Sunday, May 02, 2010

1000; IPL;Travel

It is good to be back to blogging almost after 4 weeks gap; We were away on travel holidays. Also the catchup and some personal emergency situation in the family means no time to sit in front of laptop and put the thoughts in keys.

I am delighted to let all know that I have reached 1000th Linkedin connection this week. When I joined Linkedin in 2007 July, little that I had imagined that I would build a network of Safety, HR and other professionals over time. The acceptance of linedin has also changed over time; It is no longer a portal viewed as putting yourself for job hopping; It is much more than that. ( I havent changed one in the last 3 years!). Mike and Mark have emphasized the importance of linkedin in their MT/ Career tools podcast. A must listen.
So the IPL is all over; I am glad I didn't watch any match on TV and hardly followed. I always had doubts about it and was expressing it to my friends before the skeletons tumbled. I am glad a newspaper of Economist stature has also brought the issue out. 

We had a good travel around Delhi, Agra, Hyderabad and I had been on Twitter on the progress. It was a good trip and We enjoyed every moment of it. Watch out when going to TAJ; you may be dehydrated as there are no water refills(Shame!). Also the traffic unpredictability in Uttarpradesh with the traffic jams.(It can double your travel time). I am attaching Photos below.

Snow world at Hyderabad when outside temp was 43 Deg cel it was -5C inside. Good one hour.
Till next week; take it easy and take care; Live consciously.