evan's fate and injustice, in their articles. 

For more details on the release and the complex negotiations involved, you can read more here.


2.8.24 930am.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Navigating Through Trust, Change, and Integrity: Lessons from Personal and Societal Challenges


Blog on three different topics but connect a common theme---> Values and Integrity. 


In today’s fast-paced world, trust and integrity are more crucial than ever. Our professional and personal lives are often tested by failures, societal shifts, and unpredictable changes. Through my own experiences and observations, I’ve learned that navigating these challenges requires a blend of honesty, resilience, and adaptability. In this blog, I will share insights on recovering from professional mistakes, addressing the concerning trends in student behavior, and embracing uncertainty with integrity.

Recovering from Professional Mistakes and Rebuilding Trust

One of the most daunting challenges in a professional setting is recovering from a significant mistake. Imagine a situation akin to the Blue Screen of Death on Microsoft systems—a sudden and catastrophic failure that disrupts everything. This metaphor aptly describes the chaos that can ensue after a major work mishap.

In my early career during the 1980s, I faced a pivotal learning moment. I failed to validate my work thoroughly, which led to a substantial issue and an earful from my boss. (My Beard is in awe of him as he had) This experience, though painful, became a crucial turning point. It taught me valuable lessons that transformed my approach to work and professional relationships.

Here’s how to recover and rebuild trust:

  • Acknowledge the Mistake: Admit your error openly. Honesty is the first step in regaining credibility.
  • Communicate Transparently: Engage in clear and honest dialogue with colleagues and superiors about what happened and your plans for rectification. Never hesitate to deliver bad news, it shows courage to tackle the situation. 
  • Implement Changes: Demonstrate commitment to improvement by making tangible changes and showing how you’ve addressed the issue.
  • Seek Feedback: Actively seek constructive criticism to guide your future efforts and prevent similar issues.

Addressing the Decline in Respect and Behavior in Indian Schools

Recent news about misbehavior in Indian schools paints a troubling picture. Reports of students abusing teachers, engaging in violence and bullying, showing contempt for elders, and even consuming alcohol in class reflect a disturbing shift in behavior and respect. These issues highlight a broader societal problem and a decline in the sanctity of the teacher-student relationship.

Comparing Past and Present: A few decades ago, the teacher-student relationship was deeply respected. Education was viewed as a noble profession, and schools were places of learning and respect. Today, however, the commercialization of education has shifted priorities, often at the expense of values and discipline.

Generational Perspective: The changes in student behavior can partly be attributed to generational shifts. Different generations experience varying societal pressures, technological advancements, and educational philosophies. For instance, the rise of digital technology has transformed how students interact with information and authority figures. The values and norms of previous generations may not fully align with those of today’s youth, leading to a disconnect in behaviors and expectations.

Possible Solutions to Address These Issues:

  • Reinforce Values: Schools should emphasize core values like respect and integrity as integral parts of the curriculum.
  • Strengthen Regulations: Implement and enforce stricter policies to maintain discipline and ensure respectful behavior.
  • Community Involvement: Engage parents and community members in supporting educational standards and reinforcing respect for educators.

Embracing Uncertainty and Change with Integrity

Uncertainty and change are inevitable parts of life, both professionally and personally. The key to managing these challenges is to focus on what remains constant: delivering outstanding performance and results threoff, and maintaining integrity. 

Strategies for Navigating Uncertainty:

  • Performance Excellence: Commit to meeting expectations with high-quality results, on time, and within budget. This consistent performance builds trust and reliability.
  • Maintaining Integrity: Uphold honesty and strong ethical standards. Integrity acts as a stable foundation amid changing circumstances.
  • Continuous Improvement: Embrace change as an opportunity for growth. Stay adaptable and seek ways to improve both personally and professionally.


Navigating through professional setbacks, societal changes, and uncertainty requires a steadfast commitment to trust, respect, and integrity. By acknowledging mistakes, addressing troubling trends, and focusing on consistent performance, we can build resilience and maintain our values. The generational shift we are witnessing is part of a larger societal evolution, and by understanding and addressing these changes thoughtfully, we can foster a more respectful and resilient future. I hope these insights encourage you to reflect on your own experiences and embrace these principles as you face your own challenges.


1st Aug 2024, 9am.