I am down with Acute Bronchitis and undergoing intense treatment with Antibiotics and interventions. So many tests, scans, etc. over the past 96 hours. My doctor is good, I trust her a lot! That also helps!
The surprising thing was this landed on me without any symptoms of cough, cold, fever, running nose, soar throat, sputum etc. Yes, I was away on personal travel to Cochin, for 2 days (Sat-Sun to note and be alert to symptoms) away from Bangalore, even then there was no indication that it was coming!! But when it hit everything happened within 8 hrs (11pm to 7am Monday) leading me to rush to my family physician (Internal Medicine) who surprised me further saying 8 hrs is a lot of time for things to go downhill even for these issues!! Shows how vulnerable we are.!!! (My guess was that getting drenched indirectly in Bombay rains might have been the reason, besides travel to a few locations every week with routine habits disturbed!)
The second surprise that awaited me was that the X-ray showed a bulk of mucus pushing and causing strain some nerves in the bronchial region leading to the left shoulder, which caused(ing) excruciating, unbearable pain that made me cry out uncontrollably with Lalitha watching me helplessly. (No pain killer, spray relieved it! It was like hitting with a sledgehammer with every intake of breath causing it). The only positive thing in my crying was the first time it brought out some mucus to blow away, through nasal passage ahhahahhah!....
The doctor indicated unless the mucus dissolves away, no help in sight!! (I am doing a little better, since, but can't turn and sleep on my left side!)... Mucus weighing milligrams on the nerve that runs 10s of feet causing pain that has no solutions, shows another classic feature of the body that is vulnerable.!!
We are very very vulnerable! Do we even realize it? I wonder??? I am beginning to feel better. Hopefully, my follow-up visit Friday or so, will help to close the thing.
I am taking off all week. OH, yes ever since medication, I am sleeping 18-19 hrs a day, may be making up for all the lost sleep! First time in 48 hrs thoughts other than disease, or illness have come into my brain shows how much the brain hijacks things- a Third surprise!.. I slept peacefully today from 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm dreamless, thoughtless!..! I expect the night to be better!
Nebulizer that is giving me company now!! hhhahaha! (Adding to bp monitor, glucometer, Thermometer in the kit!!)